Managing autoscalers

If you use managed instance groups (MIGs) , read this document to learn how to create, configure, and delete your MIG's autoscaler .

Before you begin

  • If you haven't already, set up authentication. Authentication is the process by which your identity is verified for access to Google Cloud services and APIs. To run code or samples from a local development environment, you can authenticate to Compute Engine as follows.

    Select the tab for how you plan to use the samples on this page:


    When you use the Google Cloud console to access Google Cloud services and APIs, you don't need to set up authentication.


    1. Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:

    2. Set a default region and zone .


    To use the REST API samples on this page in a local development environment, you use the credentials you provide to the gcloud CLI.

      Install the Google Cloud CLI, then initialize it by running the following command:


    For more information, see Authenticate for using REST in the Google Cloud authentication documentation.

Creating an autoscaler

Creating an autoscaler is slightly different depending on which autoscaling policy you want to use. For instructions on creating an autoscaler, see:

Getting information about an autoscaler

To get more information about a particular autoscaler, use the console, the gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe sub-command, or the get method for a zonal or regional autoscaler REST resource.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of a MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.
  3. Click Detailsto view the group's details, including its autoscaling settings.


Use the instance-groups managed describe command :

gcloud compute instance-groups managed describe INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 

If an autoscaler is attached to the group, the command returns details about the autoscaler:

    coolDownPeriodSec: 60
      utilizationTarget: 0.6
    maxNumReplicas: 20
    minNumReplicas: 10
    mode: ON
      timeWindowSec: 300
        fixed: 3
        calculated: 3


Use the instanceGroupManagers.get method . For a regional MIG, replace zones/ ZONE with regions/ REGION .

/zones/ ZONE 
/instanceGroupManagers/ INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 

If an autoscaler is attached to the group, the request returns a link to the autoscaler resource.

200 OK

  "status": {
    "autoscaler": ""

To retrieve details about the autoscaler resource, use the autoscalers.get method for a zonal MIG or the regionAutoscalers.get method for a regional MIG.

/zones/ ZONE 
200 OK

 "kind": "compute#autoscaler",
 "id": "8744945839459481093",
 "creationTimestamp": "2018-09-28T13:02:50.553-07:00",
 "name": "example-group",
 "target": "",
 "autoscalingPolicy": {
  "minNumReplicas": 10,
  "maxNumReplicas": 20,
  "mode": "ON",
  "scaleInControl": {
    "timeWindowSec": 60,
    "maxScaledInReplicas": {
      "calculated": 3,
      "percent": 15
  "coolDownPeriodSec": 60,
  "cpuUtilization": {
   "utilizationTarget": 0.6
 "zone": "",
 "selfLink": "",
 "status": "ACTIVE"

Updating an autoscaler

When you update an autoscaler, it might take some time for the changes to propagate, and it might be a couple of minutes before your new autoscaler settings are reflected.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of a MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.
  3. Click Editto view and update the group's current configuration, including its autoscaling settings.
  4. Click Savewhen you are done.


Use the update-autoscaling command .

gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 
        --max-num-replicas MAX_NUM 

For instructions on how to create an autoscaler, see Creating an autoscaler .


To update an autoscaler resource, use the autoscalers.patch method for a zonal MIG or regionAutoscalers.patch method for a regional MIG. Provide a request body that contains the new configuration.


 "autoscalingPolicy": {
  "maxNumReplicas": 20
200 OK

 "kind": "compute#operation",
 "id": "4244494732310423322",
 "name": "operation-1556912627871-58800f8216ed7-74ab1720-7d360603",
 "zone": "",
 "operationType": "compute.autoscalers.patch",
 "targetLink": "",
 "targetId": "340775527929467142",
 "status": "RUNNING",

When you perform any requests that modify data, a zoneOperations or regionOperations resource is returned, and you can query the operation to check the status of your change.

Using predictive autoscaling

Predictive autoscaling uses historical data to scale out your group ahead of anticipated load. It works best if your workload meets the following criteria:

  • Your application takes a long time to initialize—for example, if you configure an initialization period of more than 2 minutes.
  • Your workload varies predictably with daily or weekly cycles.

For more information, see Scaling based on predictions .

Turning off or restricting an autoscaler

Turn off an autoscaler to temporarily prevent it from scaling your MIG, or restrict your autoscaler so that it can only scale out your MIG. This feature is useful when you want to:

  • Investigate VM instances without interference from scaling in.
  • Reconfigure multiple properties of your MIG without scaling actions being triggered while your group is only partially reconfigured.
  • Maintain MIG capacity for a fast rollback while redirecting a workload to a new MIG.
  • Enable predictive autoscaling later. Predictive autoscaling requires an autoscaling policy in order to start gathering load history on which to base predictions. The autoscaler detects this history even when its mode is set to OFF .

If and when you re-enable the autoscaler, the autoscaler automatically returns to normal operation.

Use the instructions provided in this section to set the autoscaler's mode. The following modes are available:

  • Off: Temporarily disables autoscaling. Use this mode to prevent automatic changes of the MIG's size. The autoscaling configuration remains intact so you can re-enable autoscaling later.
  • Only scale out: Restrict autoscaling only to adding new VM instances. Use this mode to protect the group from shrinking and allow the group to provision extra VMs when load increases.
  • On: Enables all autoscaling operations per its policy.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of a MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.
  3. Click Editto view the group's current configuration, including its autoscaling settings.
  4. Under Autoscaling, set the Autoscaling modeto disable or restrict autoscaling for the group, or to turn the autoscaler back on.
  5. Click Savewhen you are done.


To disable, restrict, or re-enable an autoscaler, use the update-autoscaling command with the --mode flag.

gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 
        --mode MODE 

Replace the following:

  • MODE :
    • off to disable the autoscaler but maintain its configuration
    • only-scale-out to restrict the autoscaler to adding VM instances only
    • on to re-enable all autoscaler activities according to its policy


To update the mode of an autoscaler resource, use the autoscalers.patch method for a zonal MIG or the regionAutoscalers.patch method for a regional MIG. Provide a request body that includes the autoscalingPolicy.mode property.


  "autoscalingPolicy": {
    "mode":" MODE 

Replace the following:

  • MODE :
    • OFF to disable the autoscaler but maintain its configuration
    • ONLY_SCALE_OUT to restrict the autoscaler to adding instances only
    • ON to re-enable all autoscaler activities according to its policy

When you set the autoscaling mode to ONLY_SCALE_OUT , the autoscaler behaves as follows:

  • The autoscaler does not decrease the MIG's targetSize value regardless of decreases in load or changes to the autoscaler configuration.
  • If you manually change the target size of a zonal MIG, the autoscaler overrides your manually provided size if it is smaller than the autoscaler's recommended size.
  • You cannot manually change the target size of a regional MIG.
  • If you set the autoscalingPolicy.maxNumReplicas field to a lower value than the group's current targetSize value while the autoscaler's mode is set to ONLY_SCALE_OUT , the autoscaler does not reduce the number of instances in the group. As usual, the autoscaler continuously recomputes the group's recommended size and might decrease the group's recommended size to comply with the new maximum, but the group is not scaled in.
  • The autoscalers.status field reports a warning: "Autoscaling operates in a restricted mode: ONLY_SCALE_OUT."

When you set the autoscaler's mode to OFF , the autoscaler behaves as follows:

  • The autoscaler does not change the MIG's targetSize value in response to changes in load or in autoscaler configuration. As usual, the autoscaler continuously recomputes the group's recommended size and might decrease the group's recommended size to comply with the new maximum, but the group is not scaled in.
  • You can manually change the target size of a zonal or a regional MIG. The minNumReplicas and maxNumReplicas values of the autoscaling policy do not affect the size you set.
  • If you turn off autoscaling for a regional MIG in which proactive instance redistribution is enabled, and if the MIG has an uneven distribution of instances across zones, then the group proactively deletes or creates instances in its zones to reestablish an even distribution.
  • The autoscalers.status field reports a warning: "Autoscaling operates in a restricted mode: OFF."

Controlling the scale-in rate of an autoscaler

If your workloads take many minutes to initialize, configure scale-in controls to reduce the risk of response latency and outages due to abrupt scale-in events. Specifically, if you routinely expect a load spike to follow soon after a decline in load, you can limit the scale-in rate. Limiting the scale-in rate prevents the autoscaler from reducing a MIG's size by more VM instances than your workload can tolerate to lose.

Configuring scale-in controls

Configuring scale-in controls is optional. By default, scale-in controls are not configured. When not configured, the autoscaler still relies on its default stabilization mechanism . That is, it maintains the recommended size at a level required to serve peak load, observed during the stabilization period.


To configure scale-in controls for an autoscaled MIG:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of an autoscaled MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.

  3. Click Editto view the group's current configuration, including its autoscaling settings.

  4. Under Autoscaling, click Scale-in controls, then select Enable scale-in controls.

  5. Under Don't scale in by more than, specify the maximum number or percent of instances that can be removed from the group at a time.

  6. Under Over the course of, specify how often instances can be removed from the group.

  7. Click Save.


You can configure scale-in controls when creating an autoscaler or when updating an autoscaler.

Configuring scale-in controls when creating an autoscaler

Set scale-in controls when creating an autoscaler for a MIG by using the --scale-in-control flag with the gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling command . For example, use the following command to configure autoscaling for an example-group :

gcloud compute instance-groups managed set-autoscaling INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 
    --target-cpu-utilization 0.6 \
    --max-num-replicas 50 \
    --scale-in-control max-scaled-in-replicas= MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS 
,time-window= TIME_WINDOW 

Configuring scale-in controls when updating an autoscaler

Update scale-in controls in a MIG's existing autoscaler by using the --scale-in-control flag with the gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling command . For example, use the following command to set scale-in controls in an existing autoscaling configuration for example-group :

gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 
    --scale-in-control max-scaled-in-replicas= MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS 
,time-window= TIME_WINDOW 

Replace the following:

  • INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME : the name of the MIG to update.
  • MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS : the maximum number of VMs allowed to be deducted from the peak size, taken from the specified trailing time window. The specified number of VM instances can be scaled in all at once, so your service should be able to afford losing this many VMs all at once. You can specify either a number of VMs or a percentage. Use the % sign for percentages; for example: 50% .
  • TIME_WINDOW : trailing time window to take the peak size from. Autoscaling won't scale in by more than the maximum allowed number of replicas from the peak size taken during this trailing time window. Specify this value in seconds within a [60, 3600] interval.

For example, say you set the time window to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). When calculating the current recommended size for the MIG, the autoscaler uses the following logic:

  • Take the peak size from the last 30 minutes (for example, 100 VMs)
  • Take max-scaled-in-replicas (for example, 10 VMs)
  • Set the lower bound of the recommended size to: peak size minus max-scaled-in-replicas (100 - 10 = 90 VMs)


Configure scale-in controls by setting the maxScaledInReplicas and timeWindowSec fields within the autoscalingPolicy.scaleInControl structure in a zonal or regional autoscaler resource. There are no default values for these fields, you must provide values for both fields.

You can configure scale-in controls when creating an autoscaler or when updating an autoscaler.

Configuring scale-in controls when creating an autoscaler

For a zonal MIG, use the autoscalers.insert method . For a regional MIG, use the regionAutoscalers.insert method .

/regions/ REGION 

  "name": " AUTOSCALER_NAME 
  "target": " PROJECT_ID 
/regions/ REGION 
/instanceGroupManagers/ INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 
  "autoscalingPolicy": {
    "minNumReplicas": 1,
    "maxNumReplicas": 5,
    "coolDownPeriodSec": 60,
    "cpuUtilization": {
      "utilizationTarget": 0.8
    }, "scaleInControl": {
      "maxScaledInReplicas": {
           "fixed": MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS 
      "timeWindowSec": TIME_WINDOW 

For more information about creating an autoscaler, refer to the following articles:

Configuring scale-in controls when updating an autoscaler

For a zonal MIG, use the autoscalers.patch method . For a regional MIG, use the regionAutoscalers.patch method .

/regions/ REGION 
/autoscalers?autoscaler= AUTOSCALER_NAME 
  "autoscalingPolicy": {
    "minNumReplicas": 1,
    "maxNumReplicas": 5,
    "coolDownPeriodSec": 60,
    "cpuUtilization": {
      "utilizationTarget": 0.8
    }, "scaleInControl": {
      "maxScaledInReplicas": {
           "fixed": MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS 
      "timeWindowSec": TIME_WINDOW 

Replace the following:

  • AUTOSCALER_NAME : the name of the autoscaler to create. You can name your autoscaler after the MIG that will use it or name it something else.
  • INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME : the name of the MIG to add the autoscaler to. For a regional MIG, replace zones/ ZONE with regions/ REGION .
  • MAX_SCALE_IN_REPLICAS : the maximum number of VMs allowed to be deducted from the peak recommended target size, taken from the specified trailing time window. The specified number of VM instances can be scaled in all at once, so your service should be able to afford to lose this many VMs all at once. You can specify either a number of VMs or a percentage. Use the maxScaledInReplicas.percentage to specify a percent value.
  • TIME_WINDOW : the trailing time window to take the peak recommended size from. Autoscaling won't scale in by more than the maximum allowed number of replicas from the peak recommended size taken during this trailing time window. Specify this value in seconds within a [60, 3600] interval; for example: 1800 .

For example, say you set the time window to 1800 seconds (30 minutes). When calculating the current recommended size for the MIG, the autoscaler uses the following logic:

  • Take the peak size from the last 30 minutes (for example, 100 VMs)
  • Take max-scaled-in-replicas (for example, 10 VMs)
  • Set the lower bound of the recommended size to: peak size minus max-scaled-in-replicas (100 - 10 = 90 VMs)

For more information about how scale-in controls work, see Understanding autoscaler decisions .

Getting current configuration of scale-in controls

To get the current configuration of scale-in controls, see Getting information about an autoscaler .

Removing scale-in controls

You can remove scale-in controls to lift restrictions on the timing and magnitude of scale-in operations using the Google Cloud CLI or the Compute Engine API.

Without scale-in controls, the autoscaler still relies on its default stabilization mechanism . Specifically, it maintains a recommended size at a level required to serve peak load, observed during the stabilization period.


To remove scale-in controls for an autoscaled MIG:

  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of an autoscaled MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.

  3. Click Editto view the group's current configuration, including its autoscaling settings.

  4. Under Autoscaling, click Scale-in controls, then clear the Enable scale-in controlscheckbox.

  5. Click Save.


Remove scale-in controls by using the --clear-scale-in-control flag with the gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling command . For example, use the following command to remove scale-in controls from the autoscaling configuration for example-group :

gcloud compute instance-groups managed update-autoscaling example-group \


To remove scale-in controls, use the autoscalers.patch method for a zonal MIG or use the regionAutoscalers.patch method for a regional MIG, and provide empty configuration for scale-in controls.

/zones/ ZONE 
/autoscalers?autoscaler= AUTOSCALER_NAME 
  "autoscalingPolicy": {
    "scaleInControl": null

Replace the following:

Deleting an autoscaler

You can permanently delete your autoscaler resource, and its history. If you want to temporarily stop autoscaling and keep your autoscaler resource and its configuration and history, disable your autoscaler instead.


  1. In the Google Cloud console, go to the Instance groupspage.

    Go to Instance groups

  2. Click the name of a MIG from the list to open that group's overview page.

  3. Click Editto view the group's current configuration, including its autoscaling settings.

  4. Under Autoscaling, from the Autoscaling modedrop-down list select Delete autoscaling configurationto stop the autoscaler and delete its configuration.

  5. Click Savewhen you are done.


Use the stop-autoscaling command to stop an autoscaler and delete its configuration.

gcloud compute instance-groups managed stop-autoscaling INSTANCE_GROUP_NAME 

Stopping an autoscaler deletes it from the MIG. If you want to restart the autoscaler, you must recreate it by using the set-autoscaling command .

If you delete a MIG using the gcloud CLI, any autoscalers attached to the MIG are also deleted.


To stop an autoscaler and delete its configuration, use the autoscalers.delete method for a zonal MIG or use the regionAutoscalers.delete method for a regional MIG.

/zones/ ZONE 
/autoscalers/ AUTOSCALER_NAME 

We want to learn about your use cases, challenges, and feedback about autoscaling. Share your feedback with our team at .

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