Operating system details

This page provides general operating system (OS) details and feature support for the OS images that are available on Compute Engine.

Some OS images are customized specifically to run on Compute Engine and have notable differences from the standard images that come directly from the operating system vendors. These differences are also covered for each OS.

For information about how support and maintenance is provided for these OS images on Compute Engine, based on support package, license type, and image lifecycle stage, see Support and maintenance policy for OS images .


CentOS Linux is a free operating system that is derived from Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL). Google Cloud builds and supports the CentOS images available for Compute Engine. There is no license fee for using CentOS with Compute Engine.

CentOS Stream is a distribution that is continuously delivered and tracks just ahead of RHEL development. CentOS Stream is positioned as a midstream development platform between Fedora Linux and RHEL.

Automatic updates

By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the RHEL yum-cron or dnf-automatic tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

  • The yum-cron or dnf-automatic does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system.
  • The upgrade tool is configured to only apply updates marked by the vendor as security updates.
  • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
Image configuration

The CentOS and CentOS Stream images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard CentOS images:

Account configuration

  • There are no local users configured with passwords.

Bootloader configuration

  • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .
  • The I/O scheduler is set to noop .

Network configuration

  • IPv6 is enabled.
  • The DHCP client is set to retry every 10 seconds instead of every 5 minutes. The client is also set to persistent mode instead of oneshot .
  • The SSH server configuration is set up as follows:
    • Password authentication is disabled.
    • To prevent SSH disconnections, ServerAliveInterval and ClientAliveInterval are set to 7 minutes.
    • Root login is disabled.
  • /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules is disabled.
  • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.
  • By default, all traffic is allowed through the guest firewall because the VPC firewall rules overrides the guest firewall rules. The guest firewall rules remains enabled and can be configured through normal CentOS methods.
  • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

Package system and repository configuration

  • Google Cloud repositories are enabled to install packages for the Compute Engine guest environment and the Google Cloud CLI .
    • Repositories are set to use the CentOS default mirror network.
      • For CentOS Stream 8, the PowerTools repository is enabled.
      • For CentOS 7, EPEL is enabled.
    • Automatic updates are configured as follows:
      • For CentOS 7, automatic updates are enabled by using yum-cron .
      • For CentOS Stream, automatic updates are enabled by using dnf automatic .
      • For all versions, the update_cmd property is set to security .However, by default CentOS does not offer security tagged repositories.
      • IPv6 endpoints are disabled in the yum or dnf config files for all versions.

    Storage configuration

    • By default, images are 20 GB. This is the recommended minimum size.
    • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI .
    • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine .

    Time configuration

    • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

    General information

    OS version Image project Image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
    centos-cloud centos-stream-9 All except T2A GA May 31, 2027
    CentOS Stream 8
    N/A N/A N/A EOS May 2024
    CentOS 8
    N/A N/A N/A EOS Dec 2021
    CentOS 7
    N/A N/A N/A EOS June 30, 2024
    CentOS 6
    N/A N/A N/A EOS November 30, 2020


    OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    # #
    CentOS 6

    * This OS image supports NVMe but does not include all optimizations for NVMe.

    # If a multiple NIC VM is created using this OS image, the VM might lose network connectivity after rebooting. This happens if one of these NICs uses a non-VirtIO interface. See known issues .

    Security features

    SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    CentOS 6

    User space features

    OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    CentOS 6

    Networking features

    OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
    CentOS Stream 9 **
    CentOS Stream 8 **
    CentOS 8 **
    CentOS 7 **
    CentOS 6 **

    * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

    Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

    # Only available with certain machine series.

    ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

    GPU support

    N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

    OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    CentOS 6

    VM Manager

    OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    CentOS 6


    For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

    OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
    CentOS Stream 9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    CentOS 6


    OS version License type License
    CentOS Stream 9
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/centos-cloud/global/licenses/centos-stream-9
    CentOS Stream 8
    CentOS 8
    CentOS 7
    EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/centos-cloud/global/licenses/centos-7
    CentOS 6

    Container-Optimized OS (COS)

    Container-Optimized OS from Google is an operating system image for your Compute Engine instances that is optimized for running Docker containers. Google Cloud builds and supports the Container-Optimized OS images available for Compute Engine. There is no license fee for using Container-Optimized OS with Compute Engine.

    For more information about Container-Optimized OS, see the Container-Optimized OS overview or release notes .

    Automatic updates

    By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using Automatic updates . The updates have the following behaviors:

    • These automatic updates from the operating system vendor do not upgrade instances between major versions of the operating system.
    • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
    Image configuration

    Network configuration

    • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

    General information

    OS version Image project x86 image family Arm image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
    COS 113 LTS
    cos-cloud cos-113-lts cos-arm64-113-lts All except G2 GA April 2026
    COS 109 LTS
    cos-cloud cos-109-lts cos-arm64-109-lts All except G2, X4 GA September 2025
    COS 105 LTS
    cos-cloud cos-105-lts cos-arm64-105-lts All except C3-metal, G2, X4 GA March 2025
    COS 101 LTS
    cos-cloud cos-101-lts cos-arm64-101-lts All except C3-metal, G2, X4 GA September 2024
    COS 97 LTS
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS March 2024
    COS 93 LTS
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS October 2023


    OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS

    Security features

    SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS

    User space features

    OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS

    Networking features

    OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS

    * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

    Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

    # Only available with certain machine series.

    ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

    GPU support

    N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

    For G2 VMs, the current default driver for Container-Optimized OS, don't support L4 GPUs running on G2 machine types. You might be able to install a supported version, see G2 limitations .

    OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS

    VM Manager

    OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS


    For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

    OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
    COS 113 LTS
    COS 109 LTS
    COS 105 LTS
    COS 101 LTS
    COS 97 LTS
    COS 93 LTS


    OS version License type License
    COS 113 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos
    COS 109 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos
    COS 105 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos
    COS 101 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos
    COS 97 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos
    COS 93 LTS
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/cos-cloud/global/licenses/cos


    Debian is a free operating system offered by the Debian community . Google Cloud builds and supports the Debian images available for Compute Engine. There is no license fee for using Debian with Compute Engine.

    Automatic updates

    By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the Debian UnattendedUpgrades tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

    • The UnattendedUpgrades tool does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system.
    • The UnattendedUpgrades tool is configured to only automatically apply updates obtained from the Debian security repository.
    • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
    Image configuration

    The Debian image build configuration is available in an open source GitHub repository .

    • Debian build tools come from the Debian Cloud team image project .

    Debian images are always built with the latest Debian packages which reflect the most recent Debian point release.

    The Debian images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard Debian images:

    Account configuration

    • There are no local users configured with passwords.

    Bootloader configuration

    • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .
    • The I/O scheduler is set to noop .
    • To allow SCSI block multi-queue usage, scsi_mod.use_blk_mq is enabled.

    Network configuration

    • IPv6 is enabled.
    • The SSH server configuration is set up as follows:
      • Password authentication is disabled.
      • Root login is disabled.
    • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.
    • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

    Package system and repository configuration

    • Google Cloud repositories are enabled to install packages for the Compute Engine guest environment and the Google Cloud CLI . The guest environment packages and the Google Cloud CLI packages are installed and enabled by default.
    • The APT sources are set to use the Debian CDN.
    • The Unattended-upgrades package is installed and configured to download and install Debian security updates daily. This can be configured or disabled by changing the values in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic .
    • The cloud-initramfs-growroot package is removed and replaced with the Google supported gce-disk-expand package.
    • Debian 10+ includes the following:
      • The linux-image-cloud-amd64 kernel instead of the generic Debian kernel.
      • The haveged package to provide entropy.

    Storage configuration

    • Images are 10 GB by default.
    • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI . There is also an MBR boot block to support BIOS.
    • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine.

    Time configuration

    • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

    General information

    OS version
    Image project
    x86 image family
    Arm image family
    EOS and image deprecation date
    Debian 12
    All except X4, C3-metal
    Debian 11
    All except X4, C3-metal
    • X86: GA
    • Arm: EOS
    • X86: August 31, 2026
    • Arm: August 15, 2024
    Debian 10
    Debian 9
    June 2022

    * Debian LTS: Debian is supporting this release with Debian LTS . Critical security updates are provided via the Debian LTS project for the duration of the LTS lifecycle.


    OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9

    * This OS image supports NVMe but does not include all optimizations for NVMe.

    # If a multiple NIC VM is created using this OS image, the VM might lose network connectivity after rebooting. This happens if one of these NICs uses a non-VirtIO interface. See known issues .

    Security features

    SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
    Debian 12
    Debian 11 *
    Debian 10
    Debian 9

    * This OS image doesn't support Secure Boot on ARM64.

    User space features

    OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9

    * This OS image doesn't support custom hostnames. For more information see Custom Hostnames .

    Networking features

    OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9

    * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

    Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

    # Only available with certain machine series.

    ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

    GPU support

    N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

    OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9

    VM Manager

    OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9


    For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

    OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
    Debian 12
    Debian 11
    Debian 10
    Debian 9


    OS version License type License
    Debian 12
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/debian-cloud/global/licenses/debian-12-bookworm
    Debian 11
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/debian-cloud/global/licenses/debian-11-bullseye
    Debian 10
    EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/debian-cloud/global/licenses/debian-10-buster
    Debian 9
    EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/debian-cloud/global/licenses/debian-9-stretch

    Fedora CoreOS

    Fedora CoreOS is a distribution that provides features that are needed to run modern infrastructure stacks. Fedora CoreOS uses Linux containers to manage your services at a higher level of abstraction. Google Cloud provides Fedora CoreOS images built and supported by Fedora. There is no license fee for using Fedora CoreOS with Compute Engine.

    Automatic updates

    By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the FedoraCoreOS automatic update tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

    • These automatic updates from the operating system vendor do not upgrade instances between major versions of the operating system.
    • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
    Image configuration

    Network configuration

    • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

    General information

    OS version Image project Image family Arm image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    fedora-coreos-cloud fedora-coreos-stable fedora-coreos-stable-arm64 All except C3-metal, A3, A2, G2, X4 GA Rolling
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    fedora-coreos-cloud fedora-coreos-testing fedora-coreos-testing-arm64 All except C3-metal, A3, A2, G2, X4 GA Rolling
    Fedora CoreOS Next
    fedora-coreos-cloud fedora-coreos-next fedora-coreos-next-arm64 All except C3-metal, A3, A2, G2, X4 GA Rolling


    OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next

    Security features

    SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
    Fedora CoreOS Stable *
    Fedora CoreOS Testing *
    Fedora CoreOS Next *

    * This OS image doesn't support Secure Boot on ARM64.

    User space features

    OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next

    Networking features

    OS version Tier_1 networking 200 Gbps network bandwidth Jumbo frames/MTU
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next

    GPU support

    N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

    OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next

    VM Manager

    OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next


    For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

    OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next


    OS version License type License
    Fedora CoreOS Stable
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/fedora-coreos-cloud/global/licenses/fedora-coreos-stable
    Fedora CoreOS Testing
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/fedora-coreos-cloud/global/licenses/fedora-coreos-testing
    Fedora CoreOS Next
    Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/fedora-coreos-cloud/global/licenses/fedora-coreos-next

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL)

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) is an open-source Linux operating system that provides both server and desktop operating systems. Google Cloud builds and supports the RHEL OS images available for Compute Engine.

    RHEL images are premium resources that incur additional fees to use. If you want to use an existing RHEL subscription, you can use the Red Hat Cloud Access feature.

    The Red Hat Knowledgebase provides you with access to articles, solutions, product documentation, and community discussions. The Red Hat Knowledgebase is available as a single-sign-on (SSO) option through the Google Cloud console. See Access Red Hat Knowledgebase .

    To view a list of frequently asked questions when running RHEL on Compute Engine, see Red Hat Enterprise Linux FAQ .

    Automatic updates

    By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the RHEL yum-cron (RHEL 7) or dnf automatic (RHEL 8+) tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

    • These automatic updates from the operating system vendor do not upgrade instances between major versions of the operating system.
    • Starting with RHEL 7, the operating system is also configured to only apply updates marked by the vendor as security updates.
    • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
    Image configuration

    The RHEL image build configuration is available in an open source GitHub repository .

    RHEL images are always built with the latest RHEL packages, which reflect the most recent point release. Currently, you cannot pin a VM to a point release.

    RHEL for SAP images are tagged to the specific point release they are built for as supported by Red Hat.

    The RHEL images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard RHEL images:

    Account configuration

    • There are no local users configured with passwords.

    Bootloader configuration

    • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .
    • The I/O scheduler is set to noop .

    Network configuration

    • IPv6 is enabled.
    • The DHCP client is set to retry every 10 seconds instead of every 5 minutes. The client is also set to persistent mode instead of oneshot .
    • The SSH server configuration is set up as follows:
      • Password authentication is disabled.
      • To prevent SSH disconnections, ServerAliveInterval and ClientAliveInterval are set to 7 minutes.
      • Root login is disabled.
    • /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules is disabled.
    • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.
    • By default, all traffic is allowed through the guest firewall because the VPC firewall rules overrides the guest firewall rules. The guest firewall rules remains enabled and can be configured through normal RHEL methods.
    • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

    Package and repository configuration

    • Google Cloud repositories are enabled to install packages for the Compute Engine guest environment and the Google Cloud CLI .
    • For RHEL 7, EPEL is enabled.
    • RHEL for SAP yum vars are set to peg the client to the supported RHEL for SAP point release.
    • RHEL content comes from the Compute Engine Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI) servers. If you're unable to get updates from the Red Hat Update Infrastructure (RHUI) servers, the RHUI client package might need to be updated. To update to the latest RHUI client package, run the following command:
      yum -y -q update 'google-rhui-client*'
    • The Google RHUI client package, which contains the configuration needed to access RHEL content, is installed.
    • The Red Hat subscription-manager package is removed because it is not used for pay as you go images.
    • Automatic updates are enabled as follows:
      • For RHEL 7, by using yum-cron .
      • For RHEL 8+, by using dnf automatic .
      • For all versions, the update_cmd property is set to security .
      • IPv6 endpoints are disabled in the yum or dnf config files.

    Storage configuration

    • By default, images are 20 GB. This is the recommended minimum size.
    • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI .

    Time configuration

    • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

    General information

    OS version Image project x86 image family Arm image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
    rhel-cloud rhel-9 rhel-9-arm64 All except X4 GA May 2032
    rhel-cloud rhel-8 N/A All except T2A, X4 GA May 2029
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS *
    June 2024 (ELS June 2028)
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS November 2020 (ELS ends June 30, 2024)
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-9-4-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4 GA April 2028
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-9-2-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4, C3-metal GA May 2027
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-9-0-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4, C3-metal GA May 2026
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-8-10-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4 GA May 2029
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-8-8-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4, C3-metal GA May 2027
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-8-6-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4, C3-metal GA May 2026
    rhel-sap-cloud rhel-8-4-sap-ha N/A All except T2A, X4, C3-metal GA May 2025
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS * April 2024
    N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS *
    June 2024 (ELS June 2028)

    * EOS: End of support.

    ELS: To use this OS image, you must have a subscription or an Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) Add-On. You can append the ELS Add-On to your RHEL 6 VMs as described in Append RHEL ELS licenses .


    OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
    RHEL 9
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    # #
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP
    # #

    * This OS image supports NVMe but does not include all optimizations for NVMe.

    # If a multiple NIC VM is created using this OS image, the VM might lose network connectivity after rebooting. This happens if one of these NICs uses a non-VirtIO interface. See known issues .

    Security features

    SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
    RHEL 9 *
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP

    * This OS image doesn't support Secure Boot on ARM64.

    User space features

    OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
    RHEL 9
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP

    Networking features

    OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
    RHEL 9 **
    RHEL 8 **
    RHEL 7 **
    RHEL 6 **
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP **
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP **
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP **
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP **
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP **
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP **
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP **
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP **

    * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

    Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

    # Only available with certain machine series.

    ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

    GPU support

    N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

    OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
    RHEL 9
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP

    VM Manager

    OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
    RHEL 9
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP


    For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

    OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
    RHEL 9
    RHEL 8
    RHEL 7
    RHEL 6
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP


    OS version
    RHEL 9
    On-demand (Default)
    RHEL 8
    On-demand (Default)
    RHEL 7
    On-demand (Default)
    RHEL 6
    On-demand (Default)
    RHEL 9.4 for SAP
    RHEL 9.2 for SAP
    RHEL 9.0 for SAP
    RHEL 8.10 for SAP
    RHEL 8.8 for SAP
    RHEL 8.6 for SAP
    RHEL 8.4 for SAP
    RHEL 8.2 for SAP
    RHEL 7.9 for SAP

    ELS: To use this OS image, you must have a subscription or an Extended Life Cycle Support (ELS) Add-On. You can append the ELS Add-On to your RHEL 6 VMs as described in Append RHEL ELS licenses .

    Rocky Linux

    Rocky Linux is a free, open, community enterprise operating system designed to be 100% bug-for-bug compatible with Red Hat Enterprise Linux. Google Cloud builds and supports the Rocky Linux images available for Compute Engine. There is no license fee for using Rocky Linux with Compute Engine.

    The following two versions of Rocky Linux operating systems are available on Compute Engine:

    • A fully open source version
    • A version optimized for Google Cloud: this version has the suffix -optimized-gcp and is pre-configured to use the latest version of the Google virtual network interface (gVNIC).
    Automatic updates

    By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the dnf-automatic tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

    • dnf-automatic does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system.
    • The upgrade tool is configured to only apply updates marked by the vendor as security updates.
    • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
    Image configuration

    The Rocky Linux images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard Rocky Linux images:

    Account configuration

    • There are no local users configured with passwords.

    Bootloader configuration

    • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .

    Network configuration

    • IPv6 is enabled.
    • The DHCP client is set to retry every 10 seconds instead of every 5 minutes. The client is also set to persistent mode instead of oneshot .
    • The SSH server configuration is set up as follows:
      • Password authentication is disabled.
      • To prevent SSH disconnections, ServerAliveInterval and ClientAliveInterval are set to 7 minutes.
      • Root login is disabled.
    • /etc/udev/rules.d/75-persistent-net-generator.rules is disabled.
    • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.
    • By default, all traffic is allowed through the guest firewall because the VPC firewall rules overrides the guest firewall rules. The guest firewall rules remains enabled and can be configured through normal Rocky Linux methods.
    • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

    Package system and repository configuration

    • Google Cloud repositories are enabled to install packages for the Compute Engine guest environment and the Google Cloud CLI .
      • Repositories are set to use the Rocky Linux default mirror network.
        • The PowerTools repository is enabled.
      • Automatic updates are configured as follows:
        • Automatic updates are enabled by using dnf automatic .
        • For all versions, the update_cmd property is set to security .However, by default Rocky Linux does not offer security tagged repositories.
        • IPv6 endpoints are disabled in the dnf config file.

      Storage configuration

      • By default, images are 20 GB.
      • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI .
      • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine .

      Time configuration

      • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

      General information

      OS version Image project x86 image family Arm image family * Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      rocky-linux-cloud rocky-linux-9-optimized-gcp rocky-linux-9-optimized-gcp-arm64 All GA May 2032
      rocky-linux-cloud rocky-linux-9 rocky-linux-9-arm64 All GA May 2032
      rocky-linux-cloud rocky-linux-8-optimized-gcp rocky-linux-8-optimized-gcp-arm64 All except X4 GA May 2029
      rocky-linux-cloud rocky-linux-8 N/A All except T2A, X4 GA May 2029


      OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8

      Security features

      SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking 200 Gbps network bandwidth Jumbo frames/MTU
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud **
      Rocky Linux 9 **
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud **
      Rocky Linux 8 **

      * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

      Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

      # Only available with certain machine series.

      ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Rocky Linux 8


      OS version License type License
      Rocky Linux 9 optimized for Google Cloud
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/rocky-linux-cloud/global/licenses/rocky-linux-9-optimized-gcp
      Rocky Linux 9
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/rocky-linux-cloud/global/licenses/rocky-linux-9
      Rocky Linux 8 optimized for Google Cloud
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/rocky-linux-cloud/global/licenses/rocky-linux-8-optimized-gcp
      Rocky Linux 8
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/rocky-linux-cloud/global/licenses/rocky-linux-8

      SQL Server on Linux

      Microsoft SQL Server can be used on Linux-based VMs or images with an on-demand license. Google does not provide pre-configured images for SQL Server on Linux.


      To use on-demand / pay-as-you-go (PAYG) licenses for Microsoft SQL Server on a Linux VM or image, see Add a SQL Server license to an existing Linux server .

      Version License type License
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-enterprise-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-standard-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Web on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-web-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-enterprise-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-standard-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Web on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-web-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-enterprise-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-standard-on-linux
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Web on Linux
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/linux-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-web-on-linux

      SQL Server on Windows

      Microsoft SQL Server images are similar to the standard Windows Server operating system images, but they include Microsoft SQL Server preinstalled.

      Microsoft SQL Server images are not supported for VMs created on the T2A machine series . Using a Microsoft SQL Server Windows image with a bare metal instance isn't supported.

      Automatic updates

      By default, this operating system is configured to "Auto download and schedule the install" for Microsoft updates. To configure Windows Server automatic updates, see Configure Automatic Updates .

      Image configuration

      General information

      To use Microsoft SQL Server on a Windows VM with an on-demand / pay-as-you-go (PAYG) license, see Add a SQL Server license to an existing Windows server .

      Version Image project Image family Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022
      windows-sql-cloud sql-web-2022-win-2022
      GA Jan 11, 2033
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019
      windows-sql-cloud sql-web-2019-win-2022
      GA Jan 8, 2030
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017
      windows-sql-cloud sql-web-2017-win-2022
      GA Oct 12, 2027
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016
      windows-sql-cloud sql-web-2016-win-2019
      GA Jul 14, 2026
      Microsoft SQL Server 2014
      EOS EOS EOS Jul 9, 2024

      SQL Server edition support

      Editions Enterprise Standard Web Express
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016
      Microsoft SQL Server 2014

      Windows Server version support

      Version Windows 2016 Windows 2019 Windows 2022
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Web


      Version License type License
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Enterprise
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Standard
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2022 Web
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2022-web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Enterprise
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Standard
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2019 Web
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2019-web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Enterprise
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Standard
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Web
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2017 Express
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2017-express
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Enterprise
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2016-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Standard
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2016-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2016 Web
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2016-web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Enterprise
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2014-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Standard
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2014-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2014 Web
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2014-web
      Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Enterprise
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2012-enterprise
      Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Standard
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2012-standard
      Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Web
      EOS https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-sql-cloud/global/licenses/sql-server-2012-web

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES)

      SUSE Linux Enterprise Server (SLES) , a versatile server operating system for deploying highly available enterprise-class IT services in mixed IT environments with improved performance and reduced risk.

      SUSE builds and supports the SUSE images available for Compute Engine. SUSE images are premium resources that incur additional fees to use.

      To view a list of frequently asked questions when running SLES on Compute Engine, see SUSE Linux Enterprise Server FAQ .

      Automatic updates

      This operating system is not configured to install updates by default. For more information about configuring automatic updates for SLES, see SUSE documentation .

      Image configuration

      SLES and SLES for SAP images are built and maintained by SUSE. SLES images are built with the latest SLES packages reflected in their release.

      The SUSE images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard SUSE images:

      Account configuration

      • There are no local users configured with passwords.

      Network configuration

      • IPv6 is enabled.
      • The SSH server configuration is set to disable password authentication.
      • SLES does not use predictive network interface naming. In the grub kernel command-line arguments, net.ifnames=0 is set. Therefore, network interfaces use the traditional ethN naming, with the default interface always being eth0 .
      • VMs based on Google-provided Linux images get their interface MTU from the attached VPC MTU. VMs based on custom images or older Linux images may have their MTU's hardcoded. In these cases, you have to change the setting yourself if you want to connect the interface to a network with an MTU other than 1460 . For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

      Package system and repository configuration

      • The guest environment for Compute Engine packages are installed from the packages that are supplied by SUSE .
      • SLES instances register with a SUSE run SMT service for Compute Engine and are configured to use SUSE regional mirrors in Compute Engine.

      Storage configuration

      • Images are 10 GB by default.
      • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI . There is also an MBR boot block to support BIOS.
      • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine.

      Time configuration

      • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

      General information

      OS version Image project x86 image family Arm image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      SLES 15 SP6
      suse-cloud sles-15 sles-15-arm64 All GA TBD
      SLES 15 SP5
      suse-byos-cloud N/A N/A All BYOS w/LTSS Dec 2027
      SLES 15 SP4
      suse-byos-cloud N/A N/A All BYOS w/LTSS Dec 2026
      SLES 15 SP3
      suse-byos-cloud N/A N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, X4 BYOS w/LTSS Dec 2025
      SLES 15 SP2
      suse-byos-cloud N/A N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, X4 BYOS w/LTSS Dec 2024
      SLES 15 SP1
      N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS Jan 2024
      SLES 12 SP5
      suse-cloud sles-12 N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, G2, X4 GA Oct 2027
      SLES 12 SP4
      N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS June 2023
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-15-sp6-sap N/A All except T2A GA TBD
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-15-sp5-sap N/A All except T2A GA Dec 2027
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-15-sp4-sap N/A All except T2A GA Dec 2026
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-15-sp3-sap N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, X4 GA Dec 2025
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-15-sp2-sap N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, X4 GA Dec 2024
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS Jan 2024
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      suse-sap-cloud sles-12-sp5-sap N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, G2, X4 GA Oct 2027
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP
      N/A N/A N/A N/A EOS June 2023

      * BYOS with LTSS: Support for this operating system is only offered through the Long Term Service Pack Support (LTSS) that is available when using BYOS licenses from SUSE.

      ESPOS: Extended Service Pack Overlay Support images are set to deprecated 6 months before their EOS date. Deprecated images are still available for use.


      OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * This OS image supports NVMe but does not include all optimizations for NVMe.

      # If a multiple NIC VM is created using this OS image, the VM might lose network connectivity after rebooting. This happens if one of these NICs uses a non-VirtIO interface. See known issues .

      Security features

      SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
      SLES 15 SP6 *
      SLES 15 SP5 *
      SLES 15 SP4 *
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * This OS image doesn't support Secure Boot on ARM64.

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * This OS image doesn't support custom hostnames. For more information see Custom Hostnames .

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

      Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

      # Only available with certain machine series.

      ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch * Vulnerability reports
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * Patch compliance reporting: For all SUSE Enterprise Linux Server (SLES) operating systems, including SLES for SAP and openSuse, you can run patch jobs and create patch deployments . However, patch compliance reporting is not supported and these VMs are displayed in the No data category on the Patch dashboard.


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
      SLES 15 SP6
      SLES 15 SP5
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP


      OS version
      SLES 15 SP6
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP5
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP4
      SLES 15 SP3
      SLES 15 SP2
      SLES 15 SP1
      SLES 12 SP5
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 12 SP4
      SLES 15 SP6 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP5 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP4 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP3 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP2 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 15 SP1 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 12 SP5 for SAP
      On-demand (Default)
      SLES 12 SP4 for SAP

      * BYOS with LTSS: Support for this operating system is only offered through the Long Term Service Pack Support (LTSS) that is available when using BYOS licenses from SUSE.

      Ubuntu LTS

      Ubuntu is a free operating system developed and supported by Canonical .

      Ubuntu Long Term Support (LTS) images receive bug fixes and security updates for five years after their release date. LTS images can run on your instances for several years without having to upgrade to a newer release.

      Ubuntu Minimal images are supported the same as Ubuntu LTS images.

      Regular (non LTS) Ubuntu images are supported for 9 months from their release date. To continue to use a regular Ubuntu image, you will have to upgrade to the next regular Ubuntu release or LTS release after the support cycle ends to receive fixes and updates. Compute Engine recommends using Ubuntu LTS images unless you require features or software packages that are not yet included in an LTS release. If your instances run Ubuntu releases that are no longer supported, upgrade to a supported Ubuntu release .

      Automatic updates

      By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the Ubuntu AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

      • The AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system.
      • The AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool is configured to only automatically apply updates obtained from the Ubuntu security repository.
      • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
      Image configuration

      Ubuntu images are built and maintained by Canonical. Ubuntu images are always built with the latest Ubuntu packages which reflect the most recent Ubuntu point release.

      The Ubuntu images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard Ubuntu images:

      Account configuration

      • There are no local users configured with passwords.

      Bootloader configuration

      • Ubuntu uses cloud-init to do some boot time initialization. The cloud.cfg file is configured for Compute Engine and enables only the cloud-init modules that are used.
      • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .
      • To allow SCSI block multi-queue usage, scsi_mod.use_blk_mq is enabled.

      Network configuration

      • IPv6 is enabled.
      • The SSH server configuration is set to disable password authentication.
      • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.

      Package system and repository configuration

      • The guest environment for Compute Engine packages are installed from the Ubuntu supplied packages .
      • For Ubuntu 18.04+, the Google Cloud CLI is installed and maintained as a snap package.
      • The APT sources are set to use the Ubuntu Compute Engine mirrors via cloud-init .
      • The Unattended-upgrades package is installed and configured to download and install Debian security updates daily. This can be configured or disabled by changing the values in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic .
      • The linux-image-gcp kernel is used instead of the generic Ubuntu kernel. The Google Cloud kernel reflects the latest rolling HWE kernel for Ubuntu LTS.

      Storage configuration

      • Images are 10 GB by default.
      • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI . There is also an MBR boot block to support BIOS.
      • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine.

      Time configuration

      • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

      General information

      For information about non LTS Ubuntu releases, see Ubuntu release wiki .

      OS version Image project Image family Arm image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      ubuntu-os-cloud ubuntu-2404-lts-amd64 ubuntu-2404-lts-arm64 All GA June 2029 (ESM April 2034)
      ubuntu-os-cloud ubuntu-2204-lts ubuntu-2204-lts-arm64 All GA April 2027 (ESM April 2032)
      ubuntu-os-cloud ubuntu-2004-lts ubuntu-2004-lts-arm64 All GA April 2025 (ESM April 2030)
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      EOS EOS EOS All except C3-metal, X4 Ubuntu ESM / Ubuntu Pro May 2023 (ESM April 2028)
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      EOS EOS EOS All except T2A, C3-metal, M3, H3, Z3, X4 Ubuntu ESM / Ubuntu Pro April 2021 (ESM April 2026)
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
      EOS EOS EOS EOS EOS April 2024

      Ubuntu ESM: You can apply your existing ESM subscription to the Google provided OS image. The image that is provided by Google Cloud contains enhancements that might not be included if you bring your own OS image.

      Ubuntu Pro: To continue using Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 LTS images, upgrade from Ubuntu to Ubuntu Pro .


      OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

      Security features

      SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

      * This OS image doesn't support custom hostnames. For more information see Custom Hostnames .

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

      * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

      Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

      # Only available with certain machine series.

      ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS


      OS version License type License
      Ubuntu 24.04 LTS
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-2404-lts
      Ubuntu 22.04 LTS
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-2204-lts
      Ubuntu 20.04 LTS
      Free https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-2004-lts
      Ubuntu 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu ESM * / Ubuntu Pro EOS
      Ubuntu 16.04 LTS
      Ubuntu ESM * / Ubuntu Pro EOS
      Ubuntu 14.04 LTS
      Ubuntu ESM * EOS

      * Ubuntu ESM: You can apply your existing ESM subscription to the Google provided OS image. The image that is provided by Google Cloud contains enhancements that might not be included if you bring your own OS image.

      Ubuntu Pro: To use Ubuntu 16.04 and 18.04 LTS, you must upgrade from Ubuntu to Ubuntu Pro .

      Ubuntu Pro

      Ubuntu Pro is a premium operating system developed and supported by Canonical .

      Ubuntu Pro images running on Compute Engine receive bug fixes and security updates for 10 years after their release date, along with access to Ubuntu ESM . For Ubuntu 16.04, security updates and ESM are available for 8 years.

      Ubuntu Pro images are premium resources that incur additional fees to use. For information about Ubuntu Pro license cost, see the Ubuntu Pro pricing page. An Ubuntu Pro image running on Compute Engine has an on-demand license and does not require an additional Ubuntu Pro subscription.

      To view a list of frequently asked questions when running Ubuntu Pro on Compute Engine, see Ubuntu Pro FAQ .

      Automatic updates

      By default, this operating system is configured to install security updates by using the Ubuntu AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool. The updates have the following behaviors:

      • The AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool does not upgrade VMs between major versions of the operating system.
      • The AutomaticSecurityUpdates tool is configured to only automatically apply updates obtained from the Ubuntu security repository.
      • Some updates require reboots to take effect. These reboots do not happen automatically.
      Image configuration

      Ubuntu Pro images are built and maintained by Canonical. Ubuntu Pro images are always built with the latest Ubuntu packages which reflect the most recent Ubuntu point release.

      The Ubuntu Pro images that are provided by Compute Engine, have the following differences in configuration from standard Ubuntu images:

      Account configuration

      • There are no local users configured with passwords.

      Bootloader configuration

      • Ubuntu uses cloud-init to do some boot time initialization. The cloud.cfg file is configured for Compute Engine and enables only the cloud-init modules that are used.
      • To force faster boot times, the boot timeout in the grub configuration is set to 0 .
      • To allow SCSI block multi-queue usage, scsi_mod.use_blk_mq is enabled.

      Network configuration

      • IPv6 is enabled.
      • The SSH server configuration is set to disable password authentication.
      • To prevent MAC addresses from persisting, /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules is removed.

      Package system and repository configuration

      • The guest environment for Compute Engine packages are installed from the Ubuntu supplied packages .
      • The Google Cloud CLI is installed and maintained as a snap package.
      • The APT sources are set to use the Ubuntu Compute Engine mirrors via cloud-init .
      • The Unattended-upgrades package is installed and configured to download and install Debian security updates daily. This can be configured or disabled by changing the values in /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/50unattended-upgrades and /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/02periodic .
      • The linux-image-gcp kernel is used instead of the generic Ubuntu kernel. The Google Cloud kernel reflects the latest rolling HWE kernel for Ubuntu LTS.

      Storage configuration

      • Images are 10 GB by default.
      • The partition table is GPT , and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI . There is also an MBR boot block to support BIOS.
      • Ubuntu uses cloud-init to do some boot time initialization. The cloud.cfg file is configured for Compute Engine and enables only the cloud-init modules that are used.
      • There are no local users configured with passwords.
      • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.
      • The floppy module is disabled because there is no floppy disk controller on Compute Engine.

      Time configuration

      • The NTP server is set to use the Compute Engine metadata server.

      General information

      For information about upgrading from Ubuntu LTS to Ubuntu Pro, see Upgrade from Ubuntu to Ubuntu Pro .

      OS version Image project x86 image family Arm image family Machine series * Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      ubuntu-os-pro-cloud ubuntu-pro-2404-lts-amd64 ubuntu-pro-2404-lts-arm64 All GA April 2034
      ubuntu-os-pro-cloud ubuntu-pro-2204-lts ubuntu-pro-2204-lts-arm64 All GA April 2032
      ubuntu-os-pro-cloud ubuntu-pro-2004-lts ubuntu-pro-2004-lts-arm64 All GA April 2030
      ubuntu-os-pro-cloud ubuntu-pro-1804-lts ubuntu-pro-1804-lts-arm64 All except C3-metal, X4 GA April 2028
      ubuntu-os-pro-cloud ubuntu-pro-1604-lts N/A All except T2A, C3-metal, X4 GA April 2026


      OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS

      Security features

      SEV SEV-SNP ( Preview )
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS

      * This OS image doesn't support custom hostnames. For more information see Custom Hostnames .

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS

      * You can update the gVNIC driver to the latest version to enable network egress bandwidths of 200 Gbps. For more information, see the Requirements and limitations section of "Configure per VM Tier_1 networking performance".

      Fully supported with VirtIO, but requires an updated driver to use with gVNIC. For more information, see Jumbo frames .

      # Only available with certain machine series.

      ** This OS image has predictable network interface names disabled. Newer image families may have a different network interface naming scheme.

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance Import machine image
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS


      OS version License type License
      Ubuntu Pro 24.04 LTS
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-pro-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-pro-2404-lts
      Ubuntu Pro 22.04 LTS
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-pro-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-pro-2204-lts
      Ubuntu Pro 20.04 LTS
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-pro-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-pro-2004-lts
      Ubuntu Pro 18.04 LTS
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-pro-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-pro-1804-lts
      Ubuntu Pro 16.04 LTS
      On-demand https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/ubuntu-os-pro-cloud/global/licenses/ubuntu-pro-1604-lts

      Windows client

      Google doesn't provide Windows client images. You must bring your own Windows client images.

      Windows client images can't be used with bare metal instances. Also, Windows client images are not supported for T2A machine series VMs.

      Automatic updates

      The Windows client update settings determine how versions of Windows client use Windows Updates. To configure Windows automatic updates, see Configure Automatic Updates .


      Google does not test the VSS agent on any client images.

      General information

      OS version Lifecycle stage * EOS date
      Windows 11 x64**
      GA TBD
      Windows 10 x64
      GA Oct 2025
      Windows 10 x86
      GA Oct 2025
      Windows 8.1 x64
      EOS Jan 2023
      Windows 8.1 x86
      EOS Jan 2023
      Windows 7 x64
      EOS Jan 2020
      Windows 7 x86
      EOS Jan 2020

      * Lifecycle stage: Google Cloud Support typically coincides with Extended Support End Date. For information about the end of support (EOS) date for each of the operating systems in the table below, see the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy .

      ** Windows 11: Windows 11 requires vTPM and Secure Boot to be enabled. Due to CPU requirements, N1 and M1 sole-tenant node types are not recommended.

      Windows 7: For information about Extended Security Updates (ESU) for Windows 7, see Microsoft's Extended Security Updates Lifecycle FAQ .


      OS version SCSI NVMe Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      Windows 11 x64
      Windows 10 x64
      Windows 10 x86
      Windows 8.1 x64
      Windows 8.1 x86
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86

      Security features

      OS version Shielded VM support Confidential VM support
      Windows 11 x64
      Windows 10 x64
      Windows 10 x86
      Windows 8.1 x64
      Windows 8.1 x86
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      Windows 11 x64
      N/A N/A N/A *
      Windows 10 x64
      N/A N/A N/A *
      Windows 10 x86
      N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Windows 8.1 x64
      N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Windows 8.1 x86
      N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Windows 7 x64
      N/A N/A N/A N/A
      Windows 7 x86
      N/A N/A N/A N/A

      * For this OS, some power policy configurations are incompatible with suspend and resume. For more information, see troubleshooting VM suspension .

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
      Windows 11 x64
      * *
      Windows 10 x64
      * *
      Windows 10 x86
      * *
      Windows 8.1 x64
      * *
      Windows 8.1 x86
      * *
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86

      * This OS image provides limited support for higher network bandwidths. For more information, see the known issues for Compute Engine .

      Jumbo frames (8896B MTU) works with Windows when VirtIO is used, but not with gVNIC.

      # Only available with supported machine series .


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance
      Windows 11 x64
      Windows 10 x64
      Windows 10 x86
      Windows 8.1 x64
      Windows 8.1 x86
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      Windows 11 x64
      Windows 10 x64
      Windows 10 x86
      Windows 8.1 x64
      Windows 8.1 x86
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86

      * For this Windows client version, NVIDIA V100 GPUs are not supported.
      For all Windows operating systems, the a2-megagpu-16g machine types are not supported. When using A100 GPUs with Windows operating systems, choose a different A2 machine type.

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
      Windows 11 x64
      Windows 10 x64
      Windows 10 x86
      Windows 8.1 x64
      Windows 8.1 x86
      Windows 7 x64
      Windows 7 x86


      OS version License type License
      Windows 11 x64
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-11-x64-byol
      Windows 10 x64
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-10-x64-byol
      Windows 10 x86
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-10-x86-byol
      Windows 8.1 x64
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-8-x64-byol
      Windows 8.1 x86
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-8-x86-byol
      Windows 7 x64
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-7-x64-byol
      Windows 7 x86
      BYOL https://www.googleapis.com/compute/v1/projects/windows-cloud/global/licenses/windows-7-x86-byol

      Windows Server

      Windows Server images are premium resources that incur additional fees to use. Google Cloud builds and supports the Windows Server images available for Compute Engine.

      Except for Windows Server 2012, 2008, and 2003, the Windows Server images in Compute Engine have an on-demand license and do not require a separate Windows license.

      To bring your own Windows license (BYOL), you must either import an existing image, or you must build a custom image .

      Automatic updates

      By default, this operating system is configured to "Auto download and schedule the install" for Microsoft updates. To configure Windows Server automatic updates, see Configure Automatic Updates .

      Image configuration

      Windows Server images are built with the latest updates, but have the following differences in configuration from standard Windows Server images:

      Account configuration

      • The Administrator account is disabled.
      • User passwords must be at least eight characters long.
      • The LocalAccountTokenFilterPolicy property is enabled to grant access to administrative file shares.

      Activation configuration

      • Windows Server images cannot activate without a network connection to kms.windows.googlecloud.com , and stop functioning if they do not authenticate within 30 days. Make sure to allow access in your VPC network.
      • A KMS client key is installed and the KMS client is set to activate by using the Compute Engine KMS servers.

      Bootloader configuration

      • BootStatusPolicy is set to IgnoreAllFailures .
      • Emergency Management Services (EMS) redirection is enabled on the COM2 port. For more information, see bootcfg ems .

      Network configuration

      • The Compute Engine metadata server is added to the hosts file, which is typically in the %WinDir%\System32\drivers\etc directory.
      • The Windows firewall is open to allow communication with the Compute Engine metadata server.
      • TCP KeepAliveTime is set to 5 minutes.
      • Web Proxy Auto Discovery (WPAD) is disabled.
      • The NetKVM adapter is set to use DHCP.
      • Remote Desktop (RDP) is enabled and the associated Windows firewall ports opened.
      • WinRM over HTTPS is configured using a self signed certificate and the associated Windows firewall ports are open.
      • Windows images provided by Google have a hardcoded MTU. For more information about network and interface MTU, see the maximum transmission unit overview .

      Package system and Windows Update

      • Windows Server images update automatically according to the default update schedule for Windows Server.
      • To install packages for the guest environment , Google Cloud repositories are enabled.
      • To manage Compute Engine component packages for Windows, GooGet is installed, which you can configure to update packages automatically.
      • The Google Cloud CLI is installed with its own Python 2.7 environment. Google Cloud CLI works with project service accounts, instance scopes, and works in PowerShell and the standard command-line environment.
      • To boot Windows on Compute Engine, Compute Engine drivers are installed.
      • PowerShell v5 and v7 are installed.

      Power configuration

      • Power settings are changed to never turn off the monitor.

      Storage configuration

      • The partition table is GPT, and there is an EFI partition to support booting on UEFI.
      • The paging file is set to a static size of 1 GB.
      • The EnableQueryAccessAlignment property is enabled for the VioSCSI driver.

      Time configuration

      • The RealTimeIsUniversal registry key is set. The BIOS is a UTC clock, and is not set to the local time.
      • The time zone is set to UTC (Coordinated Universal Time).
      • NTP is set to sync to the Compute Engine metadata server.

      General information

      OS version Image project Image family Machine series Lifecycle stage EOS and image deprecation date
      Windows Server 2022
      windows-cloud windows-2022
      All except T2A, C3-metal, Z3, A3, X4 GA Oct 14, 2031
      Windows Server 2019
      windows-cloud windows-2019
      All except T2A, C3-metal, Z3, A3, X4 GA Jan 9, 2029
      Windows Server 2016
      windows-cloud windows-2016
      All except T2A, C3-metal, Z3, A3, G2, X4 GA Jan 12, 2027
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      N/A N/A C2, C2D, E2, M1, M2, N1, N2, N2D EOS Oct 10, 2023
      Windows Server 2012
      N/A N/A C2, C2D, E2, M1, M2, N1, N2, N2D EOS Oct 10, 2023
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      N/A N/A C2, C2D, E2, M1, M2, N1, N2, N2D EOS Jan 14, 2020
      Windows Server 2008
      N/A N/A C2, C2D, E2, M1, M2, N1, N2, N2D EOS N/A
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)
      N/A N/A C2, C2D, E2, M1, M2, N1, N2, N2D EOS N/A

      Lifecycle stage: Google Cloud Support typically coincides with Extended Support End Date. For information about the end of support (EOS) date for each of the operating systems in the previous table, see the Microsoft Lifecycle Policy .

      Windows 2008 R2: For information about Extended Security Updates (ESU) for Windows 2008 R2, see Microsoft's Extended Security Updates Lifecycle FAQ .


      OS version SCSI NVMe VSS agent Google Virtual NIC (gVNIC) IDPF Multiple network interfaces
      Windows Server 2022
      Windows Server 2019
      Windows Server 2016
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)

      Security features

      OS version Shielded VM support Confidential VM support
      Windows Server 2022
      Windows Server 2019
      Windows Server 2016
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)

      User space features

      OS version Guest environment installed gcloud CLI installed OS Login supported Suspend and resume supported
      Windows Server 2022
      N/A *
      Windows Server 2019
      N/A *
      Windows Server 2016
      N/A *
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      EOS N/A
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)
      EOS N/A
      * For this OS, some power policy configurations are incompatible with suspend and resume. For more information, see troubleshooting VM suspension .

      Networking features

      OS version Tier_1 networking # 200 Gbps network bandwidth # Jumbo frames/MTU
      Windows Server 2022
      * *
      Windows Server 2019
      * *
      Windows Server 2016
      * *
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      * *
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)

      * This OS image provides limited support for higher network bandwidths. For more information, see the known issues for Compute Engine .

      Jumbo frames (8896B MTU) works with Windows when VirtIO is used, but not with gVNIC.

      # Only available with supported machine series .

      GPU support

      N1+GPU denotes support for NVIDIA T4, V100, P100, or P4 GPUs running on a general-purpose N1 machine family.

      OS version N1+GPU A3 (H100) A2 (A100) G2 (L4)
      Windows Server 2022
      Windows Server 2019
      Windows Server 2016
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)

      * For this Windows Server version, NVIDIA V100 GPUs are not supported.
      For all Windows operating systems, the a2-megagpu-16g machine types are not supported. When using A100 GPUs with Windows operating systems, choose a different A2 machine type.


      For operating system support information on migrating VMs using Migrate to Virtual Machines, see supported operating systems .

      OS version Import disk Import virtual appliance
      Windows Server 2022
      Windows Server 2019
      Windows Server 2016
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)
      4 4

      1 VSS not supported.
      2 Supported with deprecated Python agent.
      3 64-bit supported, 32 bit only supported for offline migration with manual adaptations.
      4 Self-import is available.

      VM Manager

      OS version OS Config agent preinstalled OS inventory OS policies Patch Vulnerability reports
      Windows Server 2022
      Windows Server 2019
      Windows Server 2016
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)


      OS version
      Windows Server 2022
      On-demand (Default)
      Windows Server 2019
      On-demand (Default)
      Windows Server 2016
      On-demand (Default)
      Windows Server 2012 R2
      On-demand (Default)
      Windows Server 2012
      Windows Server 2008 R2 (SP1 required)
      On-demand (Default)
      Windows Server 2008
      Windows Server 2003 (R2 optional, SP2 required)