Certifications and security for Gemini for Google Cloud

This document outlines the certifications and security-related features for Gemini for Google Cloud.


The following table shows certifications for Gemini for Google Cloud :

Certification Compliant?
ISO 27001, ISO 27017, ISO 27018, ISO 27701 Yes
SOC1 Yes
SOC2 Yes
SOC3 Yes

Security features

The following table shows the security-related features for Gemini for Google Cloud:

Security feature Compliant?
VPC Service Controls (for Gemini Code Assist in VS Code, JetBrains IDEs, and Cloud Workstations) Yes
Access Transparency Not applicable because Gemini for Google Cloud doesn't persistently store data
Data residency and data residency data processing Not applicable because Gemini for Google Cloud doesn't persistently store data
Customer-managed encryption keys (CMEK) Not applicable because Gemini for Google Cloud doesn't persistently store data

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