Method: folders.updateAutokeyConfig

Full name: folders.updateAutokeyConfig

Updates the AutokeyConfig for a folder. The caller must have both cloudkms.autokeyConfigs.update permission on the parent folder and cloudkms.cryptoKeys.setIamPolicy permission on the provided key project. A KeyHandle creation in the folder's descendant projects will use this configuration to determine where to create the resulting CryptoKey .

HTTP request

The URLs use gRPC Transcoding syntax.

Path parameters



Identifier. Name of the AutokeyConfig resource, e.g. folders/{FOLDER_NUMBER}/autokeyConfig .

Query parameters


string ( FieldMask format)

Required. Masks which fields of the AutokeyConfig to update, e.g. keyProject .

This is a comma-separated list of fully qualified names of fields. Example: "user.displayName,photo" .

Request body

The request body contains an instance of AutokeyConfig .

Response body

If successful, the response body contains an instance of AutokeyConfig .

Authorization scopes

Requires one of the following OAuth scopes:


For more information, see the Authentication Overview .

IAM Permissions

Requires the following IAM permission on the name resource:

  • cloudkms.autokeyConfigs.update

For more information, see the IAM documentation .