Getting support

Get a Google support package

Google Cloud offers different support packages to meet different needs, such as 24/7 coverage, phone support, and access to a technical support manager. For more information, see Google Cloud Support .

If you're not sure if you have a paid technical support package, check your Google Cloud console:

Visit your Google Cloud console

Get support from the community

This section lists different approaches you can use to get your questions answered by using community resources.

Ask a question on Stack Overflow

Ask a question about Google Cloud Observability on Stack Overflow . Review the following table for relevant tags on Stack Overflow. These tags not only receive responses from the Stack Overflow community, but also from Google engineers, who monitor the tags and offer unofficial support.

Google Cloud Observability products on Stack Overflow Stack Overflow tag New questions
General questions
stackdriver Ask a new question
about Google Cloud Observability
Error Reporting
google-cloud-error-reporting Ask a new question
about Error Reporting
Cloud Logging
google-cloud-logging Ask a new question
about Cloud Logging
Cloud Monitoring
google-cloud-monitoring Ask a new question
about Cloud Monitoring
Cloud Trace
google-cloud-trace Ask a new question
about Cloud Trace
Cloud Profiler
google-cloud-profiler Ask a new question
about Cloud Profiler

Discuss Google Cloud Observability products

Join the google-stackdriver-discussion Google group to discuss Google Cloud Observability and receive announcements and updates.

You can also visit the Google Cloud Slack community to discuss Google Cloud Observability and other Google Cloud products. If you haven't already joined, use this form to sign up . For Google Cloud Observability, join the #stackdriver channel.

File bugs or feature requests

This section describes how you can search for know issues, file a feature request, or share your opinion.

Found a bug in Google Cloud Observability?

You can search issues and submit new bugs by using our issue trackers. Review the following table to search and report issues in Google Cloud Observability:

List open Error Reporting issues Create new Error Reporting issue
List open Cloud Logging issues Create new Cloud Logging issue
List open Cloud Monitoring issues Create new Cloud Monitoring issue
List open Cloud Profiler issues Create new Cloud Profiler issue
List open Cloud Trace issues Create new Cloud Trace issue

The Google Cloud Observability team reviews and tracks every new bug submitted by users. Expect to hear from us within 2 business days. To learn more about what to expect when you file a bug, read Issue reports .

Have a feature request for Google Cloud Observability?

You can request and vote for new features by using our issue trackers; review the table in the Found a bug in Google Cloud Observability? section on this page.

Feature requests with more stars and, hopefully, comments from several users about how the feature would be useful are more likely to be considered. Read Feature requests to learn more about how Google Cloud tracks feature requests.

Your feedback helps us improve Google Cloud Observability. You can send feedback from your Google Cloud console or your Cloud Monitoring console.

To send feedback from your Google Cloud console :

  • Click Feedback .

    The user interface showing the
  feedback icon.

  • This opens a dialogue where you can describe your issue or share your ideas:

    The user interface showing the
  Send feedback dialogue.

  • You can also select Include screenshotto give us a clearer target for your feedback.

To send feedback from your Cloud Monitoring console :

  • Click Help and then select Send Feedback:

    The user interface showing the
  Monitoring Send feedback dialogue.

  • This opens a dialogue where you can describe your issue or share your ideas:

    The user interface showing the
  Monitoring Send feedback dialogue.

  • You can also select Include screenshotto give us a clearer target for your feedback.

If reporting an issue, then include the steps you performed, what you expected to happen, and what actually happened. The more details you provide, the more likely it is we'll be able to quickly reproduce and resolve your issue.

In addition to bugs and feature requests, we're happy to receive any other feedback that you'd like to provide. In your request, include as much detail as you can.

After we receive your feedback, we will read it and either submit a new bug or add it to a known issue. We do receive a high volume of submissions; unfortunately, this means that we're unable to respond directly to each one.

Want to speak with someone in Sales?

Just mention Google Cloud Observability in your inquiry , and someone from the Google Cloud sales team will get back to you shortly.