Creating and managing job templates

This page shows you how to create and manage Transcoder API job templates.

By default, the Transcoder API applies a preset template called preset/web-hd to populate a job configuration. You can specify your own custom job templates when creating transcoding jobs. A job configuration represents many of the settings you can customize when creating a job.

Set up your Google Cloud project and authentication

If you have not created a Google Cloud project and credentials, see Before you begin .

Creating job templates

You can specify a wide variety of settings in a job template. For an introduction to some of the terminology and concepts of job configurations, see the Transcoder API overview .

To create a job template, use the projects.locations.jobTemplates.create method. The following example uses a simple configuration to create standard definition and high definition .mp4 output files. For more information on a job configuration, see the JobConfig reference.


Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID : Your Google Cloud project ID listed in the IAM Settings .
  • LOCATION : The location where your job template will be stored. Use one of the supported regions .
    Show locations
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
  • TEMPLATE_ID : A user-defined identifier for the new job template to create. This value should be 4-63 characters and valid characters are in the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* .

To send your request, expand one of these options:

You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

  "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
/locations/ LOCATION 
/jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
  "config": {
    "inputs": [
        "key": "input0"
    "editList": [
        "key": "atom0",
        "inputs": [
        "startTimeOffset": "0s"
    "elementaryStreams": [
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 640,
            "heightPixels": 360,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 550000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream0"
        "videoStream": {
          "h264": {
            "widthPixels": 1280,
            "heightPixels": 720,
            "frameRate": 60,
            "bitrateBps": 2500000,
            "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
            "rateControlMode": "vbr",
            "crfLevel": 21,
            "gopDuration": "3s",
            "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
            "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
            "entropyCoder": "cabac",
            "profile": "high",
            "preset": "veryfast"
        "key": "video-stream1"
        "audioStream": {
          "codec": "aac",
          "bitrateBps": 64000,
          "channelCount": 2,
          "channelLayout": [
          "sampleRateHertz": 48000
        "key": "audio-stream0"
    "muxStreams": [
        "key": "sd",
        "fileName": "sd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
        "key": "hd",
        "fileName": "hd.mp4",
        "container": "mp4",
        "elementaryStreams": [
    "output": {}


  1. Create a request.json file that defines the job template fields. The following is an example job template:
      "config": {
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "video-stream0",
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "heightPixels": 360,
                "widthPixels": 640,
                "bitrateBps": 550000,
                "frameRate": 60
            "key": "video-stream1",
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "heightPixels": 720,
                "widthPixels": 1280,
                "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                "frameRate": 60
            "key": "audio-stream0",
            "audioStream": {
              "codec": "aac",
              "bitrateBps": 64000
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "sd",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "hd",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
  2. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
    • TEMPLATE_ID : A user-defined identifier for the new job template to create. This value should be 4-63 characters and valid characters are in the regular expression [a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z0-9_-]* .
    • LOCATION : The location where your job template will be stored. Use one of the supported regions .
      Show locations
      • us-central1
      • us-west1
      • us-west2
      • us-east1
      • us-east4
      • southamerica-east1
      • northamerica-northeast1
      • asia-east1
      • asia-northeast1
      • asia-northeast3
      • asia-south1
      • asia-southeast1
      • australia-southeast1
      • europe-west1
      • europe-west2
      • europe-west4
  3. Run the following command:
    gcloud transcoder templates create TEMPLATE_ID 
    --file="request.json" --location= LOCATION 
    You should see a response similar to the following:
      "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
    /locations/ LOCATION 
    /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
      "config": {
        "inputs": [
            "key": "input0"
        "editList": [
            "key": "atom0",
            "inputs": [
            "startTimeOffset": "0s"
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 640,
                "heightPixels": 360,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 550000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream0"
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 1280,
                "heightPixels": 720,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream1"
            "audioStream": {
              "codec": "aac",
              "bitrateBps": 64000,
              "channelCount": 2,
              "channelLayout": [
              "sampleRateHertz": 48000
            "key": "audio-stream0"
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "sd",
            "fileName": "sd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "hd",
            "fileName": "hd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
        "output": {}


Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;

public class CreateJobTemplateSample
    public JobTemplate CreateJobTemplate(
        string projectId, string location, string templateId)
        // Create the client.
        TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();

        // Build the parent location name.
        LocationName parentLocation = new LocationName(projectId, location);

        // Build the job template config.
        VideoStream videoStream0 = new VideoStream
            H264 = new VideoStream.Types.H264CodecSettings
                BitrateBps = 550000,
                FrameRate = 60,
                HeightPixels = 360,
                WidthPixels = 640

        VideoStream videoStream1 = new VideoStream
            H264 = new VideoStream.Types.H264CodecSettings
                BitrateBps = 2500000,
                FrameRate = 60,
                HeightPixels = 720,
                WidthPixels = 1280

        AudioStream audioStream0 = new AudioStream
            Codec = "aac",
            BitrateBps = 64000

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream0 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "video_stream0",
            VideoStream = videoStream0

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream1 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "video_stream1",
            VideoStream = videoStream1

        ElementaryStream elementaryStream2 = new ElementaryStream
            Key = "audio_stream0",
            AudioStream = audioStream0

        MuxStream muxStream0 = new MuxStream
            Key = "sd",
            Container = "mp4",
            ElementaryStreams = { "video_stream0", "audio_stream0" }

        MuxStream muxStream1 = new MuxStream
            Key = "hd",
            Container = "mp4",
            ElementaryStreams = { "video_stream1", "audio_stream0" }

        JobConfig jobConfig = new JobConfig
            ElementaryStreams = { elementaryStream0, elementaryStream1, elementaryStream2 },
            MuxStreams = { muxStream0, muxStream1 }

        JobTemplate newJobTemplate = new JobTemplate
            Config = jobConfig

        // Call the API.
        JobTemplate jobTemplate = client.CreateJobTemplate(parentLocation, newJobTemplate, templateId);
        return jobTemplate;


Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 import (

	transcoder ""

// createJobTemplate creates a template for a job. See
// for more information.
func createJobTemplate(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, templateID string) error {
	// projectID := "my-project-id"
	// location := "us-central1"
	// templateID := "my-job-template"
	ctx := context.Background()
	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
	defer client.Close()

	req := &transcoderpb.CreateJobTemplateRequest{
		Parent:        fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
		JobTemplateId: templateID,
		JobTemplate: &transcoderpb.JobTemplate{
			Config: &transcoderpb.JobConfig{
				ElementaryStreams: []*transcoderpb.ElementaryStream{
						Key: "video_stream0",
						ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_VideoStream{
							VideoStream: &transcoderpb.VideoStream{
								CodecSettings: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264{
									H264: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264CodecSettings{
										BitrateBps:   550000,
										FrameRate:    60,
										HeightPixels: 360,
										WidthPixels:  640,
						Key: "video_stream1",
						ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_VideoStream{
							VideoStream: &transcoderpb.VideoStream{
								CodecSettings: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264{
									H264: &transcoderpb.VideoStream_H264CodecSettings{
										BitrateBps:   2500000,
										FrameRate:    60,
										HeightPixels: 720,
										WidthPixels:  1280,
						Key: "audio_stream0",
						ElementaryStream: &transcoderpb.ElementaryStream_AudioStream{
							AudioStream: &transcoderpb.AudioStream{
								Codec:      "aac",
								BitrateBps: 64000,
				MuxStreams: []*transcoderpb.MuxStream{
						Key:               "sd",
						Container:         "mp4",
						ElementaryStreams: []string{"video_stream0", "audio_stream0"},
						Key:               "hd",
						Container:         "mp4",
						ElementaryStreams: []string{"video_stream1", "audio_stream0"},

	response, err := client.CreateJobTemplate(ctx, req)
	if err != nil {
		return fmt.Errorf("CreateJobTemplate: %w", err)

	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job template: %v", response.GetName())
	return nil


Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .


public class CreateJobTemplate {

  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
    // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
    String projectId = "my-project-id";
    String location = "us-central1";
    String templateId = "my-job-template";

    createJobTemplate(projectId, location, templateId);

  // Creates a job template.
  public static void createJobTemplate(String projectId, String location, String templateId)
      throws IOException {
    // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
    // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
    try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {

      VideoStream videoStream0 =

      VideoStream videoStream1 =

      AudioStream audioStream0 =

      JobConfig config =

      CreateJobTemplateRequest createJobTemplateRequest =
              .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())

      // Send the job template creation request and process the response.
      JobTemplate jobTemplate = transcoderServiceClient.createJobTemplate(createJobTemplateRequest);
      System.out.println("Job template: " + jobTemplate.getName());


Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
// projectId = 'my-project-id';
// location = 'us-central1';
// templateId = 'my-job-template';

// Imports the Transcoder library
const {TranscoderServiceClient} =

// Instantiates a client
const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

async function createJobTemplate() {
  // Construct request
  const request = {
    parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
    jobTemplateId: templateId,
    jobTemplate: {
      config: {
        elementaryStreams: [
            key: 'video-stream0',
            videoStream: {
              h264: {
                heightPixels: 360,
                widthPixels: 640,
                bitrateBps: 550000,
                frameRate: 60,
            key: 'video-stream1',
            videoStream: {
              h264: {
                heightPixels: 720,
                widthPixels: 1280,
                bitrateBps: 2500000,
                frameRate: 60,
            key: 'audio-stream0',
            audioStream: {
              codec: 'aac',
              bitrateBps: 64000,
        muxStreams: [
            key: 'sd',
            container: 'mp4',
            elementaryStreams: ['video-stream0', 'audio-stream0'],
            key: 'hd',
            container: 'mp4',
            elementaryStreams: ['video-stream1', 'audio-stream0'],

  // Run request
  const [jobTemplate] =
    await transcoderServiceClient.createJobTemplate(request);
  console.log(`Job template: ${}`);



Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\AudioStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\CreateJobTemplateRequest;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\ElementaryStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\JobConfig;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\JobTemplate;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\MuxStream;
use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\VideoStream;

 * Creates a job template.
 * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
 * @param string $location The location of the job template.
 * @param string $templateId The user-defined template ID.
function create_job_template($projectId, $location, $templateId)
    // Instantiate a client.
    $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();

    $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);

    $jobTemplate = (new JobTemplate())->setConfig(
        (new JobConfig())->setElementaryStreams([
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new VideoStream())->setH264(
                        (new VideoStream\H264CodecSettings())
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new VideoStream())->setH264(
                        (new VideoStream\H264CodecSettings())
            (new ElementaryStream())
                    (new AudioStream())
            (new MuxStream())
                ->setElementaryStreams(['video-stream0', 'audio-stream0']),
            (new MuxStream())
                ->setElementaryStreams(['video-stream1', 'audio-stream0'])
    $request = (new CreateJobTemplateRequest())

    $response = $transcoderServiceClient->createJobTemplate($request);

    // Print job template name.
    printf('Job template: %s' . PHP_EOL, $response->getName());


Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 import argparse

from import transcoder_v1
from import (

def create_job_template(
    project_id: str,
    location: str,
    template_id: str,
) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.JobTemplate:
    """Creates a job template.

        project_id: The GCP project ID.
        location: The location to store this template in.
        template_id: The user-defined template ID.

        The job template resource.

    client = TranscoderServiceClient()

    parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"

    job_template = transcoder_v1.types.JobTemplate() = (
    job_template.config = transcoder_v1.types.JobConfig(
                    codec="aac", bitrate_bps=64000
                elementary_streams=["video-stream0", "audio-stream0"],
                elementary_streams=["video-stream1", "audio-stream0"],

    response = client.create_job_template(
        parent=parent, job_template=job_template, job_template_id=template_id
    print(f"Job template: {}")
    return response 


Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation .

To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

 # project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
# location    = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
# template_id = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE"  # (e.g. "my-job-template")

# Require the Transcoder client library.
require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"

# Create a Transcoder client.
client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service

# Build the resource name of the parent.
parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location

# Build the job template.
new_job_template = {
  config: {
    elementary_streams: [
        key: "video-stream0",
        video_stream: {
          h264: {
            height_pixels: 360,
            width_pixels: 640,
            bitrate_bps: 550_000,
            frame_rate: 60
        key: "video-stream1",
        video_stream: {
          h264: {
            height_pixels: 720,
            width_pixels: 1280,
            bitrate_bps: 2_500_000,
            frame_rate: 60
        key: "audio-stream0",
        audio_stream: {
          codec: "aac",
          bitrate_bps: 64_000
    mux_streams: [
        key: "sd",
        container: "mp4",
        elementary_streams: [
        key: "hd",
        container: "mp4",
        elementary_streams: [

job_template = client.create_job_template parent: parent, job_template: new_job_template, job_template_id: template_id

# Print the job template name.
puts "Job template: #{}" 

Getting job template details

To get the details for a job template, use the projects.locations.jobTemplates.get method.


Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • TEMPLATE_ID : The ID of the job template you created.
  • PROJECT_ID : Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION : The location of your job template. Use one of the supported regions .
    Show locations
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

      "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
    /locations/ LOCATION 
    /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
      "config": {
        "inputs": [
            "key": "input0"
        "editList": [
            "key": "atom0",
            "inputs": [
            "startTimeOffset": "0s"
        "elementaryStreams": [
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 640,
                "heightPixels": 360,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 550000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream0"
            "videoStream": {
              "h264": {
                "widthPixels": 1280,
                "heightPixels": 720,
                "frameRate": 60,
                "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                "crfLevel": 21,
                "gopDuration": "3s",
                "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                "profile": "high",
                "preset": "veryfast"
            "key": "video-stream1"
            "audioStream": {
              "codec": "aac",
              "bitrateBps": 64000,
              "channelCount": 2,
              "channelLayout": [
              "sampleRateHertz": 48000
            "key": "audio-stream0"
        "muxStreams": [
            "key": "sd",
            "fileName": "sd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
            "key": "hd",
            "fileName": "hd.mp4",
            "container": "mp4",
            "elementaryStreams": [
        "output": {}


    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • TEMPLATE_ID : The ID of the job template you created.
      • LOCATION : The location of your job template. Use one of the supported regions .
        Show locations
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder templates describe TEMPLATE_ID 
      --location= LOCATION 
      You should see a response similar to the following:
        "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
      /locations/ LOCATION 
      /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
        "config": {
          "inputs": [
              "key": "input0"
          "editList": [
              "key": "atom0",
              "inputs": [
              "startTimeOffset": "0s"
          "elementaryStreams": [
              "videoStream": {
                "h264": {
                  "widthPixels": 640,
                  "heightPixels": 360,
                  "frameRate": 60,
                  "bitrateBps": 550000,
                  "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                  "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                  "crfLevel": 21,
                  "gopDuration": "3s",
                  "vbvSizeBits": 550000,
                  "vbvFullnessBits": 495000,
                  "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                  "profile": "high",
                  "preset": "veryfast"
              "key": "video-stream0"
              "videoStream": {
                "h264": {
                  "widthPixels": 1280,
                  "heightPixels": 720,
                  "frameRate": 60,
                  "bitrateBps": 2500000,
                  "pixelFormat": "yuv420p",
                  "rateControlMode": "vbr",
                  "crfLevel": 21,
                  "gopDuration": "3s",
                  "vbvSizeBits": 2500000,
                  "vbvFullnessBits": 2250000,
                  "entropyCoder": "cabac",
                  "profile": "high",
                  "preset": "veryfast"
              "key": "video-stream1"
              "audioStream": {
                "codec": "aac",
                "bitrateBps": 64000,
                "channelCount": 2,
                "channelLayout": [
                "sampleRateHertz": 48000
              "key": "audio-stream0"
          "muxStreams": [
              "key": "sd",
              "fileName": "sd.mp4",
              "container": "mp4",
              "elementaryStreams": [
              "key": "hd",
              "fileName": "hd.mp4",
              "container": "mp4",
              "elementaryStreams": [
          "output": {}


    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    public class GetJobTemplateSample
        public JobTemplate GetJobTemplate(string projectId, string location, string templateId)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the job template name.
            JobTemplateName name = JobTemplateName.FromProjectLocationJobTemplate(projectId, location, templateId);
            // Call the API.
            JobTemplate jobTemplate = client.GetJobTemplate(name);
            // Return the result.
            return jobTemplate;


    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import (
    	transcoder ""
    // getJobTemplate gets a previously-created job template. See
    // for more information.
    func getJobTemplate(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, templateID string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	// templateID := "my-job-template"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.GetJobTemplateRequest{
    		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobTemplates/%s", projectID, location, templateID),
    	response, err := client.GetJobTemplate(ctx, req)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("GetJobTemplate: %w", err)
    	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Job template: %v", response.GetName())
    	return nil


    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

    public class GetJobTemplate {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        String templateId = "my-job-template";
        getJobTemplate(projectId, location, templateId);
      // Gets a job template.
      public static void getJobTemplate(String projectId, String location, String templateId)
          throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          JobTemplateName jobTemplateName =
          GetJobTemplateRequest getJobTemplateRequest =
          // Send the get job template request and process the response.
          JobTemplate jobTemplate = transcoderServiceClient.getJobTemplate(getJobTemplateRequest);
          System.out.println("Job template: " + jobTemplate.getName());


    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // templateId = 'my-job-template';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function getJobTemplate() {
      // Construct request
      const request = {
        name: transcoderServiceClient.jobTemplatePath(
      const [jobTemplate] = await transcoderServiceClient.getJobTemplate(request);
      console.log(`Job template: ${}`);


    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\GetJobTemplateRequest;
     * Gets a Transcoder job template.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the job template.
     * @param string $templateId The user-defined template ID.
    function get_job_template($projectId, $location, $templateId)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedName = $transcoderServiceClient->jobTemplateName($projectId, $location, $templateId);
        $request = (new GetJobTemplateRequest())
        $template = $transcoderServiceClient->getJobTemplate($request);
        // Print job template name.
        printf('Job template: %s' . PHP_EOL, $template->getName());


    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import argparse
    from import transcoder_v1
    from import (
    def get_job_template(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
        template_id: str,
    ) -> transcoder_v1.types.resources.JobTemplate:
        """Gets a job template.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location of the template.
            template_id: The user-defined template ID.
            The job template resource.
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/jobTemplates/{template_id}"
        response = client.get_job_template(name=name)
        print(f"Job template: {}")
        return response 


    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     # project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location    = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # template_id = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE"  # (e.g. "my-job-template")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the job template.
    name = client.job_template_path project: project_id, location: location, job_template: template_id
    # Get the job template.
    job_template = client.get_job_template name: name
    # Print the job template name.
    puts "Job template: #{}" 

    Listing job templates

    If you want to review all the job templates you created in a location, use the projects.locations.jobTemplates.list method.


    Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • PROJECT_ID : Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION : The location of your job template. Use one of the supported regions .
    Show locations
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:

      "jobTemplates": [
          "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
    /locations/ LOCATION 
    /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
          "config": {
          "name": "projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
    /locations/ LOCATION 
          "config": {


    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • LOCATION : The location of your job template(s). Use one of the supported regions .
        Show locations
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder templates list --location= LOCATION 
      You should see a response similar to the following:
      projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
      /locations/ LOCATION 
      /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 
      projects/ PROJECT_NUMBER 
      /locations/ LOCATION 


    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    using Google.Api.Gax.ResourceNames;
    using Google.Api.Gax;
    using System.Linq;
    using System.Collections.Generic;
    public class ListJobTemplatesSample
        public IList<JobTemplate> ListJobTemplates(string projectId, string location)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the parent location name.
            LocationName parentLocation = new LocationName(projectId, location);
            // Call the API.
            PagedEnumerable<ListJobTemplatesResponse, JobTemplate> response = client.ListJobTemplates(parentLocation);
            // The returned sequence will lazily perform RPCs as it's being iterated over.
            return response.ToList();


    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import (
    	transcoder ""
    // listJobTemplates gets all previously-created job templates for a given
    // location. See
    // for more information.
    func listJobTemplates(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.ListJobTemplatesRequest{
    		Parent: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s", projectID, location),
    	it := client.ListJobTemplates(ctx, req)
    	fmt.Fprintln(w, "Job templates:")
    	for {
    		response, err := it.Next()
    		if err == iterator.Done {
    		if err != nil {
    			return fmt.Errorf("ListJobTemplates: %w", err)
    		fmt.Fprintln(w, response.GetName())
    	return nil


    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

    public class ListJobTemplates {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        listJobTemplates(projectId, location);
      // Lists the job templates for a given location.
      public static void listJobTemplates(String projectId, String location) throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          ListJobTemplatesRequest listJobTemplatesRequest =
                  .setParent(LocationName.of(projectId, location).toString())
          // Send the list job templates request and process the response.
          TranscoderServiceClient.ListJobTemplatesPagedResponse response =
          System.out.println("Job templates:");
          for (JobTemplate jobTemplate : response.iterateAll()) {


    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function listJobTemplates() {
      const iterable = await transcoderServiceClient.listJobTemplatesAsync({
        parent: transcoderServiceClient.locationPath(projectId, location),
      });'Job templates:');
      for await (const response of iterable) {


    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\ListJobTemplatesRequest;
     * Lists all Transcoder job templates in a location.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the job templates.
    function list_job_templates($projectId, $location)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedParent = $transcoderServiceClient->locationName($projectId, $location);
        $request = (new ListJobTemplatesRequest())
        $response = $transcoderServiceClient->listJobTemplates($request);
        // Print job template list.
        $jobTemplates = $response->iterateAllElements();
        print('Job templates:' . PHP_EOL);
        foreach ($jobTemplates as $jobTemplate) {
            printf('%s' . PHP_EOL, $jobTemplate->getName());


    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import argparse
    from import (
    def list_job_templates(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
    ) -> pagers.ListJobTemplatesPager:
        """Lists all job templates in a location.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location of the templates.
            An iterable object containing job template resources.
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        parent = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}"
        response = client.list_job_templates(parent=parent)
        print("Job templates:")
        for jobTemplate in response.job_templates:
        return response 


    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     # project_id  = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location    = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the parent.
    parent = client.location_path project: project_id, location: location
    # Get the list of job templates.
    response = client.list_job_templates parent: parent
    puts "Job templates:"
    # Print out all job templates.
    response.each do |job_template|

    This response may include a nextPageToken , which you can use to retrieve additional results:

      "jobTemplates": [
      "nextPageToken": " NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN 

    In the following curl example, you can then send another request, and include the value of NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN to list additional job templates, similar to the following:

    curl -X GET \
    -H "Authorization: Bearer "$(gcloud auth application-default print-access-token) \ PROJECT_ID 
    /locations/ LOCATION 
    /jobTemplates?pageToken= NEXT_PAGE_TOKEN 

    See the relevant client library for more information on using this token.

    Deleting job templates

    To delete a job template, use the projects.locations.jobTemplates.delete method.


    Before using any of the request data, make the following replacements:

  • TEMPLATE_ID : The ID of the job template you created.
  • PROJECT_ID : Your Google Cloud project ID.
  • LOCATION : The location of your job template. Use one of the supported regions .
    Show locations
    • us-central1
    • us-west1
    • us-west2
    • us-east1
    • us-east4
    • southamerica-east1
    • northamerica-northeast1
    • asia-east1
    • asia-northeast1
    • asia-northeast3
    • asia-south1
    • asia-southeast1
    • australia-southeast1
    • europe-west1
    • europe-west2
    • europe-west4
  • To send your request, expand one of these options:

    You should receive a JSON response similar to the following:



    1. Make the following replacements for the gcloud command:
      • TEMPLATE_ID : The ID of the job template you created.
      • LOCATION : The location of your job template. Use one of the supported regions .
        Show locations
        • us-central1
        • us-west1
        • us-west2
        • us-east1
        • us-east4
        • southamerica-east1
        • northamerica-northeast1
        • asia-east1
        • asia-northeast1
        • asia-northeast3
        • asia-south1
        • asia-southeast1
        • australia-southeast1
        • europe-west1
        • europe-west2
        • europe-west4
    2. Run the following command:
      gcloud transcoder templates delete TEMPLATE_ID 
      --location= LOCATION 
      You should see a response similar to the following:
      Deleted template [projects/ PROJECT_ID 
      /locations/ LOCATION 
      /jobTemplates/ TEMPLATE_ID 


    Before trying this sample, follow the C# setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API C# API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     using Google.Cloud.Video.Transcoder.V1;
    public class DeleteJobTemplateSample
        public void DeleteJobTemplate(string projectId, string location, string templateId)
            // Create the client.
            TranscoderServiceClient client = TranscoderServiceClient.Create();
            // Build the job template name.
            JobTemplateName name = JobTemplateName.FromProjectLocationJobTemplate(projectId, location, templateId);
            // Call the API.


    Before trying this sample, follow the Go setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Go API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import (
    	transcoder ""
    // deleteJobTemplate deletes a previously-created template for a job. See
    // for more information.
    func deleteJobTemplate(w io.Writer, projectID string, location string, templateID string) error {
    	// projectID := "my-project-id"
    	// location := "us-central1"
    	// templateID := "my-job-template"
    	ctx := context.Background()
    	client, err := transcoder.NewClient(ctx)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("NewClient: %w", err)
    	defer client.Close()
    	req := &transcoderpb.DeleteJobTemplateRequest{
    		Name: fmt.Sprintf("projects/%s/locations/%s/jobTemplates/%s", projectID, location, templateID),
    	err = client.DeleteJobTemplate(ctx, req)
    	if err != nil {
    		return fmt.Errorf("DeleteJobTemplate: %w", err)
    	fmt.Fprintf(w, "Deleted job template")
    	return nil


    Before trying this sample, follow the Java setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Java API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

    public class DeleteJobTemplate {
      public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        // TODO(developer): Replace these variables before running the sample.
        String projectId = "my-project-id";
        String location = "us-central1";
        String templateId = "my-job-template";
        deleteJobTemplate(projectId, location, templateId);
      // Deletes a job template.
      public static void deleteJobTemplate(String projectId, String location, String templateId)
          throws IOException {
        // Initialize client that will be used to send requests. This client only needs to be created
        // once, and can be reused for multiple requests.
        try (TranscoderServiceClient transcoderServiceClient = TranscoderServiceClient.create()) {
          JobTemplateName jobTemplateName =
          DeleteJobTemplateRequest deleteJobTemplateRequest =
          // Send the delete job template request and process the response.
          System.out.println("Deleted job template");


    Before trying this sample, follow the Node.js setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Node.js API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     * TODO(developer): Uncomment these variables before running the sample.
    // projectId = 'my-project-id';
    // location = 'us-central1';
    // templateId = 'my-job-template';
    // Imports the Transcoder library
    const {TranscoderServiceClient} =
    // Instantiates a client
    const transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
    async function deleteJobTemplate() {
      // Construct request
      const request = {
        name: transcoderServiceClient.jobTemplatePath(
      await transcoderServiceClient.deleteJobTemplate(request);
      console.log('Deleted job template');


    Before trying this sample, follow the PHP setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API PHP API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\Client\TranscoderServiceClient;
    use Google\Cloud\Video\Transcoder\V1\DeleteJobTemplateRequest;
     * Deletes a Transcoder job template.
     * @param string $projectId The ID of your Google Cloud Platform project.
     * @param string $location The location of the job template.
     * @param string $templateId The user-defined template ID.
    function delete_job_template($projectId, $location, $templateId)
        // Instantiate a client.
        $transcoderServiceClient = new TranscoderServiceClient();
        $formattedName = $transcoderServiceClient->jobTemplateName($projectId, $location, $templateId);
        $request = (new DeleteJobTemplateRequest())
        print('Deleted job template' . PHP_EOL);


    Before trying this sample, follow the Python setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Python API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     import argparse
    from import (
    def delete_job_template(
        project_id: str,
        location: str,
        template_id: str,
    ) -> None:
        """Deletes a job template.
            project_id: The GCP project ID.
            location: The location of the template.
            template_id: The user-defined template ID."""
        client = TranscoderServiceClient()
        name = f"projects/{project_id}/locations/{location}/jobTemplates/{template_id}"
        response = client.delete_job_template(name=name)
        print("Deleted job template")
        return response 


    Before trying this sample, follow the Ruby setup instructions in the Transcoder API quickstart using client libraries . For more information, see the Transcoder API Ruby API reference documentation .

    To authenticate to Transcoder API, set up Application Default Credentials. For more information, see Set up authentication for a local development environment .

     # project_id = "YOUR-GOOGLE-CLOUD-PROJECT"  # (e.g. "my-project")
    # location    = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE-LOCATION"  # (e.g. "us-central1")
    # template_id = "YOUR-JOB-TEMPLATE"  # (e.g. "my-job-template")
    # Require the Transcoder client library.
    require "google/cloud/video/transcoder"
    # Create a Transcoder client.
    client = Google::Cloud::Video::Transcoder.transcoder_service
    # Build the resource name of the job template.
    name = client.job_template_path project: project_id, location: location, job_template: template_id
    # Delete the job template.
    client.delete_job_template name: name
    # Print a success message.
    puts "Deleted job template" 

    What's next

    Learn about Creating and managing jobs .