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Posts Tagged ‘smartphone’

Change Leadership

By MARK RIFFEY - The nature of change is changing - and so is the pace....  more

Increase Sales By Making Deployment Easier

By MARK RIFFEY - Has your team ever watched your customers unpack, assemble, & use your product?...  more

Can you help your customers too much? Part 1

By MARK RIFFEY - When providing help is both the lifeblood and possible death of your business...  more

Team Players Make The Team Better

By MARK RIFFEY - The best make the whole team better. But how to find them?...  more

Selling Your Company?

By MARK RIFFEY - Being asked to sell your company is often unprovoked. You haven't listed it or said you're ready to retire. "I'm not ready", you might think....  more

Finish Important Work This Year

By MARK RIFFEY - Everything will not magically change the week of January 1st. It didn’t last year, remember?...  more

Finish Something.

By MARK RIFFEY - Unfinished, procrastinated tasks have the same effect as that bag of flour. Finish something today. Check that box....  more

Compelling Reasons to Buy

By MARK RIFFEY - Your chances of success improve when you meet someone's needs and/or wants with a compelling offer....  more

Planning 2018 Got You Wrapped Around The Axle?

By MARK RIFFEY - How to find two hours a day of quiet time to get your 2018 planning finished....  more

What’s Freedom Mean To Your Business?

By MARK RIFFEY - When you ask business owners why they started their company, you frequently hear these words: Freedom and opportunity....  more

Headspace, Creativity and Cartooning

By MARK RIFFEY - The blank slate is a challenge. But why?...  more

I Went To The Gym Once. Didn’t Work.

By MARK RIFFEY - Going to the gym once doesn’t produce ideal results. Neither does inconsistent execution. Consistency breeds trust, unless you're consistently bad....  more

Fuel The Rise Of Two Pizza Teams

By MARK RIFFEY - How can Montana communities fuel the formation of two pizza teams?...  more

Using Comfortable Tools

By MARK RIFFEY - Is there a balance between complacency and thrashing from tool to tool?...  more

Selling Someone Else’s Products

By MARK RIFFEY - When you consider selling someone else’s products, it’s critical to assess whether the product is germane to what you do....  more

The Ingredients Of Effective Criticism

By MARK RIFFEY - Today we’re going to use a common political event (and some football) to discuss the effective delivery of criticism....  more

Why Your Growing Company Needs To Work Slower

By MARK RIFFEY - When you work slower, you create time and space to help eliminate the bumps and potholes in your processes. “Slow is smooth” takes shape. ...  more

The Premium Price Lesson Taught By Craft Beer

By MARK RIFFEY - Testing new product / service / price tiers could result in a new way of doing business....  more

Is It Better To Keep A Customer, Or Replace Them?

By MARK RIFFEY - Well cared for clients tend to buy more, buy more often, & for a longer period of time....  more

Training: Improves Sales, Improves Ops

By MARK RIFFEY - Do your people know your products & understand your prospects' problems?...  more

Accepting Change – How Can You Help?

By MARK RIFFEY - Your challenge: Determine what’s necessary to reduce resistance to the point that your prospects will consider making a change. ...  more

Where’s The Friction?

By MARK RIFFEY - What do you repeatedly force your clients to do that they simply shouldn't have to do?...  more

Work, Caring, And Filtering Employers

By MARK RIFFEY - Are you looking for a solid, well-run company to grow with? This will help....  more

“Sink Or Swim” Isn’t Training

By MARK RIFFEY - I'll go back because that guy made a routine purchase memorable....  more

Listen to Clients. They Say The Darndest Things

By MARK RIFFEY - When you listen to clients openly and without an agenda, the value of what you learn can be huge....  more

Leads: Like a Friend Who Needs Advice

By MARK RIFFEY - A good list treats leads like a friend who needs advice....  more

Being Prepared For Employee Turnover

By MARK RIFFEY - One of the most expensive activities your business can experience is employee turnover. When employees leave, a piece of the company leaves with them....  more

Client Care and Feeding – A Strategic Responsibility

By MARK RIFFEY - The custody, guardianship and defense of your clients is a strategic responsibility....  more

Try A Dashboard To Share Your Metrics

By MARK RIFFEY - When your team can easily wrap their heads around the numbers critical to their department, it'll change their behavior....  more

Encourage Them To Climb The Ladder

By MARK RIFFEY - Every business should seek ways to provide an ascension ladder for their clientele - and create the desire to climb it....  more

Is There Truth In Your Advertising?

By MARK RIFFEY - It takes one time for people to lose trust in your advertising. ONE TIME....  more

What Halftime Advice Do You Give Your Staff?

By MARK RIFFEY - Halftime provides a natural break in the action to reflect, assess, adjust and re-engage. For a company, use them like a timeout....  more

Protecting Traditional Assets Isn’t Enough

By MARK RIFFEY - Are all of your most valuable assets being protected, or only those your insurance & bank care about?...  more

Consistent Experience

By MARK RIFFEY - How does your sidewalk reflect on your ability to credit a payment or deliver a meal?...  more

When Hiring, Choose Commitment Over Ego

By MARK RIFFEY - The difference between a strong business leader and a weak one is easily detected: Who do they surround themselves with – and why?...  more

Chaos, Panic And Other Delights

By MARK RIFFEY - How your team handles recovery from a mistake is often more important than the mistake....  more

Keep Your Eye On The Ball

By MARK RIFFEY - After every election, it's painfully easy to lose focus. Don't....  more

Warming Up Your Cold Email

By MARK RIFFEY - With double digit below zero weather arriving in Montana this week, the last thing any of us need is a cold email....  more

Brainstorming A 2017 Business Roadmap

By MARK RIFFEY - Ready to start working through the first task on the detailed 2017 business roadmap that you painstakingly carved out over the last month? ...  more

Preparing to Sell Your Business…Or Not

By MARK RIFFEY - As you get a little older, one of the natural things you start to think about is “What am I going to do with this business?”...  more

The Smell (or Aroma) Of Sales

By MARK RIFFEY - Sales is tough work. One of the things that makes it challenging is starting a conversation with someone you don’t know....  more

Focus Isn’t Enough

By MARK RIFFEY - When it comes to your business, what drives your decision to let something slide a little, be it a day, a week or "forever"?...  more

Don’t Forget the Ice

By MARK RIFFEY - Does your merchandising save your customers a trip? It should....  more

Are you Using Your Marketing Data Effectively?

By MARK RIFFEY - Presumably you have a budget and as a part of it, income / revenue goals. How certain are you that you’ll hit them this month?...  more

The Ups and Downs of Complexity

By MARK RIFFEY - Business people (myself included) seem to have a habit of making projects more complex than they should be....  more

It’s Time To Sell Something

By MARK RIFFEY - Selling the right product to the right person so they can do what they need to do (or get what they want) is honorable work....  more

What Are You Afraid Of?

By MARK RIFFEY - Is your business clinging to fear-driven artificial barriers? Limiting thoughts had my software company stuck on a sales plateau....  more

New Project Idea? Do This First

By MARK RIFFEY - Wouldn't it be nice to know if a project was going to fail after two weeks rather than two years?...  more

The Danger Of Presumption

By MARK RIFFEY - There are many ways that assumptions can endanger your projects. The key is to have a process that does as much as possible to eliminate them....  more

The One Sentence That Can Make Or Break You

By MARK RIFFEY - How are you spending your downtime? You may not have any influence over your team’s downtime, but you can still set an example....  more

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