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First Responders

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  • Rural Metro Fire Station

    Litchfield Park, Arizona

  • Valley Fire Admin

    Spokane Valley, Washington

  • Kennewick Fire Station

    Kennewick, Washington

  • AMR Spokane

    Spokane, Washington

Other First Responder Projects

American Medical Response | Mesa, AZ
American Medical Response | Colorado Springs, CO
American Medical Response | Spokane, WA
Guardian Flight Hanger Facility | Klamath Falls, OR
Kennewick Fire Station #5 | Kennewick, WA
Kootenai County Fire & Rescue Station | Post Falls, ID

Kootenai County Sheriff’s Department | Hayden, ID
Rural Metro Fire Station | Litchfield Park, AZ
Rural Metro Fire Station | Yuma, AZ
Spokane Valley Admin Building | Spokane Valley, WA
Spokane Valley Fire Station #9 | Spokane Valley, WA
Sandpoint Police Department | Sandpoint, ID

Banks and Credit Unions

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  • Spokane City Credit Union Renovation

    Spokane, Washington

  • Spokane Teachers Credit Union

    Ponderay, Idaho

  • Spokane Teachers Credit Union Home Loan Center

    Spokane Valley, Washington

  • Washington Trust Bank and Drive-Thru

    Lewiston, Idaho

Other Bank and Credit Union Projects

Banner Bank Customer Service Center | Spokane, WA
Banner Bank Call Center | Spokane, WA
Banner Bank, Downtown Branch | Spokane, WA
Banner Bank, Treasury Management Department | Spokane, WA
First Bank Northwest | Liberty Lake, WA
Spokane City Credit Union | Spokane, WA
STCU ATM's Various Locations | Spokane, WA
STCU Airway Heights Branch | Spokane, WA
STCU Downtown Branch | Spokane, WA
STCU Home Loan Center | Spokane Valley, WA

STCU Ponderay Branch | Ponderay, ID
STCU Rathdrum Branch | Rathdrum, ID
US Bank Center | Spokane, WA
Washington Mutual Bank | Boise, ID
Washington Mutual Loan Center | Boise, ID
Washington Mutual Loan Center | Idaho Falls, ID
Washington Mutual Bank | Caldwell, ID
Washington Mutual Bank | Spokane, WA
Washington Mutual Bank | Bountiful, UT
Washington Trust Bank | Lewiston, ID


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  • Indigo Urgent Care at CrossRoads

    Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

  • River District Modern Dentistry

    Liberty Lake, Washington

  • Kaniksu Community Health

    Sandpoint, Idaho

  • North Idaho Eye Institute Hayden Office

    Hayden, Idaho

Other Healthcare Projects

CHAS, Denny Murphy Clinic | Spokane, WA
Eastern State Hospital, Renovations | Cheney, WA
Eastern State Hospital, Therapy Pool | Cheney, WA
Indigo Urgent Care at CrossRoads | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Kadlec Medical Center, Imaging & Ultrasound Center | Richland, WA
Kadlec Medical Center, Radiology Center | Richland, WA
Kadlec Medical Center, The Birth Center Expansion | Richland, WA
Kaniksu Health Daycare | Sandpoint, ID
Kootenai Medical Center, Linear Accelerator | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Kootenai Medical Center, Health Park | Post Falls, ID
Kootenai Medical Center, Kidney Dialysis Center | Coeur d’Alene, ID

Moses Lake Medical Clinic Remodel | Moses Lake, WA
North Idaho Eye Clinic | Coeur d’Alene, ID
North Idaho Eye Clinic | Post Falls, ID
Orthopedic Specialty Institute | Spokane, WA
Pullman Medical Building | Pullman, WA
River District Modern Dentistry | Liberty Lake, WA
Riverview Medical Plaza | Post Falls, ID
Spokane Neurology | Spokane, WA
Thompson Medical Facility | Spokane, WA
Valley Medical Building | Spokane, WA
Vivacity | Spokane Valley, WA

Health & Wellness, Senior Housing, and Multi-Family

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  • 5th & Cedar Residential

    Sandpoint, Idaho

  • Kalispel Wellness Center

    Usk, Washington

  • Main Street Residential

    Spokane Valley, Washingon

Other Health & Wellness Projects

5th & Cedar Residential Units | Sandpoint, ID
Main Street Boarding Home | Spokane Valley, WA
Kalispell Tribe of Indians, Wellness Center | Usk, WA
The View on Lincoln Apartments | Spokane, WA
Wesley Lea Hill Senior Living, Wesley Home | Auburn, WA


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  • Kaniksu Health Daycare

    Sandpoint, Idaho

  • Spokane Community College Building 15

    Spokane, Washington

  • MLK Jr. Family Outreach Community Center

    Spokane, Washington

  • New ESD 101 Talbot Center

    Spokane, Washington

Other Education Projects

Kaniksu Health Services | Sandpoint, ID
NEW ESD 101, Conference Center | Spokane, WA
Pinehurst Elementary School | Pinehurst, ID
Salk Middle School Gymnasium Remodel | Spokane, WA
Spokane Community College, Fire Science | Spokane, WA

SFCC, Magnuson Building Remodel | Spokane, WA
Spokane Falls Community College, ELC Building | Spokane, WA
Spokane Falls Community College, Student Union Center | Spokane, WA
Spokane Community College, Building 15 | Spokane, WA
YVCC, Operations & Maintenance Complex | Yakima, WA

Hospitality and Casinos

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  • 12 Tribes Resort and Casino

    Omak, Washington

  • Mill Bay Casino RV Park

    Manson, Washington

  • Northern Quest Casino

    Airway Heights, Washington

  • Spotlight 29 Casino

    Coachella, California

Other Hospitality and Casino Projects

12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
12 Tribes Casino - Various TI's | Omak, WA
Coulee Dam Casino - First Floor Remodel | Coulee Dam, WA
Grand Coulee Damn Casino | Coulee Dam, WA
Mill Bay Casino - RV Park | Manson, WA

Quil Ceda Creek Casino, Expansion/Tulalip Casino | Marysville, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Hotel/Casino Expansion | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Phase II Expansion | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Phase I Expansion | Airway Heights, WA
Spotlight 29 Casino, Mission Band of Indians | Coachella, CA

Office Buildings and Tenant Improvements

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  • Historic Globe Building Remodel

    Spokane, Washington

  • The Peyton Building Remodel

    Spokane, Washington

  • 518 Building Updates 2023

    Spokane, Washington

  • The 518 Office Building Remodel

    Spokane, Washington

Other Office and Tenant Projects

5th & Cedar Building
518 Building Executive Offices | Spokane, WA
518 Building Updates 2023 | Spokane, WA
Ace Business Park | Spokane Valley, WA
Allstate Office | Spokane, WA
BDO Spokane | Spokane, WA
Bend & Sway | Spokane, WA
Blue Cross of Idaho Remodel | Coeur d'Alene, ID
CH2MHill Tenant Improvement| Spokane, WA
Enduris Office Building | Spokane, WA
F5 Networks | Liberty Lake, WA
The Globe Building, Commons Area | Spokane, WA
The Globe Building, Pawn 1 Suite | Spokane, WA
The Globe Building, Trindera Suite | Spokane, WA

The Globe Building, Spokane Barre Suite | Spokane, WA
GMAC | Spokane, WA
Hanson Corporate Office | Spokane, WA
Northwest Planning Office | Spokane, WA
NW Mutual Life, Tenant Improvement | Spokane, WA
Riverstone Apogee II | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Riverstone Apogee I | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Peyton Building Remodel | Spokane, WA
Sonitrol Building | Spokane, WA
Spokane Regional Clean Air Agency TI | Spokane, WA
UPS, Parking Area | Spokane, WA
W 809 Main Loft, Build-out | Spokane, WA

Public, Institutional, and Airports

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  • Indian Trial Library

    Spokane, Washington

  • South Hill Library

    Spokane, Washington

  • Davenport Waterpark

    Davenport, Washington


    Spokane Valley, Washington

Other Public and Airport Projects

Alaska Airlines, Kiosk Replacement Program | Spokane, WA
Avista Utilities, High Transmission Dock Facility | Spokane, WA
Davenport Waterpark | Davenport, Washington
East Central Community Center | Spokane, WA
Horizon Airlines, Maintenance Hanger Facility | Spokane, WA
Liberty Lake Municipal Library | Liberty Lake, WA


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  • 12 Tribes Resort & Casino

    Omak, Washington

  • Indaba Riverside

    Spokane, Washington

  • Northern Quest Casino

    Airway Heights, Washington

  • The Wine Cellar

    Coeur d’Alene, Idaho

Other Restaurants Projects

Asian Bistro Restaurant 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
Beignets Restaurant | Spokane, WA
Camas Restaurant, 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
Evolution, 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
Gaming Floor Bar, 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
Honey Baked Ham Store | Spokane, WA
Loggers Pub, 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA
Nothing Bundt Cakes | Spokane, WA
Indaba Coffee - Riverside | Spokane, WA
Northern Quest Casino, River Buffett | Airway Heights, WA

Northern Quest Casino, Legends of Fire Sports Bar | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, 10k Kitchen Build-out | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Fais Noodle House | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Woodlands Restaurant | Airway Heights, WA
Northern Quest Casino, Cigar Room | Airway Heights, WA
Revel 77 | Spokane, WA
Spotlight 29, Michael Jordon Steak House | Indio, CA
Spotlight 29, Main Bar and Kitchen | Indio, CA
The Wine Cellar Restaurant | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Yū Chinese Bistro, 12 Tribes Casino | Omak, WA

Retail and Grocery

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  • Circle K

    Airway Heights, Washington

  • Goodwill South Hill

    Spokane, Washington

  • URM Foods

    Union Gap, Washington

  • Yoke's Fresh Market

    Deer Park, Washington

Other Retail Projects

American Family Insurance | Airway Heights, WA
Armed Forces Recruiting Center | Spokane, WA
Aunties Bookstore | Spokane, WA
Barnes and Noble | Spokane, WA
Best Buy Store | Boise, ID
Best Buy Store | Spokane, WA
Cash & Carry | Yakima, WA
Circle K | Airway Heights, WA
The CrossRoads Retail Center | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Davids Bridal | Spokane, WA
Dealers Auto Auction | Airway Heights, WA
Dollar Tree | Airway Heights, WA
Evergreen Retail Center | Spokane, WA
Freds Appliance Store | Spokane, WA
Gerber Collision & Glass | Lakewood, WA
Gerber Collision & Glass | Spokane, WA
Gerber Collision & Glass | Millwood, WA
GI Joes | Spokane, WA
Goodwill Remodel & Addition | Spokane, WA
Grocery Outlet | Airway Heights, WA

Grocery Outlet | Wenatchee, WA
Hayford Crossing | Airway Heights, WA
Hollywood Nails | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Lep-Re-Kon Harvest Foods | Prosser, WA
Market Pointe II Retail Building | Spokane, WA
McKenzie Building | Liberty Lake, WA
Napa Auto Parts | Rathdrum, ID
Napa Auto Parts | Spokane, WA
Napa Auto Parts Remodel | Spokane, WA
Napa Auto Parts | Spokane Valley, WA
Oil and Vinegar Store | Spokane, WA
Pawn 1 | Airway Heights, WA
Rathdrum Liquor Store TI | Rathdrum, ID
Sprint | Airway Heights, WA
Staples Store | Spokane, WA
Super One | Coeur d’Alene, ID
Super One Deli Remodel | Hayden, ID
Supercuts | Airway Heights, WA
URM Foods | Union Gap, WA
Yoke’s Fresh Market | Deer Park, WA

We Build Success for Our Clients

The way we build success for our clients is through a commitment to providing value and earning trust. Meridian Construction and Development, Inc. is a regional and national contractor.