Financing & Insurance

Mosier-Timperley Chiropractic offers multiple options for taking care of your investment in your overall health and wellness.  Whether it’s covered by someone else or covered by you, we’ve got options.  We often get questions have to do with which Insurance we accept, and if we offer Financing options.  Below are just a few notes to let you know more about how we handle these areas.


We accept most insurance plans.  With all of the changes in the marketplace and coverage options, we also know it can be a bit confusing about what’s covered and what’s not etc.  Don’t worry!  We’re here for you to help navigate any confusion and answer any questions.  We’ll be happy to review your policy and make sure you get the most benefit possible with your plan.  When you meet for your initial appointment we’ll make sure every detail is addressed so there are no surprises.

Financing & Payment Plans:

We know that many patients these days are enjoying the options of paying cash for their care which gives you the most control over your health and wellness vs. having some insurance company try to dictate what is best for you.  We also know that from time to time some care plans require a bit of help to make things work.  If you are in a bind or feel like you need that extra help in meeting the investment needed for the best care for you, just meet with our practice manager and we can find solutions to fit for your family.  YOUR health is what is most important to us, and we’re here to make sure we can accomplish that together!

If you have any questions at all regarding getting the best care for you and your family, just give us a call and we can set an appointment for a full review.  Part of our commitment to our community and to YOUR family means taking the time to sort out the details to then get you the best care possible!

Come find out the difference a CARING staff and practice can make for your family!