$21.99 / 1/2 hour visit
$45.00 / 1 hour visit
Choose the services you wish to include. Additional charges may apply depending on the number of pets and services requested. example if you have 3 dogs and they only get let out in the yard plus fed, the charge would only be $25.00 per visit.
$90.00 / 8 hour visit
Overnight Pet Sits include the services you choose from the Pet Sits & Dog Walks List plus the following:
Add a lunch and dinner visit for 24 Hour Service.
Additional hourly services may be added to extend Overnight Visits at a rate of $20 an hour. (no minimum hours required)
Hourly services are available upon request at a rate of $20 and hour. (minimum 4 hours required)
Additional fees may apply for traveling outside of our service area.
Holiday Surcharge $10.00
We also care for Birds, Fish, Rabbits, Lizards, Hamsters, Ferrets, Etc.For pricing or to inquire about additional services that you can't find on our site, Please contact us.