みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


A message from Saint Antonius (the Sun Consciousness)
【Earth - The Prince of the Galaxy】
16. Experience on Venusー②

Upon getting permission, Buddha began the creation of an intelligent life form.
Principle of Creation is the same as creating humans, in which Aum first created human souls, then a body.
First, there is a will.
It begins with a will "wanting to create a life like this."
It begins with imagining in one's mind.
What kind of image did Buddha get for a life form?
Buddha got an idea to create a life form, which could produce food by itself so that it never lacks food. Of course, legs are needed to move. A creature born from such a concept was a combination of a higher life form of plants and animals. The created creature had plenty of leaves growing on its back, a plant on which a flower bloomed like a lily, and also two legs to walk with.
When the Sun shined, the leaves on the back produced starch. As long as the Sun shined, there was no trouble to obtain food at all. Buddha created millions of Lily-men on Venus.
After all, the Lily-men repeated a monotonous life as they ran around actively receiving the light of the Sun when the sky was clear. However, they sat down and did nothing but lose vitality when it was cloudy and rainy.
Such creature is not a mere lump of materials. A soul dwelled in each body. The souls of Lily-men never showed eagerness to improve themselves. The creatures repeated the same monotonous life for several hundred million years.
The million bodies of lily-men eventually died out as a result of the huge explosion of the volcanoes of the Venus. The experiment of Buddha trying to build a life form of higher intelligence had failed.
There are a few important matters to be learned from the Lily-men.
Simply creating a soul does not mean that life progresses naturally.
They are not going to make effort when they live under conditions in which all the necessaries were provided from the beginning.
A more serious problem was there was no place for the souls to stay after their bodies died, and unless there was any place to stay afterward, we could not destroy the bodies.
The spiritual world of Buddha did not fit for those souls of Lily-men to live. Not only the material world, but the spiritual worlds also vary according to the subtlety of those vibrations.
Buddha learned many unnoticed problems while repeating the attempts and trials for several hundred million years.
Saint Antonius (the Sun Consciousness)
Channeling message by Amarie
source: “Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)


最終更新日  2022年05月28日 20時20分52秒
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