みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



[New Love Challenge] (11) - Hope for the Prince of the Galaxy.
There are many things I want to tell you.
You may have many questions about other planets that have disappeared, about the other dimensions that this person is looking at, about going and coming back like a Mobius wheel, about your brothers' planets, and so on, but you can find all that out by looking at the Akashic Records.
I wanted to tell you today not about such knowledge and information, but about how much significance and mission you, and the Earth at this time, have in the universe, and where you are situated at the ultimate point.
In this civilisation, what you know is so little that what you can tell is very limited.
In other civilisations, you have had considerable contact with other planetary beings and you know a lot about outer space, but in your case you are so restricted that it is almost illegal, so you are unaware of it.
But the reason why the Earth is called 'Prince' and 'noble' is that it has been given the title 'Prince of the Galaxy' to this day, with respect to the fact that it is a planet that has assumed the mission and responsibility that the entire solar system has as its greatest aim, and has waited for a noble, high ideal.
It is because it is the planet of the Prince that my wife and my partner were conceived on the moon, a satellite of the Earth, and have led us to this day.
What you are now attempting is not merely the shifting up of one planet, but a new challenge to the stagnation of the entire universe.
The principle of hope that this attempt will succeed, not fail, is transmitted as a principle of love and encouragement to the stagnant planets, the seniors of the entire universe.
That the challenge of this planet is to shape that achievement here and now.
The challenge of El Ranti is to shape that achievement here and now.
The consciousness of the Earth is suffering, is having a hard time and is bleeding.
He is in a really painful situation, but still he is entrusting you with hope in order to make the achievements of this action, in order to transmit the philosophy of love to the whole universe.
That it is now reaching its climax.
That you are the representatives of the three dimensions.
I have sent you this message today to let you know that you are in this role.
As for other trivial information, if you check the Akashic Records or ask the ninth dimension, they will be able to give you more detailed information than I can.
As the ruler of the solar system in our galaxy, and as someone who has watched over and loved the Earth, I am deeply moved by the fact that you have come to me, and I would like to convey this feeling to you, and to tell you about your current role and situation. We have focused on the theme of your current role and situation.
The shift is just around the corner.
Through this book, we want to change the people of the planet.
If you take action with the positive feeling that "it will happen", then the success of this plan is at hand.
I would like you to use that as your principle of courage and your principle of action and do your best.
That in all your civilisations in the past, you have never had such a chance.
I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for having brought it to this point.
Please, I hope that you will continue to do your best until the end.
So, with this, I bid you all farewell for today.
Thank you.
St Antonius (Sun Consciousness).
From 'Gaia's Prayer Ascension to the Star of Light and Love'

St. Antonius (Solar Consciousness)
 The divine spirit of yang consciousness (male), which resides in the sun of the solar system in which we live. At the time of the apparition, he appeared as a very beautiful male figure with golden hair, wearing multiple golden and platinum-coloured feathers and a long robe made of two colours, golden and platinum, as a figure easily recognisable to the people of Earth. He administers the Law of the Sun (the Law of the Yang Principle), which reveals the common principles of the entire solar system.
Together with his soul partner Serenity, St Antonius has established the family of the solar system and nurtures all beings as the 'father' of the solar system by sending the light, heat and love energy that he radiates and that flows from the divine spirit of Om through the galactic divine spirit to each planet. At the same time, he takes in everything, even that which is alien to him, and transforms it through love, generating explosive energy and maintaining the giant sun. He is an example to us, the human beings practising on Earth, of how to use even what is considered evil as a springboard for his own growth, and how to continue to take on the 'infinite challenge' without fear of confusion.
The world is a model for all of us on Earth.


最終更新日  2022年12月03日 07時05分03秒
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