みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: ノストラダムス

Channeled message from Nostradamus.
[When the goats and sheep are divided - 3)

You too must quickly gather everyone together, unite as one, and continue to call out to the whole world.
It can be done.
It is possible to tell the world from this Japan.
At least, the Buddha planned today because this movement that emerged from Japan can save the world.
But time is running out and there is little time left.
You must start quickly.
To save the whole world, to save this planet, to save the future of this planet, you must do all you can now.

Those of you who were born in Japan in this time period and were able to listen to the Divine Dharma are the lucky ones, which is rare in the past history.
Never let this rebirth be in vain.
Those who were born outside Japan and could not even hear the Dharma of the Buddha could not do this even if they wanted to.
You who know all the currents are the ones who can fulfil such a mission.
Respectfully receive your mission in this plan.

El Ranti, Jesus Christ, El Kantaraa, Moses and others like these have never received an imperial message from you and told you of your mission, not even once.
The will of the ninth dimension was always conveyed by messenger angels.

You are very fortunate ones.
Please share the original and correct Law of God one by one, and work hard once more with the right-minded people to make up for El Kantaraa's failure.
El Kantaraa has already taken down most of the laws that needed to be taken down.
In the second stage, he was left with the task of spreading the Dharma throughout Japan, conveying the Dharma to the people of the post-incarnation world, conveying God's word and providing salvation.

Do that unfinished business first.
And above all, tell people that it is not the body that is most important, but the soul that is most important, returning to God.
The body can be replaced by any number of alternatives if you reincarnate again.

But it is no mean feat to regain the soul once it has stepped off and fallen into hell.
It is this time's plan to raise the level of the souls of the earth's human race.
The most important thing is to save the eternal souls at this time of purification.

This Earth consciousness is now also in a sick and suffering state.
If we do not reincarnate this cancerous humanity as the original righteous people, the earth will not be saved, no matter how many surgical procedures we use to destroy humanity.

Humanity has now become like a bad germ, and is poisoning the consciousness of the Earth.
Please realise once again that you are not a bad virus, but proud children of God.

When the Earth was once born by the Earth Consciousness, it was born as the richest and most beautiful planet of all.
It should have been the greatest gift given by God as a place for the training of the great human race.
Humanity's sin of defiling it and endangering even the life of the planet Earth is grave.
Now, in order to atone for that sin, we are carrying out a movement for the restoration of humanity.
The life of the Earth consciousness is also at stake.
Please take this into consideration and deal with it without being preoccupied only with the natural disasters that are in front of you.

This has been a bit long, but I will leave you now.

Nostradamus (channelled by Amalie, 25.04.1998)
From The Truth of Fatima.

Channeled message from Jesus Christ.
[Nostradamus did not lie.

It is not that there will never be a natural disaster.
It is just the beginning.

Nostradamus never lied.
It is only that the hand of God is now being stopped from falling.

The plan is only being postponed because the hand is being stopped once more to change the plan. Because it is not as originally planned.

What comes afterwards, what we have to do afterwards, is to save many sad, sad souls, and for that, please make more and more light.

Jesus Christ (channelled by Amalie, 30.09.2002).
From The Truth of Fatima.

 Michel de Nostradamus was born in Saint Remy de Provence, France, and served as a canon physician to the Henry dynasty in the 1550s. At the same time, he began writing as an astrologer and made various 'prophecies' in symbolic poetry using four-line verses, including his masterpiece The Prophecies of Master Michel de Nostradamus (also known as The Centuries).
 Because of his accuracy, the royal family and influential figures of the time also valued his predictions, and in 1564, King Charles IX appointed him his 'Permanent Physician and Adviser'. Many interpreters of his prophetic poetry also appeared, including in later generations.

 In 1999, he predicted major natural cataclysms to occur on Earth and a major shift in civilisation that would accompany them, but these events have been put on hold due to the abortive "second plan" of the celestial world.
 Nostradamus is still active as a member of the spirit system group that promotes the evolutionary plan for the earth and mankind together with the prophets John, Elijah and others in the eight-dimensional world of the spirit heavenly realm.

Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)


最終更新日  2023年01月28日 07時05分02秒
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