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カテゴリ: 【現文明の真実】

[The truth about the present civilisation] (6) - From Morya to Amor

Several hundred years after Zeus, Morya was born in the land of Egypt. His name at this time was Moses. Later, Moses' role was to make the presence of God known, before Buddha sowed the seeds of the Law centred on compassion in India and Amor preached the teachings of love.

In this civilisation, Moses was born the son of a slave. He then chose an environment where he was swept away in a boat, picked up and brought up in a royal palace. As an adult, he embarked on a journey to free the Israelites who had been held as slaves in Egypt, and to escape Egypt.

During his journey, he performed one of the greatest miracles of this civilisation, splitting the Red Sea in two. On this occasion, it was El Ranti who assisted Moses in his wish from the heavenly realm. Indeed, this miracle was remarkable in terms of scale.

You now think it is just a legend, but it is a historical fact that it actually happened. Even today, when friends from Beelda come to visit El Ranti, he tells them about the miracle that took place. Those who witnessed this miracle could not help but realise the power of God. It was also El Ranti who ascended Mount Sinai and gave the famous Ten Commandments to Moses. Through his miracles, he showed the inexperienced people that God exists and has great power.

El Ranti, who instructed Moses from the heavenly realm under the name Yahweh, is in fact a nine-dimensional spirit and not a god.

However, the only way to convince the people of the time of God's presence was by acting like God and showing them miracles. The people of that time did not understand even if you told them difficult things. The Israelites of that time were able to realise the power of God and the reality of God through the miracles of Moses.

Moses had to return to heaven before reaching the land of Canaan. Moses' teachings were then observed as Jewish law. Faith in God took root among the people.

However, because people did not really understand the mind of God, as the nine-dimensional spirits had expected, the Law became a mere formality. It became a mere formality. Along the way, Judaism was taken over, with the prophets Elijah and Jeremiah brought down to earth under the direction of the nine-dimensional spirits.

Elijah was an offshoot of the archangel Michael. Over a long period of time after his arrival on earth, the main body energy of Archangel Michael grew so large that a part of it took on an independent personality, which is an alter ego. This is different from an alter ego, which is essentially the same personality.

Amor was born as the being whose birth was foretold in the Old Testament, the Saviour. His name at that time was Immanuel. He is generally reported as Jesus Christ.

Immanuel was not born to save only the Jews. He took physical form on earth as the embodiment of love, as the saviour of all earthlings. He opened his spiritual path from an early age and lived his life as a saviour, even though the Bible today deletes anything before the age of 30. However, being open to the spiritual path did not mean that he was a saviour from the beginning. He gradually became aware of his mission while seeking guidance from the heavenly realms.

Immanuel's actual mission was a short one, lasting only three and a half years. However, his disciples' life-long evangelisation made him a celebrated figure for the next two millennia.

The period during which the Nine Dimensional Spirits work on earth is generally not so long. It is no exaggeration to say that the achievements of the Nine Dimensional Spirits depend on the subsequent work of their disciples. In this sense, Immanuel's disciples did very well.

Churches were built around Europe and Christianity was taken around the world. The Gospels and the churches spread Christianity. Over the next few hundred years, the purpose shifted to the survival of those churches and organisations, and the formulation of Christianity began, but the early churches played a significant role in the spread of Christianity.

From 'Earth Shift Up Project Gaia Its Love Its Light'


最終更新日  2023年02月08日 07時05分02秒
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