みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: 天野 聖矢

[The world after the Pole Shift].
~Teachings passed on to Penny from a higher dimensional being

What will happen to our consciousness as we ascend further into the next dimension? The following are the principles of ascension that have been passed on to Penny by the beings of the super-higher dimensions.

From now on, the value that was outside of you will exist inside of you.
When you bring the consciousness that was directed outwards deep into your inner self, you will see your root 'source' in the depths. That source is connected to everyone else.

That connection is maintained at a certain characteristic frequency, and the vibration of that connection is LOVE. love is not a romance, such as the courtship of a man and a woman who say 'I love you'. It is a wave vibration that is coupled with Source.

Therefore, to speak with LOVE is to speak with awareness there, connecting with the deep cosmic source.

Words are also vibrations, and they contain the energy of realisation. It is called the 'spirit of speech', and it works according to the words.

People who do not connect with Source will not have an inner vision of themselves and therefore will not get the spirit to get through the difficult times ahead.

All matter, atoms, electrons and elementary particles are made of characteristic waves. Molecules, moreover, are made of higher waves. The human body is also made of waves. So are plants, animals, the earth and the universe.

The world is made of overlapping waves, so it can also be called an illusion. Space is a sea of frequencies and time arises from the perception of frequencies.

Life is full of possibilities to expand frequencies, to 'experience expressing new creations' in the waves of frequencies that exist around you, that is life.

This allows your souls to observe 'what is useful for evolution'. Learning from experience in this way and becoming aware of your own existence is called 'intelligent'.

Intelligent is the unique information contained in all frequencies, which should be called 'frequencies (waves) that allow you to know your own existence'.

These waves can commune with other waves. It can take in the molecules that make up your body, and it can also have a mind. It means that you can commune with any wave, atom, molecule, group of molecules, even with the universe, or with any matter or being that exists anywhere in this universe.

This also means that you can communicate with any molecule in your body and mind". Each of us has a special filter of frequencies, which surrounds our body.

Our brain also plays the role of a 'radio-like receiver'. The role of the brain is to help the human body respond appropriately to the environment, which can be described as a sea of frequencies, in which the human body exists, so that it can be active within those frequencies. This is nothing less than 'realising the self'.

Even memory is not stored by brain cells. Each brain cell is designed to respond to only a single frequency throughout its life. Brain cells remember what they first perceive as a pattern of frequencies, and the act of remembering is an act of tuning in (tuning out) to that pattern of frequencies.

When you can access the depths of your self on a level other than brain function, you remember 'what you originally were'. You then also remember the sense of frequency that filled the world you were in before you were born.

When your soul created itself and was striving to become a perfect creator.

The most difficult part of having an awakening is that 'the brain is totally out of control, and you recall all the information and experiences from many places and times at once, not only in this life, in order to shift to other frequencies'.

In this way, you become higher beings through an evolution called Ascension.

There, telepathy is at your disposal and you can travel through matter. You can travel instantly on your own without the need for a vehicle, and you do not need an aeroplane or a car. You can also go beyond time and space and matter, into the future and into the past. We will be able to do everything, so matter will no longer be necessary.

In the harsh environment that awaits us, all existing values on the outside - cities, cars, money, planes, luxury goods - will collapse. In tough times, there will be no point in relying on such things.

What will be needed is food, water, shelter, fields, air and other things that are fundamental to survival. The environment will be even tougher, because you will be fighting for it and wars may start.

For this, you will enter the inner world of the self. This also means that you will "move into a phase of taking back your own power, instead of living according to the values given to you by those around you".
This will result in spiritual awakening, as you will no longer be dependent on external forces such as money or companies.

From 'One Man's Guide to Happiness'


最終更新日  2023年05月22日 07時05分03秒
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