みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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The age of understanding begins, sections 1-11.
... 'The Rise and Fall of a Million Year Civilisation (6)'
Section 6: The civilisation of Atlantis (2)... The civilisation of reason.

(1) Agashar the Great.
(ii) President of the Council
(iii) Escape of Amon II (Michael)
(4) Scourge of the Square
(5) The Princess of the Prison
(6) Those who will not give up
(vii) Explosion of the giant crystal
(viii) The end of Atlantis
(ix) Reflections of Atlantis
(10) Amon II of Egypt
(i) Agashar the Great.
... 'Gaia, her love, her light'.
Amor was born into a royal family under the name 'Amon', ascended the throne in his twenties and began to preach once a month on love.
He preached that God is love itself, that every human being is a child of God, and that we should express love. People were enchanted by his beautiful words, and he became known as the 'Great Aga Shah' for his virtuous character and the excellence of his preaching, which earned him great respect.
The priests of the council did not think well of Aga Shah, and they would reject the word 'love' at the mention of it.
A movement arose within the Council to regard the Aga Shah as heretical, as it contradicted the teachings of St Cusanus' Theism of Reason and misled people.
Some of the priests could see the excellence of the law preached by the Aga Shah, but they were careful not to let their minds be read, as any outward praise would be dangerous, as it would antagonise the council.
(ii) Chairman of the Council.
At that time, the Council had the functions of Parliament, the Cabinet and the courts, and the Chairman of the Council was the sole holder of power. The Chairman of the Council, with a secret police force under his control, wanted to wipe out the Aga Shah and all his followers from the world.
Along with his scientific knowledge, the Chairman of the Council had considerable psychic abilities and was willing to use magic to realise his ambitions, kicking out his rivals and using magic for self-realisation.
Witchcraft belongs to psychic abilities, but 'black magic' is what he uses with the co-operation of the demonic world. His mind was already under Lucifer's control.
A decision was taken by the council that the Aga Shah was a pawn of the devil spreading heretical teachings, and those who supported the Aga Shah were also persecuted as pawns of the devil.
(iii) Escape of Amon II (Michael).
If this situation continues, even Michael and a large number of angels of light will be annihilated. The nine-dimensional spirit world sent Amon II (Michael) and the angels of light out by airship and landed on the present-day land of Egypt.
The name of Amalie, born daughter of Agashar, was Princess Adelaide, who had already been put in prison.
The nine-dimensional spirit world also did everything in its power not to leave Aga Shah behind, but to be honest, neither El Ranti nor I had expected to meet such an end.
But we did not give up until the end. Not giving up is this testimony of God. It is those in the heavenly realms who never give up hope until the end.
(iv) The scourge of the square.
In the time of Atlantis, Lucifer was called 'Belial', and Agashar and his followers were arrested one after another as 'sons of Belial' and, according to the ruling of the President of the Council, were to be buried alive. Those in the heavenly realms watched the scene helplessly.
When the spirit of the Aga Shah returned to the heavenly realm, he was dejected and could barely say, "I am sorry I could not help God", but we congratulated him on his labours, saying, "You have done well". In fact, in that situation, any of the other nine-dimensional spirits would have had the same result had they descended.
(v) Princess in prison.
While the queen and those around Agasha were executed, only Princess Adelate was spared. The priests of the council, who had seen what she said come true before, were so grim that they could not execute her alone and kept her in prison.
The council presidents had another purpose for keeping her alive. Lucifer wanted her own earthly body. He believed that by having her bear the Council Chair's child, he could be born on earth.
The Council President pressed Adelaide to do as he said, but she would not budge, no matter what torture she was subjected to. She was prepared to die rather than do as Lucifer said.
(vi) Those who would not give up.
After Aga Shah and the others were buried alive, the handful of angels of light who remained on earth formed a kind of underground organisation and kept in touch with each other. There were friends among the priests, and hope was linked to the idea of rescuing Princess Adelate and restoring Atlantis.
The prison was almost impossible to escape from, but they managed to rescue Princess Adelate. They are called "those who never give up" in the heavenly world.
In fact, they were in a similar situation at the end of the Age of Mu. Amalie was born to assist La Mentas, and after La Mu and La Mentas left the earth, those who helped Amalie when she was taken prisoner were born together at the end of Atlantis and helped Princess Adelate.
Princess Adelate thanked them and vowed to convey the will of the heavenly world to them. They were connected by their strong desire to never be defeated by Lucifer and others.
(vii) Explosion of the giant crystal.
When it came to the "late Atlantis", there was no need to put plant bulbs on the windowsill, it was one hundred per cent clean energy, a combination of pyramids and crystals, harnessing cosmic energy.
Crystal crystals have an energy-amplifying function, which "amplifies and accumulates" both the energy of divine love and the dark energies that contradict it.
At the end of Atlantis, there were attempts to use the pyramids and crystals for military purposes, and a large amount of dark thought energy was accumulated in the giant crystal.
The crystal exploded in a minor accident of opportunity, releasing the amplified negative energy, which triggered the sinking of the Atlantis continent.
(viii) The end of Atlantis.
The explosion of the giant crystal signaled the beginning of the sinking of the Atlantis continent. Princess Adelaide tried to escape by airship, but the ground sloped down so quickly that she was unable to board the airship.
The falling Princess Adelaide was rescued by the Council President, but unable to bear being kept alive to fulfil Lucifer's wishes, she threw herself into the sea.
Soon, the continent of Atlantis was underwater, and a huge, shattered crystal sank to the bottom of the Bermuda Sea area, where it still exerts influence nearly 10,000 years later. The Bermuda Triangle, where ships and airliners suddenly disappear, is due to the crystal on the ocean floor distorting time and space in that region.
(ix) Reflections on Atlantis.
The Lemurian civilisation had a clear goal of shifting up the Atlantian civilisation in the next Age of Aquarius, and it reached a certain level in both science and spiritual abilities, but it ended up being a failure.
There was no time to discuss what was the cause. The next civilisation must rise and shift up.
First, we must learn about love thoroughly, before science. It was the Atlantis civilisation that was blinded only by the convenience of science and neglected love.
Opening the spiritual path should have been kept to a minimum. It was the Atlantis civilisation that was a stark reminder of the terrible consequences when those who open the spiritual path are in the centre of power.
It is the wish of all the 9th Dimensional Spirits to shift it up at any cost in terms of the lifespan of the Earth. It was the nine-dimensional spirits who vowed to brace themselves and work hard with one heart and mind.
(10) Amon II in Egypt
Amon II, who fled to Egypt, took the name Amon Ra and became a king who preached sun worship. They were the ones who introduced the pyramids from Atlantis.
They used 'telekinetic' spiritual abilities and anti-gravity devices to make stones fly through the air and the pyramids were built. It means that such abilities and devices become a complete mystery when the people who pass them on cease to exist.
For now, Michael survived as Amon-Ra. The Nine Dimensional Spirits, with El Ranti as chairman, held an urgent meeting to decide what kind of civilisation they would start in the future, and how they would go about "shifting up the last shift".
...continued in 'Section 7, Civilisation Now... The Civilisation of Intelligence'.


最終更新日  2023年08月17日 07時00分15秒
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