みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: ノストラダムス

Channeled Message from Nostradamus
When Goats and Sheep are Separated

My name is Michel de Nostradamus.
My name is Michel de Nostradamus, a physician and prophet in medieval France.

My prophecies in "The Centuries" have been mostly fulfilled, and only a few remain.
Now those few that remain are about to be fulfilled.

I do not like to confuse or frighten people by stating the prophecy outright, but what must happen will happen, and it will happen.
But I must tell you that what is to come will come, and that it is already at hand.

I have foretold it.
I have foretold that the Salvation Movement that will rise from Japan will be fulfilled, and that when the Buddha, the King of the East, rises, he alone will save the whole world.

However, the leader of the Orient is now halfway through his mission and unable to fulfill it. This is a very difficult time, both in terms of natural disasters and in terms of their prophecy.

If you, the heirs of the Buddha's will, can fulfill your role, the future disasters will be big or small, however you want them to be.

The third plan has now been initiated by Lord El Ranti, and we, as well, are watching to see how hard you can work.

What is to happen will happen.
But the scale of it has not yet been determined.
Europe will sink, Northern Europe will almost be transformed, and worst of all, Japan will be in danger.
But God is not giving up, and He is going to save mankind.

Nostradamus (channeled by Amalie on April 25, 1998)
From "The Truth of Fatima

Channeled Messages from Jesus Christ
[Nostradamus did not lie.

It is not that there will never be a natural disaster.
It is just the beginning.

Nostradamus never lied.
The hand of God is being stopped right now.

The plan is being postponed because God's hand is being stopped once again for a change of plan. Because it is not as originally planned.

Please let there be more light for what is to come afterwards, what must be done afterwards, the saving of many sad, sad souls.

Jesus Christ (channeled by Amalie, Sept. 30, 2002)
From "The Truth of Fatima"

 Michel de Nostradamus was born in Saint Remy de Provence, France, and served as a canon physician to the Henry dynasty in the 1550s. At the same time, he began writing as an astrologer and made various "prophecies" in symbolic poetry using four-line verses, including his masterpiece "The Prophecies of Michel de Nostradamus" (also known as "The Centuries").
 Because of the accuracy of his predictions, the royal family and influential people of the time highly valued his predictions, and in 1564, King Charles IX appointed him as "Permanent Physician and Advisor. In 1564, King Charles IX appointed him as his "permanent physician and advisor." In addition, many interpreters of his prophetic poetry, including those of later generations, have appeared.

 In 1999, he predicted a major natural cataclysm that would occur on earth and a major shift in civilization that would accompany these events, but these events have been put on hold due to the abortive "second plan" of the heavenly realm.
 Nostradamus is still active as a member of the spirit system group that promotes the evolutionary plan for the earth and mankind in the 8th dimension of the spirit heavenly world, together with the prophet John, Elijah, and others.


最終更新日  2024年02月24日 07時05分02秒
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