みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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From El Kantarar(Buddha)
Buddhism and up shifts
Buddhism places reflection at the heart of its practice, that is, the 8 principle path to meditation. Following that method, it feels really hard to put into practice what Moses said this time: «When you get on top of the roof, throw away the ladder that you’ve been using to climb up: spread your wings and fly!».
Even in our celestial realm, even in the realm of Buddha, once you have been practicing meditation with all your soul, going through reflection after reflection, in the end, in order to uplift from the Tathagata state to the Buddha state, you have to reach into a completely free, open-ended heart, as if you were swimming freely in the grand Universe.
Maybe you are binding yourselves into an excess of reflection and since you came to the conclusion that it is the only path to reach a higher level, you imposed such strict rules to your soul.
I’m thinking that maybe there was a fault in my teaching on this subject.
Actually, the divine world is much freer. You can shift to a higher level, upgrade, still keeping the reflection and the 8 principles as your focal point; you can absorb and cultivate in yourselves in an integrated way more varieties of the divine law, living through many ways deriving from different values.
This is the pathway to the will of God. It is necessary to overview the whole planet Earth in a global way. When your vision comes from a single standpoint, you can’t see globally.
Look at the wars that the Muslims are carrying out: they think that the words of Allah and Mohammed, their prophet and god, are absolute. They consider their way as the only possible uprightness: that’s why they can’t accept others.
The same goes for Buddhists, too.
The most important piece of this great project of salvation for planet Earth is exactly this: the elements that were previously separated will be unified in one; that is being transmitted from Heaven as the united wisdom of humankind.
Over 2,000 years ago, in India, people were maybe not ready to accept this, both in terms of their capacity, and in terms of their knowledge.
In this age, across the whole planet Earth, humankind has the chance to learn what I have been teaching, what Moses has been teaching, what Mohammed has been teaching, what Jesus Christ has been teaching, and also what other great spiritual leaders have been teaching.
Humankind can now check out in what way we’ve been guiding the advancement of spiritualism.
Moreover, thanks to the development of science, humankind is going to be able to awaken to the authentic wisdom of the Universe.
This is what the present moment is about. Humankind is climbing such a ladder.
The procedure so far was to climb one step at a time, slowly but constantly. Now that people have reached a large-scale understanding of the Universe and the awareness of being children of God, I’m saying: «Acknowledge that you have big wings on your back», «You are children of God, you can fly on your own... Try to fly!». People will realize what their real being is about and they will fly with the recognition of being children of God.
Everybody has a different flight destination, of course, in accordance with their own uniqueness and their own spiritual evolution.
This is how people have to be helped to fly. This is how this earthly learning place can be transformed into a place where people can start flying again, and return to their state of children of God.
People on other planets, also, need to be allowed the opportunity to fly, so that they can offer their contribution. And planet Earth itself, too, needs to offer a new spiritual training place of a more advanced level. This is our intent.
So, if you consider what I’m saying from a Buddhist perspective, you might see no connection point. But by now, I have absolutely no intention of sticking to the teachings that I gave in India.
I preached the Divine Law in many ways - when I was La-Mu, and when I was on other planets, and in the civilizations where I’ve been. In India, by chance, there’s been a time when I preached the Divine Law as Gaudama Siddharta Buddha; but the entire fundamental law of the Universe can’t be reduced to Buddhism at all, which is a little concept.
The law of the grand Universe contains something really deep. So deep that there are principles that I haven’t learnt yet myself. In such an immensely wide view, humankind is currently trying to learn something of far greater importance.
In this light, come out of the teachings of the time in India. Hold hands with those of different religions, in mutual understanding, realizing that planet Earth is one united whole, that we are all connected to One as children of God and filled with life by God and living as energy of love. Now it’s time for Terrestrials to become aware of that, and to cooperate.
I drew up this salvation plan to activate such a heart in humankind.
EL- Kantara(Buddha)

『The Supreme Being of the Earth, The 9th Dimensional Spirit 2』

Translation with DeepL


最終更新日  2024年03月30日 07時05分02秒
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