みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…




Hold aloft the torch of Divine Principle and walk boldly and heroically.9)

There is calm before the battle. You have certainly overcome many troubles, but up to now, they have been at best troubles within your own ranks.
But from now on, it will be different. A battle with the outside world awaits you. And using their power, using their strength, the big boys in the underground are about to make their move.

Put your backs into your stomachs, don't flinch, don't leave any openings, and walk boldly forward. From now on, we really need people who are combative in the true sense of the word.
For this purpose, quickly rebuild the forces of your allies and bring in those who are strong.
Those who have left in the past have no power and can do nothing. Do not get involved.

You must fight against those who are larger in scale in order to advance the plan of God and the plan of the Kingdom of God.
There are those who think they have already defeated the armies of God once.
They are about to make their move once again, saying, "This is a big deal.

Michael, Poseidon, the Dragon Gods, and the Aragami are all coming to the fore, but the more the battle unfolds, the greater will be the power that blocks the way of the battle.
Go forward on this path with confidence that you have been given this power, and with confidence that you will be able to do it.

I wish I could say only pleasant things to you, but from my point of view, I know the path you will have to fight on, so I cannot say too many pleasant or sweet things to you.
But let me also tell you that there is nothing to fear, as long as you tighten the reins of your mind and leave no stone unturned.

And never waver in your faith in us. Believe in us. Believe in the power of the heavens.
Then, no matter how much pain anyone inflicts on you, my thunder will crush him. With our help, you can march heroically with all your strength on your backs.

The torch of Divine Principle is the word of our Divine Principle, the message of the heavenly realm that carries this plan. Walk majestically with it. Do not hide, but walk majestically.
From now on, I ask you, as God's apostles, to walk this path for several decades until you return to our world, without flinching when challenged by all things, and without being overthrown.
That torch, never extinguished, the torch will go around the world before the Olympic games. Finally, it will come to Olympus, Greece. And every year, the torch will be carried to the place where the Olympic Games are held. People along the way will do their best to protect the torch so that it will not be extinguished.

The runners are trying their best to keep the torch burning, even in the rain. Watching them, I see the same thing as you do.

It is a fire that was once extinguished. The runners of the torch - it is the fire that has gone out. It is the fire that has gone out, and the torch has been lit again. Take this torch and run. Guard this torch with your life until the time comes to pass it to the next runner, until the time comes when this goal is reached.

Believe that it is the only torch that shines on the earth and leads it to God, to the planet of love.

Zeus, The Living Greek Gods


最終更新日  2024年04月04日 07時05分03秒
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