みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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A message from Archangel Michael
【To ask each person to meet God】
It would be nonsensical if we had founded the Project in Heaven and you took charge for it in the physical world even if you didn’t want to, if you forced yourselves to follow our orders, killing your will, crushing your uniqueness.
So, if you have doubts of any kind, ask your heart and find the answers to your questions. Question by question, you can get to the answers.

Going through this process, face your life straight away, to the best of your abilities. In this day and age you can ask anything, so use this occasion head-on to raise your level of consciousness. And I would love all of you to meet God within your heart.
Meeting God means meeting your own divine authentic essence as children of God. God is not some place faraway, or far above. God, our Pro creator, already exists within you, inside your heart, throughout your divine essence, the essence of being children of God.
When are you going to realize that each and every existing being is a manifestation of God, a dignified life, light itself?
That’s all.
That’s why the journey into the physical world exists in the first place. That’s why there’s a project all over entire planet Earth to guide as many people as possible towards their happiness. As you follow through with that project, in the end, there can be no enlightenment unless you pursue a personal growth, unless you pursue your own awareness; there would be no evolution, no soul development, if you blindly submitted to the Project or followed through it feeling forced to obey.
Even if we have a firm willingness to make planet Earth ascend while you carry out the Project we also want you to continuously follow through with your personal learning process. What is this learning process about? It’s simply about meeting with your divine essence as children of God.
That’s all.
We are definitely not saying: «We want to force this planet Earth to evolve, and so you must submit to our will and put your personal path aside», «Be our slaves and accomplish the Divine Mission», «Leave your path».
Send the request to your heart. Your request to meet god. Through your request, inside of you, God will answer, it will be given you The real sensation of who you really are.
If something doesn’t feel quite right, it doesn’t matter. Always keep sending requests on every single subject with utmost seriousness.
In the end, because you are all children of God, we are all children of God, the children of God can go back only to God, the children of God can only go back to the Pro creator, to God.
There are people who understand nothing about this. But flowing along with time, they will return to their authentic being, too. Heaven founded this Project in order to seize this opportunity and speed up the process. The Earth environment is really bad, it needs improvement, it needs some fixing, so we want as many embodied angels of light as possible to acknowledge the existence of the Project.
You have to understand that we are not forcing you to carry out the Project. The connection between us is not a dictatorial one;
we can have mutual respect, mutual trust, help each other, have each one lending their strength to others all the time.
Archangel Michael


最終更新日  2024年04月19日 07時05分03秒
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