みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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Men, be men! (6) - The Meaning of the Law of Women being brought down -.

In spite of the fact that there is no love, we are able to maintain our peace of mind by complaining about it.
This was one of the aspects of being spoiled.
But from now on, it is different.
You, as children of God, will honestly and sincerely face your true nature.
The time will come when you will not be valued in the social cosmic age for anything unless you compete with your true nature as a bare child of God, only with your bare and true appearance.

Those who are unable to make their own freedom and decisions because they do not want to make mistakes or be backslidden by society, will not be able to create a new age, but will not be able to live even if a new age comes.

At the end of this age, all pretense and formality will be thrown into the final crucible, where they will be boiled and dissolved.
In this context, we will express our divinity as children of God in its true, bare form.
In this way, you are the true children of God.

If you are God's children and part of the energy of love, then God now demands that you exercise your free will, your passion, and your power of action, in which your unique individuality is embedded. God has expected you to exercise that power.

Up until now, you might have been fine doing the same thing, as if you were in kindergarten or elementary school.
But if you are now in junior high or high school, such things will no longer be tolerated with leniency, and an independent lifestyle and a high level of intelligence will also be demanded of you.
If you are in elementary school, it may be that all you had to do was the same thing as everyone else.
However, in junior high school and high school, a certain level of uniqueness will be required.
Such an era will come with the dawn of the space age.

At that time, those who are dependent on their surroundings, or those who blame customs or social systems will not be able to survive.
For this reason, in a sense, women may be the most dependent of all.
And there is a history of women that has not been taught until now.

Therefore, the “Women's Law” has been suddenly dropped, and by returning to the true meaning of womanhood as a child of God, and by becoming our true selves, we will be able to “get rid of our strong dependency,” which has always blamed the social system, our husbands, and others for our misfortunes. She also said to me the other day, “Get rid of your strong dependence on others.

I think she was talking about the need for women to realize that they are responsible for creating their own happiness by establishing themselves and becoming self-reliant.

(From Alexander's “The Last Hurdle of Ascension”)

Alexander the Great (356-323 BC)
King of Macedonia. Reigned, 336-323 BC.
From the age of 13, he spent three years as an educator, learning from the philosopher Aristotle. He was influenced throughout his life by the Iliad, a gift from Aristotle.
At the age of 20, Alexander succeeded to the throne and attempted to unite the nations of the East and West into a single empire. He incorporated Persians into the Macedonian army and trained them in the Macedonian style. He himself adopted the Persian way of life, married women from the East, and encouraged his men to marry wives from the East.
During his ten years of conquest, he founded a number of Greek colonies. In these cities, named Alexandria, Greek culture was introduced and a lively cultural exchange took place between East and West, beginning the “Hellenistic” era, a period of rich world culture. The Hellenistic period began, a period of rich world culture, and gave birth to the Nike of Samothrace and the Venus de Milo, among others.
Known as Shiva in ancient India, he was born Napoleon Bonaparte in 18th century France.


最終更新日  2024年05月10日 07時00分15秒
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