みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



”Law of Venus”
At the risk of their lives, men are going to send down the law desperately, make them complete, reforming the world and maintaining it by intellect. With a power, with courage, they are going to change the age dramatically.

It will be done by men of positive who have a strong power and strong energy.

But, even with that power, there remain something which cannot be rescue.

When a big sense of the value of the age is going to be changed, if the humans emit egoistic energy, men cannot accept the difference of the sense of values. Men can only insist on their own sense of value.

By that reason, they collide and wars happen.

When men kill each other and are injured in order to insist on their own sense of values, what does it take to calm down them?

It is the same as the tears of mothers who lost their sons in the war.

There are youngster who are killed in the war

You all are the mother of all of those soldiers.

In such thought, accept the feminine firmly.

Then what are you going to do?

You can insist: “You should never do such a thing.”
It is the power of women.

It is not the energy of woman only to expand an antiwar movement together with men.

Even if it is the antiwar, in the wish of women, it is your women to declare the dignity of life, the sorrow of losing the loving persons as “Why do you men injure to each other, injure Earth, and kill my son and husband, by insisting on yourself, being thrown off your own sense of value?”

Only the word can touch people’s heart the most.

It is because all the human beings are born from the women’s body.

All are my children.
I am the mother of Earth.

The mother of all Earth people.

Thinking that I gave birth to all of you from my body,
caring for you all, I have been living up till now.

I am loving you all.

So, you whom I love have been injuring each other, killing each other, and hating each other.

I cannot permit you all to distress my loving Earth any more, which Earth Consciousness has been nurturing being injured, to distress Earth Consciousness itself, and further you yourself suffering to each other by yourself, injure to each other and perish.

I as a mother do not want to permit this.

Those who stop it are women, by gathering the energy of us women.

When new lives are to be born, new lives beginning to dwell, and many lives must perish in the process of old things so far being destructed.

That is, not only for the lives of physical bodies, what I am talking about is, I as the mother of spirits descended down on this ground, when the life on the spirit, the life of the spirit is to be recreated.
And, I would like to convey to you, “By utilizing the energy of the feminine, the original energy of which I gave you when I created you, save this critical moment of Earth.”

Women, you all have the powers you have not known.

But, in order to use them, first you have to know you are children of God and that God is an energy of love that rules Universe.

Then, unless you have been aware that you children of God are part of love itself, love itself, you could not use fully the energy of love that is in yourself.

Love itself.
Energy of love in yourself.

Its power of transformation.

In order to convey it, you need to be aware of the fact
that you are the existence of love itself.

Otherwise, this law cannot be conveyed.

So I have waited for this time.

Based on this point, I would like you to fulfill what your role is,
in this society of now, also in your daily life.

Selenity (Moon Consciousness)

Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Prayer of Gaia”(Kindle)

~Full moon in Sagittarius Flower Moon~


最終更新日  2024年05月28日 07時05分05秒
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