みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: 言葉のしおり

There are times in life when we need to be courageous and disconnect. Words by Hiroyuki Ehara

2/3/2018 MOVIE that will touch your heart


Friends are not something you can become by trying.
Before you know it, you become friends.
Before you know it, you become someone more important than yourself.
Before you know it, they become your one and only best friend, your marriage partner.
When that person dies, before you know it, you are crying.
If you can find even one such person, your life will look different.


The more people who are in the flow and
The more people who are living their mission
are supported by their past selves.
When you look back on the past
“Thanks to that time...”
And when you can thank yourself
When you can thank yourself deeply and profoundly
the person you were at that time will be cheering you on.
In this way
The more I am supported by my past self
the more momentum you gain in the present.


If you worry too much about losing or
If you are too worried about losing or afraid of lacking
the possibilities become smaller and smaller.
To move forward, leave where you are.
To get what you want, you give something up.
To evolve, you give up something.
That is
It is the order of nature.
the principle of prosperity.


It is not love to do everything the other person wants. If you think it is not good for the other person to extend a hand now, you should refuse. Daring to do so, even if they hate you, is true love.


There is no one experience from your past that you don't want. Not only pleasant experiences, but also experiences that you wish you could forget, are all necessary for the growth of the soul.


Why are all the people around me such jerks?" It is because you yourself are on the same level as those people.


We cannot meet only good people. But we can make an effort to build good relationships with the people we meet.


When you envy someone, imagine how much effort and hard work they put in behind the scenes. Don't just look at the surface.


The secret to a long-lasting relationship is to have a “six-pack. As you get to know each other, you are likely to bump into each other more often than not.


Dream strongly and concretely.
Do not be at ease.
Be determined, be patient if necessary, and work hard to reach your dreams.


What other people and the world think of you is secondary or tertiary. It is just fine to think in such a way.


The words of a family member, “Welcome home,” have the power to purge the evil energy that the person returning home has received outside.


The road to becoming a kind person is never smooth.
You can only truly become a “kind person” when you have experienced everything and are able to understand the feelings of all people, all pain and suffering, joy and love.


When you have something you want to achieve, easy requests to God will not work.
The only effective way to achieve what you want in front of God is to make a vow.
Do what you need to do, then swear an oath to God and ask for his help.
Do what you have to do and wait for God's will.
First of all, your own efforts are essential.


Just as everyone's face shape is different, love has many different personalities.
Right now you may be wondering if you can stay the same, but it is you, not the world, who decides whether you are happy or not.
Make a choice that you are satisfied with.


To polish a rough stone into a beautiful ball, you have to file it and make many fine scratches.
In the same way, a human being becomes polished and shining through experiences that seem wounded.
A life with many scratches is a life polished to a shine.


Many people hope to meet someone who will change their lives forever.
However, if you look around you with an honest heart, you will find that the most important person for you is often already nearby.
Let us not forget to be grateful to those close to us.


A love that prioritizes the relief of your own loneliness over the happiness of the other person will eventually become a burden to both of you.
Simply indulging in love from the other person will eventually become painful.
That is because it is dependence on the other person.


Do not fall into loneliness even when you feel like you are in the depths of despair.
There is always love watching over you at all times.
Have the sensitivity to recognize it.


Life is a series of choices.
When you stand at a crossroads, make a choice that makes sense to your soul, not to the values of the world.
It does not matter how others see you.
The choice that makes you happy is the best path.


Life is short.
That is why you do not want to leave regrets in your relationships with anyone.
You may not see the people you see every day tomorrow, so be sure to say “thank you” and “I'm sorry” on a daily basis.


Where there is a beginning, there is an end.
There may be many “graduations” around you.
You will feel sad, but life is not wasted.
A goodbye is the start of a new relationship.
Look forward, not back.


There are times in life when you need to be courageous and cut ties.
Are you carrying a lot of baggage with you right now?
Some of it may already be unwanted.
If you can let go of them with gratitude, you will meet new people.


最終更新日  2024年06月16日 07時05分02秒
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