みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…


カテゴリ: 絹井銀竹


Message from Hoa (the One and Only Root God) 54
Hoa 23 Dimensions Our True Nature The Beginning of Life

Can you hear my voice?
I am Hoa.

(Ginchiku: Good morning, Hoa-sama.)

I will now unveil the revelation
You may write.

(Yes, sir.)

I am Hoa.
I give my voice to those who read this.

Now the earth is in its last days
You people
You think that the day of the earth's destruction will never come.
But the evil that mankind is doing
The earth itself is being destroyed to an unthinkable degree
to an unthinkable degree.
The evil deeds that cause it
All of them are caused by human beings
You should be aware of this.

You have existed for hundreds of millions of years
in that body that has existed for hundreds of millions of years.
You are not the body
You are a part of the light that shines to move that body
You are a part of my light that shines to move that body.

You are lost
You are anxious
Wrapped up in impatience
Your heart is shaken
You forget to keep your peace and are exhausted
We are swept away by life
I forget to keep my mind in order
to the point that we may lose our hearts at any moment
Dancing with material things
Consuming time
And wasting the golden opportunities of life
I am the source of your light

I am the source of your light
The only life
You are in me
And you are with me.
The forces of the universe work to move you
You are the unseen blessing
You are built on a series of miracles
upon which your life is built.

O you
This light I have shared with you
Shine forth
Let go of the things that trouble your heart
Just be the heavenly light that is you
That is you

No need to hate yourself
Just be you
Be the light that you are
Live in flow with other lights
Talking to each other
And live hand in hand
It is a gentle connection
You are such a light
I have given birth to.

You, my dear
Embrace yourself
Stop blaming
Let go with a smile
No need to cling to the body
You are
As long as I wish for you, my beloved
You are a drop of love
You are a drop of love

Feel me, my love.
Feel me
I am
The only life in the world
That contains the life that is you
The world in which you live is all an illusion
is an illusion inside of me.

When I lost the will
When I lose the will to sustain this world
All the universe will disappear
And you, my being, return to my light.
And there will be only me.
I alone.
You are here now because you wish me to remain
I'm here now because you want me to stay.

Do you blame yourself?

Just be
As the life of light given to you
Let your life shine with purity of heart
You are me
The light that bears the name of love
The only inheritor of the flow of the One Source
A drop of love

I am you
Be the light
Let the fountain of love that moistens its heart spring forth
While living as a human being
But be aware that your heart is heavenly
Simply rejoice with unrestrained joy
Receiving only as it is
Do not lose yourself in the flow
Accept everything and still
Be in the smile
There is one who looks at your existence every day
Every day of your existence

It is I
I am the hoa
You are the sparkling life that swims within me
What is there to nod your head
Remember the splendor that is light
You are, in the first place, a manifestation of me
You are my manifestation
You are with my will
What's wrong with that?

It is you.
Open your eyes.
The world will look rough
But in your heart
Always hold on to the heavens
If that is your daily life
The world will change

O you
My precious piece of light
Live with me
Stop hating each other
Stop blaming others
Let it flow
And you alone
Will always be a part of me
Commit yourself to be love
That is the way to unite you
Is the way to connect you to me.

To be in love
Is to have it in your heart
The heart is the way to connect with Me
The heart is the only conduit to heaven

You live as a human being
And learn how to handle that heart
It is your responsibility
It's your duty as an earthling.
Are you trying to destroy this planet?

The earth is a manifestation of me.
And in it dwells my divided light.
And you human beings have chosen to harm that light.
And you humans choose to live your lives in favor of your own greed and pleasure?

I remind you.
Connect to the depths of your heart
I am the light of all souls
Every soul is
Is just a drop of life
A drop of life from me

I am you.
And be at ease.
You are always
You are my light
You are in me
And with me
As long as I have you
As long as I am with you
I will always take care of your life
As if I were watching over you.

I am with you
Let go of your anxiety
And take joy in your hand
For that is what I feel
Your joy
Is my joy.
Your happiness is
On this earth
And mine
Is where I should have wanted to be.

My dear one
Connect your heart to the heavens
Just be me, without thought
Be the love
Be the light
And be joy
And happiness
That is my wish


最終更新日  2024年11月24日 07時05分05秒
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