each unmarried child under 21 years of age, including all natural children as well as all legally-adopted children and stepchildren, even if a child no longer resides with you or you do not intend for a child to immigrate under the DV program
Failure to enter the correct photograph of each individual in the case into the E-DV system will result in disqualification of the principal applicant and refusal of all visas in the case at the time of the visa interview.
写真を出さないと、ビザインタビューの時に全てのビザの拒否に繋がるようらしい・・・。 きゃー!
DS-230 Part Iと DS-230 Part II も書いておかなければだめだろうな。 というか、面接に行かないで辞退の連絡をするだけでよいのだろうか・・・う~ん。