To explain simplistically: In our state, the amount of old-age pension is calculated on the basis of nominal wages for pensioners less than sixty-eight-year-old. For sixty-eight-year-olds or older, on the basis of commodity price for sixty-eight-year-old or older, but if nominal wage is lower than commodity price, the calculation is on the basis of nominal wages. Besides, the premium of employees' pension is according to the amount of salaries. Now both wages and prices are decreasing on the whole. It means collected premium decreases as well, and pension revenue source shrinks, too. Also, working generations' wages decline, then pension payments also decline.
-Is it fine as explanation?
Employers and older generations shall regret for reducing labor costs when it's their turn to have worse pension.
In other words: If they want better pension in the near future, they must not pinch pennies on salaries.
However... If there is something to say for Panjandrums, they don't need to worry about pension funds so seriously. Because life expectancy cannot gain forever
-Or more like: Surely, for a few decades, baby-boomers are over seventy-five and the number of old-age pensioners keeps increasing. So annuity cost keeps on increasing, too. But average life-span of current working generations might decrease because of labor exploitation, and they tend to be less moneyed than current age people. Thus, in the future, less people will live long enough to receive old-age pension for as long time as current aged generation. Panjandrums are also anticipating scenario like that, aren't they? I declare thatCentenary-life -Me? I might survive at least to become pensionable age, but I don't think I live very long life enough to be accused behind my back by younger working generation, because I'm already in delicate health.
I felt it's surprising thatwhile the population of working generation is shrinking, collected national pension premium is increasing. It's because the number of young international workers are increasing, and regardless of nationality, residents in our state are obliged to join the national pension plan in our state. Let me place to be careful that our state is eager to welcome cheap international labors, partly as pension payers. Allow me make an explanation -or excuse that it's not antiforeignism. Other nations need not to get involved with exploitation system in our state. Just our nation is enough to be exploited by our state.