ロンドンで行われている世界陸上でマラソンの川内が8位入賞を惜しくも逃したが9位 になった。でもよく頑張ったと思う。8位選手にかなり離されていたのにゴール寸前 で追いつき数秒差でゴールした。日本人魂をそこに見た。東京オリンピックにも出て もらいたいと思う。 In the World Athletics Championship held in London, citizen runner Kawauchi (30 years old) got the 9th lost only a small amount of prize winning eighth. But I think he tried his best. He was a big deal far behind the eighth runner ,but he was catching up with him just a few seconds behind the goal. I saw the Japanese soul in him. I hope him to catch the right to attend the Tokyo Olympics as well.