一 (1) one 十 (10) ten 百 (100) a hundred 千 (1,000) a thousand 万 (10,000) ten thousand 十万 (100,000) a hundred thousand 百万 (1,000,000) a million 千万 (10,000,000) ten million 一億 (100,000,000) a hundred million 十億 (1,000,000,000) a billion 百億 (10,000,000,000) ten billion 千億 (100,000,000,000) a hundred billion 一兆 (1,000,000,000,000) a trillion 十兆 (10,000,000,000,000) ten trillion 百兆 (100,000,000,000,000) a hundred trillion
__________________________________ 今日の名言
★Ability is nothing without opportunity. (Napoleon Bonaparte) 能力は機会が与えられなければ価値がない。
_________________________________ 今日の雑学 (略語)
☆BA(文学士号)→Bachelor of Arts ☆BA(バンクオブアメリカ)→Bank of America ☆BA(《英》学士院)→British Academy ☆BA(英国航空)→British Airlines, British Airways ☆BA(《英》学術協会)→British Association ☆BA(銀行引受手形)→banker's acceptance ☆BA(脳底動脈)→basilar artery ☆BA(打率)→batting average ☆BA(遮断抗体)→blocking antibody ☆BA(呼吸装置)→breathing apparatus ☆BA(気管支ぜんそく)→bronchial asthma