みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











ララニャン@ あらら あらあらビニールシートが大好きみたい。…



Dear Children of Earth, (8) - Unlock the safe and use the golden chip.

Unleash the power that you possess, for this is the path of your own soul's greatest growth and evolution in this time. And that growth and evolution, with its connection to the magnetic field of the Earth, to the Earth consciousness, and to all of you, will promote the evolution of the Earth itself, and the evolution of the entire solar system, and not just the solar system, but this galaxy, the universe, and all of Ohm. It is the energy that promotes evolution.

And in that evolution, there is always a vector of love, and when we all work together, cooperate, help, and love each other in the direction of that vector of love, we will grow, evolve, and develop together.

When you go in a different direction from that vector, you - well, to put it plainly, you know the aliens called Gray. They are those who have worked hard in their free will but have departed from that vector of evolution, which is love. If there is something to be learned from their departure, it can be forgiven, but it will drive them into their own future and lead them to a future of destruction.

I hope that with your power and your cooperation, you will create and develop a bright and wonderful future for the Earth, and that you will make your debut before your cosmic friends as a member of the universe in the new time of Ascension.

To do so, I repeat, you must become aware of your power as children of God and God. That it was originally implanted in your bodies and that the chip has already been handed to you. Using that chip, you must open your own souls, regain the power of creativity as an attribute of God, and use that power to bring the future of the earth back to a new light, in the direction of love.

Through the accumulation of such thoughts and actions, the future of the earth will be transformed into the planet of love, just as you have wished. Do not make the mistake of thinking that this is the right thing to do.
Do not think that by spreading your books and the Dharma alone, you can make the planet a planet of love.

Though that teaching is only a teaching, a cosmic rule, and a teaching, the key to use that teaching to open the safe that contains the treasure of who you are, the precious safe that is contained deep within your souls, the treasure of being a child of God, is your teaching of the positive law, the cosmic teaching. But even if you have the key, you cannot see the treasure that is there without opening the door of that safe.

Open the door and draw out that treasure, and then use it to return to your original state as a child of God, and become that kind of energy that will transform this earth. You must know that this is why the Renaissance movement of the Salvation Teachings exists. You must be aware of it. That is what I want to say to you today.

I am the one who has always loved you and always watched over you.
Please call me "Om" and call out to me in your hearts.
Each one of you will have various problems and concerns as you become aware of them, but you will find various answers as you entrust them to the overall consciousness.

Now that you understand that we are always watching over you and want to help you grow, I hope you will be encouraged to realize that you now have a teacher and a partner with whom you can grow as much as you want.

What will the future of the earth look like?
In the extreme, it depends on your awareness.
Do not think that just because the teachings have been given down to you, that is the end of the story.

What I have just said, that is, if each one of you unlocks the safe, if you unlock the safe and open the door, there was deposited there the golden divine chip that was handed to you in the former promise to God, as a child of God. And that you are to use that chip to power this salvation project and the evolution of this planet. This is the promise that I made to you when I created you.

That is all for today.
I will continue to communicate to you in another series of messages.

Until then, I ask that you reflect on what I have shared with you today and make it your power and awareness.

Message from Ohm (Cosmic Spirit)
Gaia's Prayer Ascension to the Star of Light and Love


最終更新日  2023年12月30日 07時00分12秒
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