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みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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A Message from Mother Mary
【Love Is Never-Ending】
2. Self and Other Are One
We the appearances of God are all companions who are going to take hands and express what God wants to express on this ground. In such thought in the sense of togetherness, I would like you to make alive, assist, and heal each other.
What you are thinking about might be still the personal matters of the own. But the individual distresses and sufferings are made alive at the highest level in the grand plan of God’s salvation, which exists beyond individual matters.
You might not understand the meaning of what I am saying, but I am talking about is that your suffering, feelings of being disoriented, stumbling and learning through those experiences, will in fact become an most important means for save many people from now on.
The sufferings and sorrows of a man can be understood only by those who have suffered and sorrowed in the true sense. Those who have never been ill, or never experienced sadness, have never been betrayed, cannot share the sufferings and sorrows, or bitterness of the diseases of their neighbors in the true sense.
Therefore, by training yourself and receiving the suffering and sorrows head-on possibly, and doing your best as part of your training, what you will learn there could become the highest means of love for rescuing your neighbors. It would be a milestone in truly understanding the heart of those people who are hurt.
So the self and the other are one.
All are one.
All, you created from God, the children of love, the children of God.
Those who are loved and created by God, the expressive form of God’s will itself, are us, all the children of God.
So I would like you please to have a sense of pride, dignity, and honor in each one of your existences and in each one of your individualities, make alive the individuality God created as your own individuality and expected, and I would like you to construct the way of living happily on this ground, sharing the distresses and sufferings and also joys with others, and taking hands together. It is the advent of the realm of God, which is expressed in the word ground utopia, for which God is wishing.
In heaven, the realm of God has been made already.
Also on this ground we wish to reflect the world filled with the thought of God to the three dimensions of this ground, like in heaven, where people are trusting each other, making each other alive, and speaking of the praise and glory of God to each other. We wish to restore the realm of God filled with joy and blessings to this three dimensions.
In order to become so, it is also the objective of the ground utopia within the overwhelming expression of that which is goodwill and that which is love to project the overwhelming world of love to the ground also, so that no anxiety, no betray, no sorrow, no ill will come in there, and so that they could all melt away.
For that, unless the realm of God is made in the heart of humans first, it will never be made on the ground.
As the person just before mentioned, if you consider cause and effect, think in the heart of people, think in your mind together, the thought of love, tenderness, the thought of making each other alive and mutually respecting one another, the gratitude to God, a figure to praise the glory of God.
You yourself are a spirit living who has been forgiven. I think this is such a life. If it is so, think about how much forgiveness you have been in and how you are being made alive, and forgive the sin of your neighbors and what they have done.
Not only will you stop blaming that which is bad in the other, but you will accept them as they are, and make alive each other and receive each other. With that thought, please go ahead and live. I wish you would really do so.
Mother Mary
Channeling message by Amarie
Source:“Truth of Fatima”(Kindle)
Mother Mary
Mother Mary is the mother of Jesus Christ. Since she was the mother of the Messiah, she is called the Holy Mother of Jesus Christ. It is said that although she was a virgin, she conceived Jesus by the power of the Holy Spirit and gave birth to him in a horse stable in Bethlehem.
She was a devout person and was always depicted as an obedient woman in the Holly Bible. She has been respected as a paragon of virtue of women in the Christian religion until today.
She denies her the Virgin Birth of Jesus in her channeling, however her modest attitude with full of love trying to convey God's thoughts to people on Earth in her easy words is exactly the same as that described in the Holly Bible.
She appeared actually in several places as Fatima in Portugal, Lourdes in France and Akita in Japan and other places in the world, and tried to avoid the upcoming natural disasters in the end of the twentieth century and unstable world situation, by preaching the importance of repentance and the end of the world.
Since the Cold War ended and the natural disasters did not occur, her appearance was a story of the past. However, in Lemuria Renaissance channeling, she disclosed her messages were for the people today.
Truth of Fatima


最終更新日  2024年05月11日 07時05分03秒
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