In Japanese, garnet is calledzakuro-ishi, meaning pomegranate stone. The arils are really beautiful like jewelry.
私は子どもの頃から半透明にキラキラした柘榴の実を眺めるのが大好きでした。ガーネットは私の誕生石でもあります。 I always liked its translucent ruby-like beauty ever since I was little. Garnet is also my birthstone.
熟し過ぎかなという状態になると、黒みを帯びた赤色になります。 When over-ripened, the red colour gets tinged with black.
We have a legend in Japan about goddess Kishimojin (or Kariteimo), who is now believed to be protecting children, likely originated in India. It says that the goddess had many children herself and loved them much, but on the other hand, she had a habit of taking and eating children of others. Shaka (or Buddha), to cure her child-eating, hided one of her children. After desperately looking for her lost child without success, Kishimojin realized what a pain of loosing child she had been causing to the others. Shaka gave the child back to her and suggested her to eat some pomegranate fruits if she ever again felt like eating a child.
This legend seems to have created a tradition in some areas that the fruit tastes like human flesh. I wonder if its dark red colour which can be compared with blood has contributed to the establishment of the tradition.
As a matter of fact, a pomegranate fruit never tastes like meat, but does taste like a fruit. it tastes quite good actually; it is basically sweet and a little bit sour. (^0^)/