Today was fainally my last summer holiday. Actually my summer holiday was 12 days becasue 10th Aug was that I just only left my office at 3 pm. Anyway it was not so short vacation after long unterval. To be honest if I imgaine daily life from tomorrow then I'm getting unhappy. Somehow firt of all I will have to go to my office tommorow and for this I will walk down street to JR stattion as before.
This situation abosulutely would be hard both phisically and mentally for me... Nevetherless accroding to weather forcecast for next few weeks such a hot condition seems to still continue. If summer vacation season ended then I'm expecting tempratuire to be lower as annual.
Anyway this summer also was good for me and all of my family.
Thanks a lot of fun for summerdays 2010 !
Lastly I want to come up about the purpose of blog during my summer holiday. After all I haven't never have chnace of English and thsi was within anticipation. Before starting my holiday, in order to keep my English skill as much as possible - to avoid to decrease my English as much as possible, I have been writing this my blog continiously during my holiday. Therfore my blog would be not daily as before.
Well basically I didn't get any commens from any one at all so in the future I'm not expecting it at all.
This is web page which is for English writing for myself.
So probably you are not interested in this page, but neveterless if you like then please give me any comment !