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Well I think we have almost seen the last of the leaves on the wisteria bush for the winter. It was quite a breezy day yesterday and most of them fell. It’s a pity, but let’s look forward to the new year.Do you remember Aspi? He phoned the other day and it looks as if I am going to meet up with him soon. I forgot to ask him how Sid was, I hope he isn’t still having trouble with him.Junko baked a couple of our King Edward potatoes for lunch yesterday. Excellent. It’s always nice to eat something you have grown yourself.
Junko bought some marmalade bread the other day, and put it in the freezer. I must admit that I was sceptical about the deal at the time. However, Junko surprised me by toasting a few slices for us to have along with our morning hummous. Not knowing what it was I was quite confused by the taste to start with, the mixture of orange flavour with that of caramelised onions and chick peas is an unusual one, to say the least, but once I had realised what was going on I have to say that it was very nice. Different.I bought this ipod dock and speaker system for fifty pence the other day. Good quality sound and excellent value. What more can you say? The iPod wasn't included, that I already had.
So we move ever closer to Christmas. The festive lights have been switched on in Stratford, and I must say they look nice. What am I going to get Junko as a Christmas present?And back to the dual monitor setup. One thing I noted about the cable installation. The ports are spaced very close together which means that although the connection is not an Apple one, you have to buy a special Apple cable to be able to use it together with the one next to it because the plastic on the normal cable connector is too bulky. Sneaky, or perhaps I am just overly suspicious.Here is the pumpkin soup. Delicious.
We dug some leeks the other day. Not bad. Junko is going to make leek and potato soup. That should be well worth waiting for.And further on the subject of monitors. I bought an extra cable and now I can use two monitors at the same time. Amazing. Using two monitors on a Windows machine requires buying another video card as well as a cable and all sorts of other adjustments. So simple on my Mac Mini. And the cable was only £4.99. I don’t suppose I will use this feature much but I definitely will sometimes. It’s a pity it doesn’t all work as well as this.
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