「オーケストラの少女=One Hundred Men And A Girl」 私が生まれる16年前のこの映画では、勿論指揮者として・・ストコフスキーが率いるフィラデルフィア楽団と共に映画に出演して、彼は重要な役を演じています。 注)上映時間1時間20分32秒 One Hundred Men And A Girl
Japan is a Chinese character culture area · · Various Japanese festivals are influenced by China. I wrote the following link on 7th July. That is ... It is the day of the "Tanabata Festival". It is mostly an introduction to the Chinese festival, but please take a look. The following page is an English page. ↓ Festival of the Weaver princess Festival of the Weaver princess
Although I am Catholic, I was listened to Jewish songs since I was a child, and I was singing. Peace to us ( שלום עליכם )