Every year on October 17th, the Sun conjuncts and nearly parallels the star Spica and conjuncts ( but not parallels) the star Arcturus. * * * *Spica is the brightest star in the sky and in all traditions that I am familiar with is a fortuitous star and one that offers blessings of one nature or another. It is often considered a star of brilliance and higher
perspective. Edgar Cayce believed that our solar system revolved around Arcturus and placed it as the most significant star, as he perceived that it is the transition star through which souls move through on there way to Earth. Both Spica and Arcturus along with Regulus are part of a triangle in the sky--which David Overton suggests the Freemasons used as a triangle to align the White House, the Capitol and the WA Monument. In fact his research placed huge significance on these stars and the founding of the U.S.* * * *Spica in the sky is in the constellation of Virgo and resides in the ear of wheat--and represents abundance and prosperity by its very placement.* * *
Arcturus, but also Venus and Mars are there at the same time. Venus, Mars and the Sun are almost eclipsing. So indeed there is a concentration of planets around a potent star. Venus and Mars together are about creativity and relationship--the balancing of yin and yang. This is a time to open to love and fortune. The ability to bring forth (Mars) that which we are open
about thoughts. It is about the magic of creation that comes from a place of no thoughts--a place of being in the moment. This is the experience of being one with our art where creative expression occurs effortlessly and joyfully. * * * *What does pertain to thoughts during this time occurs for a much longer period of time. From about October 15th until Nov. 7 (this is approximate), Mercury, the planet of thoughts and communication is conjunct Jupiter as it squares Saturn. The Jupiter-Saturn square which is now occurring supports manifestation in the world--real things happening, coming together, changing, coming into form. The opportunity triggers the decision and the decision creates something real and perceptible in the world. With Mercury aligned--it is a powerful time for our mind, thoughts and speech to create something real, perceptible and understood by others. (This aspect is stronger before Mercury goes retrograde on Oct. 28th--after which it is better to practice our manifestation and creative expression without words). * * * *The Venus-Sun-Mars alignment with the Mercury-Jupiter-Saturn alignment actually gets stronger after the 17th (moving into an exact 16th harmonic Oct. 23 - 26), yet without the benefit of the potent stars Spica and Arcturus. So with strong creative potential at the same time as our thoughts aligning with manifestation, the following article fits for what I see. Will there be a wave of ultra violet beams? . . .hmmm . . .since ultra violet light is fairly easy to detect with current equipment, we shall see--(although they do cover their bases saying that we will not be able to detect it). Is it possible for planetary alignments to coincide with interesting otherworldly phenomenon--Sure! Why not? Like in mechanics, the geometric shape of an object affects its stability, its ability to transmit energy and its electrical properties--why wouldn't the geometry of the orbs in our solar system have a relationship to the channeling of energy, light waves, and even pulse beams from else where in this universe or in other universes.*