創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!

創業25年超!<兵法/英語二刀一流>Kenの英語簡単講座ブログ ★連絡先変わりました⇒email: yhniten14k@yahoo.co.jp tel:080-6433-9523!



   ⇒⇒ ★これは、占いですが、占い自体に意味はないです。
   >>口語表現が多く、勉強になりますよ!! 占い自体に意図はないです:


ご遠慮なくご連絡ください。お申し込み fuku@eos.ocn.ne.jp




【Nov. 7th】


Sudden changes in your career situation may be in the air now.

★牡牛座:You feel so right and you have an answer to every question.

You may have a tremendous amount of energy to put into your
career or public life.

★蟹座:Put your talents and skills to use now.

★獅子座:You can get the communications flowing well again.

★乙女座:You could encounter a dare devil, macho man or a savage.

It is time to make a grand plan for your life and your life style.

★蠍座: It's going to be okay. You are protected. You are safe.

You need to experience the truth on your own, through direct experience.

★山羊座:Inertia will not be tolerated.

★水瓶座:Get your most important papers into a safe deposit box.

★魚座:Emotional issues are discussed to your advantage.






<兵法・英語二刀一流>末次通訳事務所 英語通訳 末次 賢治 拝

【Nov. 16th】

★お羊座:Take more pride in your own moral code.

★牡牛座:The question is, Just how much can you assert yourself?

★双子座:Channel impulsiveness.


Your desire to act heroically can leave you without the strength
you need for practical matters.

★獅子座:Spend more time with distinguished people.

★乙女座:Arouse your native energy.

★天秤座:Before you act, check out how you feel.

★蠍座:Speak out and say what is on your mind.

★射手座:Double check the data. Fuss with details.

★山羊座:Take hope. Be optimistic.

★水瓶座:Responsibility is a key principle in your relationships now.

You are in a highly competitive situation where major efforts bring little rewards.

【Nov. 10th】

★お羊:You could be thinking about a new car.:

★牡牛:Competition and conflicts are a strong now.:

★双子:Let off some steam with physical activity.:

★蟹:Enjoy some one-on-one.

★乙女:Sexual overtures are possible.:

★天秤:You are feeling extra impatient and competitive.:

★蠍:Some quarrels and conflicts are possible.:

★射手:You are feeling more irritated than obliging.:

★水瓶:You are experiencing extra energy.:

★魚:Confidence and vitality are up.

★獅子:Willful go-getters are coming into your life now.

★山羊:Talk to yourself and say the kind of things that will
    help you to develop your confidence. 
【Nov. 8th】

★牡羊:Be prepared to enter a new realm.

You may experience cycles of unconventional action and sexual behavior.

Get away from people, places and things that are not any good for you.

★蟹:Get a piece of home exercise equipment and use it.

★獅子:You can pull off some major communications tricks.

★乙女:Touch base with a highly objective person.

★天秤:After some inner work, you can feel at peace.

★蠍:If you cannot trust yourself, who can you trust?

★射手:You need to rouse yourself to action, but may feel too weak.

★山羊:Make a concerted effort to listen to people.

★水瓶:Be imaginative. A cornucopia full of ideas are in the air.

★魚座:Feeling restless and uncertain, then you are in touch.

【Nov. 7th 】

★お羊座:Wisdom and knowledge come into prominence.

Stay on the look out but be prepared to make do with what you have.

★双子座:Channel impulsiveness.

★蟹座:Put your talents and skills to use now.

You could be involved in a passionate and even kinky escapade.

★乙女座:Married folks need to focus on your mate.

★天秤座:You can be the essence of elegance.

★蠍座: This is a touching time.

★射手座:Pick up the scent and go like the wind.

★山羊座:Competitive struggles are unavoidable for now.

★水瓶座:Your emotional need for intimate contact will be growing.

Do something big, tangible and different to improve your self image.

【Nov. 5th】

★射手座:Gather together with kindred spirits.

You better look deeply into the eyes of those you are
doing business with.

★魚座:It is time to fill in the details in your big plans.

★水瓶座:Re-evaluate your reputation and approach to intimacy.

★牡羊座:Your imagination is rich.

★牡牛座:It is time to recognize and work out some political,
social, economic and ethnic differences.

Flex your muscles. Get physical. Get into some competitive exertion.

★乙女座:Talk about mysticism and magic.

★蠍座:Expect greater energy to become available to you.

★蟹座:Spend money to purchase information.

★獅子座:It is best to be objective and detached.

Bring more of your personal force and radiance into your work place.


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