ラストではボンドがすごい親父ギャグを言う。 日本語字幕「クリスマスは1年に1度来る」では分からない ↓ Bond: [in bed with Jones] I was wrong about you. Dr. Christmas: Yeah, how so? Bond: I thoughtChristmas only comes once a year.
The boat chase was not originally intended to be part of the opening sequence but test audiences indicated that the jump out of the window opener was not exciting enough. As such, the boat chase was brought forward and had to be shortened. As it is now, the Bilbao - Mi6 HQ - Boat Chase opener is still the longest pre-credits sequence ever in a James Bond movie.
The Millennium Dome which features in the opening sequence is built at the same location area as part of the Beckton Gas Works used to be. This was where the opening helicopter sequence was filmed in For Your Eyes Only (1981).
Maria Grazia Cucinotta ... Cigar Girl ↑ ボート・チェイスの女優さん。 「イル・ポスティーノ」のヒロイン。
The World Is Not Enough (ワールド・イズ・ノット・イナフ) 1999年【米・英】 上映時間:127分 ( アクション・サスペンス・アドベンチャー・シリーズもの・犯罪もの・スパイもの)