(3)授業 ●沖縄サミットを前に、「沖縄サミット子ども会議」に向けたメッセージリレーVOTE[http://www.kids-space.org/VOTE]を利用。 (1) メッセージを選ぶ:6月、ホームページを調整、教師が選んでおいた16のメッセージ 「Looking Towards the 21st century」を「環境」「平和」「人権」「子どもと大人の責任」 「科学技術」という5テーマに分類。そこから生徒は1つ選ぶ。 ・PCルームで、プリントアウトし、辞書を使って、和訳する。 生徒に人気の高かったメッセージ Name: Jonna (14) School name : Comanche Schools, Oklahoma , United States of America Message : When I imagine how much our world has improved in the last 100 years, it amazes me. Then I realize how much improvement we still need to make. In the future, my dream is that people will take the words "all men are created equal" into deeper consideration. I look forward to the day when I read the newspaper and see that there has not been another shooting or suicide. I strongly believe that adults need to set good examples for the youth of our time. Everyone must realize the children of this generation are the world’s future for the next. [ネット上で入手可能(8/9/01現在)]。http://www.kids-space.org/VOTE]
(3) 英文作成:10月、英文に直す。(来日間もない英国人女性AETが苦労しつつ手助けして くれた)。11月、38人のクラスで25~30人程度が英文を完成。一太郎でパソコン 入力。教師が海外に送信(相手はインターネットのサイトIECCで探しておいた学校。 米国テキサスの9年生、カナダ・ケベックの9年生、オーストラリア・ブリスベンの8年 生など、1クラス当たり4校を設定。相手校にはシドニーの日本人学校の7~8年生 もいて、生徒は「えーっ、日本人?」と嫌がっていたが英語は彼らの方がうまかった!) ●生徒の感想:「リディア先生に添削してもらったら、赤ペンでずいぶん直されたけど、 いくつか自力で考えて合っていたところもあって、うれしかった」「超むずかしかった けど、海外に送ってもらえるので、頑張ろうと思った」 (4) 返事が来た!:12月、返事を日本語に訳す。プロジェクトの感想をまとめる。 詩織さんに宛てたクリスティンの返信:テーマ「人権」 Hello, my name is Kristin. I am 15 years old. I live in West Salem, WI. I have a mom named Jean, a dad named John, a sister named Tanya, and a half sister named Jenny. I also have a dog. Her name is Mollie, and she is a border collie. In my spare time, I enjoy shopping, talking, hanging out with friends, sailing , and playing tennis. I am involved in many clubs here also. I agree with your thoughts somewhat. I know that it is wrong to bully people around and discriminate against others. I also think you are right when you say that people that donユt understand human rights are also bullying and discriminating. The thing that I donユt really understand in your writing is the part where you talk about worrying. What do you mean when you say メThere are some worrying people here and there, so we have to be friends with themモ? When I first read what you said, I thought you meant people that were being discriminated against and being bullied were the worriers. Is that what you meant or was it something different? I feel this issue is wrong, and people should try to work on stopping the issues. I totally agree with your statement saying, メBrave hearts are necessary, but the efforts will make the world better.モ There are many examples that you could use in describing this topic. One way could be discriminations against the African Americans, and the Native Americans. It used to be a big issue years ago. The issue has died down tremendously, although there are still problems with it today. Also, people bully people all the time because of their social classes. That problem still really exists here in United States and itユs a shame that people still act like that. There are still many examples that we could talk about but time is running short. Sincerely yours, Kristin (1段落目の自己紹介、2段落目の論旨の確認の仕方、意見交換のモデル文としてもいい内容です)