Adam and Ken Kikuchi

An interview with Adam Cooper and Ken Kikuchi
by Bunkamura Orchard Hall and marie claire AUGUST 
  マリ・クレール 8月号(アシェット婦人画報社・2003年6月23日発売)掲載
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Ken; You’re the sexiest person in Act three. How could you do that?

Adam; That’s the hard question.---I think, for me ,doing the role of the Swan is quite easy to feel the sexiest because of the way the rest of the stage’s reacting to my character so, that just make me feel sexy anyway,but I think is--not try too hard really I think best way to remain--sexy is -slightly -looses slightly on the stage when you try to do too much --it becomes unreal--because anybody who has the supreme sexiest confidense--they don’t need to show it,they don’t need to work hard, it’s just there, -other people react off of that so I was just to say,believing your soul and your trying to achieve in a role --and, don’t try too hard.

Ken; What were you thinking at my age, eighteen.

Adam; Eighteen, for me , I think I had a lot of pressure dancing when I was eighteen because like you I was doing quite important roles at young age and people expects you to be of the sense than standard, when you’re very young, there’s a lot of pressure -- it’s very important to remember, for me,at that time ,you know , it’s just the beginning you learn, you improve ,you ,you grow as the artist as time goes by, and so ,you ’ll always nerve ,you know ,it’s gonna be different in the future,so even you’re under a lot of pressure you have to kind of put into prospective--you should never lose the enjoyment of dancing the reason why you started because you love, you love it, and it’s difficult when you’re under a lot of pressure sometimes, you get lost.

Q; Any positive fortune

A; I think some dancers get very complaisant, they just sit back and wait to see what gonna happen to them, and think about our profession is very short so, in comparison to normal profession so you have to make a most of every opportunity,you have to go out looking for opportunity as well is not always gonna come to you--I think dancers can’t gonna be lazy, become a bit complaisant --for me the most important thing about dance is learning all the time and working with different people and showing different styles because that what keeps me interested, if I was sitting one place and doing same thing all the time, I was so bored. hahaha. I improved I’ve noticed since I left the ballet,easy place to stay -I wouldn’t improve to the dancers because --the different opportunity --but different choreography styles and worked with.

Q; Any failure

A; Made a mistake ? I’ve never made a mistake. hahaha (big laughter)you always learn, I mean,There’re something I have done, just learn from every thing---something that I have done ,I don’t want to do that again, because no good for me -- other things I want do more--you always learn and gonna try, and find what was right for you.

Ken; Why did you decide to doing ballet?

A; Because I did kind of everything when I was small --I did music, acting, singing,and various things ,I needed I wanted perform somehow but I think the dance kind of --for me, when I was probably about 14,quite late,--I was doing a lot of ballet--by then--still don’t know which way I want to go, about 14--I decided,I wanted to be a dancer specificly-but I never really decided on ballet anytime it just happend -reason I went to the Royal Ballet school 16--really because my brother was going there before- OK,OK there as well --kind of happend, I was there and working hard,next year I was in a company--it was never really a conscioused decision just to do it, I was lucky ,or unlucky-- hahaha---

Ken; May I ask your way of out of pressure.

A; Get cats, That’s one of the best things. hahaha-- I try not to take , obviously take my work very seriously -when I was rehearsing try to keep us light as possible-specially working choreography, most pressure job in a way - especially- I found that people work better there was kind of light hearted atmosphere in a room --I can’t -bad on dancers with ego,-who demands or who are difficult--for me the best way to working in anything is to remember that there’re more important things in life, ultimately--if you don’t enjoy it, don’t do it -you got to enjoy it, have fun --it doesn’t what it is ,always fun to be every situation --it doesn’t mean seriously--mean you enjoy it That’s the way of kind of cut? count? out of pressure.

prospective …期待される 見込みのある
complaisant …(しばしばけなして)ものわかりの良い、親切心のある、

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