The time “18:15” on Prince Harry’s iPhone is military time for6:15 p.m. which may be a code for a date, probably on the Hebrew calendar, which is Adar 15, which is the Talmudic celebration of Purim. Purim is not a Biblical feast but a “day of the Jews’ own choosing” to execute vengeance for their captivity in Babylon based on Esther 9. ハリーのアイフォンの18:15はミリタリータイムで6:15PM、おそらく日にちのコードで、これはへブル暦でADAR15、タルムディックプリム祭の日を表す、プリムは聖書由来ではなく、バビロン捕囚に対する復讐を行う日で日にちはユダヤ人が選ぶ、
In 2003, President George W. Bush announced he would commence the bombing of Iraq at the “time of our choosing” which turned out to beMarch 17 or Adar 13, the Fast of Esther, the day before Purim. ブッシュ大統領は 2003年、プリムの前日である3月17日(ADAR13)にイラクの爆撃を開始すると発表した。
Researcher in Alberta, Canada who writes informative updates on the US/Israel plan to attack Iran: “There is more than enough evidence regarding the attack/war with Iran, looming. Probably within weeks.” 米国/イスラエルに関する有益な最新情報を書いているカナダのアルバータ州の研究者は、イランを攻撃はおそらく数週間以内でしょうと。
Purim falls this year on March 20, 2019.
ところで、NZ(偽旗)テロに使われた銃、 Banned Mosque Massacre Video Described
March 17, 2019
HMakow 抜粋 1. The killer parked in an alley and retrieved one rifle from several in his car's trunk. He also retrieved a shotgun, which he appeared to have slung around his shoulder and did not use in the mosque. He then walked calmly for a short distance down a public sidewalk making no attempt to conceal the rifle (looked to be anAR-15with large printing on it using a white marker) or the shotgun and turned onto the walkway leading to the mosque's main entrance.