Consultant: Studies the mechanics of riding the bike. He will then administer assessments/instruments to determine your riding style. Teaches you the laws of physics, how the bike is propelled, what isnecessary for balance, and laws of motion/propulsion. A consultant tells you where to sit, where to put your feet and when to pedal. Gives you a program for you to follow through on. Then he/she leaves.
Therapist: Discusses the basis for your fears about riding and the consequences of falling. Discusses if your parents rode, and why that might be important. Explains why it is important for your self-esteem or psyche, for you to learn this and be successful.
Mentor: Shares with you their experience/expertise of bike riding. Gives you tips on "drafting" and the most effective way that they've found to ride. Models the way they think you should ride, gives you strategies about changing tires quickly in a race, how to get the most speed for your effort, what the best bike is to buy and how to negotiate gravel at the bottom of a hill. Warns you of the dangers of riding in traffic and tells you how to avoid them. May hold an "I know better than you since I've been there before" position.
Coach: Listens to your desire to try riding. Asks if you need instructions on how to ride or how to find out about it. Asks if you like the color/kind of bike. May even help you pick the bike up to get on. Runs along side the bike "checking in" to see if you're enjoying the experience and asks what might make it more fun. Helps you discover what you need to take care of yourself when/if you fall. When you stop, the coach asks about your experience, what was valuable and if you want to master bike riding. If you do, the coach helps you devise your own plan whereby you can attain that mastery. If you don't, then the coach may help you devise a plan to sell the bike.