三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

三鷹、聞いたか、吉祥寺、二子玉川 and Shibata

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カテゴリ: 英会話

郷土料理と我が家のお正月料理 について話しました。

Shibata cuisine

Last month at Shimaya, Mr.S asked if this was Shibata cuisine.

I was confused by the sudden question.

There are many local restaurants in Tokyo, and Matsui in Niigata City used to open a restaurant in Hirakawacho.

Recently, Hotel Niigata opened an antenna shop in Omotesando.

The selling items were Wappameshi and Nodoguro .

Well, there is a book like this about Shibata cuisine.

The feudal lord, Mizoguchi, came from Ishikawa Prefecture, so dishes such as Karasushi are a continuation of that flow.

Japanese sweets also seem to be influenced by Kaga.

小魚(子 コハダ キス など)を酢でしめたものにしゃりに おから を使用して握った寿司。

溝口家は、香川から石川県 大聖寺 、そして新発田に国替えです。

I'm going to digress a bit from the topic of Shibata cuisine, but I'd like to introduce my family's New Year's cuisine .

My mother used to make them, but after her children became independent, she started buying osechi ryori from Hokushinkan .

My mother's diet has been decreasing and we don't eat much either, so for the past two years we've been buying Hamaya's Hitorori Zume .
This year, my son came home and I ordered three.

Add sushi or sashimi to this.


My wife makes Noppei, Hitashimame, Namasu, and Matsumaezuke .


This is our home made zoni.
Since I no longer buy fresh salmon, I started making a slightly Kanto-style zoni that doesn't require salmon or salmon roe two years ago.

This coming Sunday, a zoni competition will be held.

This event attracts about 20,000 people every year.

This is Shibata's zoni that was listed on the website.

We had sukiyaki for dinner on New Year's Day, but now my wife can't eat meat, so we're having hotpot.

This year it was Ishikari Nabe .

おほつごもり :地元の酒蔵が市内の小売店向けに、12月限定で販売する吟醸酒です。スーパーでは売っていません。

The last photo was sent to me by my daughter who returned to Sapporo with her husband.
I only trimmed the osechi dishes .


That's all.


Last updated  2024.01.13 12:00:08
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