みゅうにゃん お散歩日記

みゅうにゃん お散歩日記











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カテゴリ: マヌ Manu

The Law of Men and Women
3. journey to meet your soul partner

The soul was first created as a single male and female entity. Later, it was divided into male and female bodies. Why did God divide the soul into male and female bodies?
God said, "In this state of separation, each soul should strive to grow.
In the process of striving, there is much to learn.

The masculine gender has the role of "yang" and the feminine gender has the role of "yin. In fulfilling the roles of yin and yang, know yourself and know the other person. God is saying, "In this way, you will come to know your own personality. This is God's wish for us to color the world He has created beautifully.

For Orion's people, who already know the basics, what do you think is the key issue in life?
It is to meet their true soul partner.
Of course, it is not only the souls of Orion's people.

Striving to grow as a man or woman is also a journey to meet your soul partner. It is very important for the soul to be on the path to meeting after being separated for so long. It is not possible for a soul to meet its soul partner until the soul has gained experience and reached a certain level of maturity.

What happens when you meet your soul partner?
You will want to be with that person forever. You will no longer be interested in the other opposite sex. Even if you have been with other people of the opposite sex, you can no longer think of being with anyone other than your true partner. However, if we meet each other in our immature state, we do not know this. It is important to meet when you have gained soul experience and have reached a certain level of maturity.

A soul partner is like an apple split in two.
Any other being is not your true partner.
To meet your true partner is to know yourself.
By knowing your partner, you will be able to recognize clearly what kind of being you were originally created by God with your own wishes in mind.

On Orion, we do not call it the 9th dimension, but when a soul reaches the 9th level, the entire planet celebrates. In fact, I reached that stage before I came to Earth, and everyone celebrated with me. I found out that the woman with whom I had incarnated several times before, and with whom I had been partnered on earth, was my soul partner.

In the ninth dimension, everything from the creation of the soul that is me is revealed. I was also able to clearly recognize what kind of personality I am a soul created by God. No ninth-dimensional spirit has been born on earth yet. I believe that one day, the time will come when more and more nine-dimensional spirits will be born on earth, just like Orion.

From "Gaia Reimei: This is How the Living and Conscious Earth was Born


最終更新日  2024年04月26日 07時05分04秒
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