全9838件 (9838件中 1-50件目)
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=5360758207334214&set=gm.3204660766448849&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】10.アモン二世の脱出地上の様子をじっと見守っていた九次元霊界でしたが、そろそろ決断する時が迫っていることをみな感じていました。ミカエルはアモン二世として生まれていました。アガシャーから彼に引き継いで、アトランティスを復興させる計画が実現困難な状況にあることは、誰の目にも明らかでした。このままでは、ミカエルをはじめとして、アモールを盛り立てるために地上に降りていった、大量の光の天使たちまで全滅になります。九次元霊界は苦渋の決断を下すことになりました。アモン二世とその周囲の光の天使たちを、アトランティスから脱出させることにしたのです。彼らは闇夜に飛行船で脱出することにしました。大西洋を東に向かい、アフリカ大陸の北、現在のエジプトの地に着陸しました。アガシャーの娘のアデレード姫は、幼い頃から巫女能力を発揮し、天上界からの通信を正確に地上に伝えていました。もちろんアデレードというのは、地上に降りたアマーリエの名前です。実は、アデレードは評議会議長から危険な存在として目をつけられ、このときにはすでに牢に入れられていました。このままではアモン二世もとらえられてしまうことが明らかだったので、その前にアトランティスから脱出させたのでした。九次元霊界としても、ただ黙って見守っていたわけではありません。アガシャーを見殺しにしてはいけないと、みんな思っていました。なんとかアトランティスの状況を打開しようと手を尽くしたのですが、すべてが失敗に終わっていったのです。地上が、完全にルシファーの跳梁を許している状況だったのです。正直言って、エル・ランティも私も、アトランティスがこのような末期を迎えることは、当初は予想していませんでした。しかし、私たちは最後まであきらめませんでした。あきらめないことが神の子の証しです。最後まで、絶対に希望を捨てないのが天上界の者たちなのです。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=5360758207334214&set=gm.3204660766448849&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】10. Escape of Ammon, the SecondLooking over the situation on the ground, Ninth Dimensions had felt the time came to make a decision.Michael was being born as Ammon, the Second. For all the Ninth Dimensions, it was apparently impossible to rebuild Atlantis by passing it to Ammon, the Second, from Agasher.If the situation continued as it was, a lot of angels of light who were born to assist Amor including Michael would lose their lives.Ninth Dimensions resolved this bitter dilemma. We were going to let Ammon, the Second, and the surrounding angels of light escape from Atlantis. They planned to leave Atlantis riding an airship in the dark night. Moving to the east, they landed at a place in North Africa, presently called Egypt.The daughter of Agasher, Princess Aderade, had been demonstrating her ability of channeling from her youth, and receiving messages from heaven precisely. Of course, Aderade is the name of Amarie, who descended onto the ground.Actually, Aderade was picked up by the chairman as a dangerous existence, and she was already thrown into a prison at this time. Ammon, the Second, was presumed to be caught by them soon, so heaven let them escape before that.Ninth Dimension hadn't done anything, not just looking over. All the Ninth Dimensions thought they must not leave Agasher alone and be killed. They did every possible thing to break through the situation of Atlantis, but everything had failed. On the ground, Lucifer had run completely rampant over Atlantis.Honestly, even El-Ranty and I never imagined at the beginning that Atlantis would confront these endings. But we never gave up until the last moment.Never giving up is a proof of being the children of God.Ones who never give up their hopes until the last moment are the beings of heaven.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2314810471929018&set=gm.2323959587852309【Destiny of Atlantis】9. Chairman of the CouncilThe council of that age of Atlantis possessed all functions corresponding to the present congress, government, and court (administration, legislation, and judicature). That is, all the powers were concentrated in the council, differing from the present separation of three powers.The top of council is the chairman. Hence, the chairman of the council seized all the power of Atlantis in his hand.The chairman was aiming to erase the king as an existence threatening to his own power. Even if he had done it legally, an enormous opposition of Agasher's supporters was expected after that. The reputation of Great King Agasher was not negligible.Somehow he wanted everybody including the supporters to be erased from this world. He began to think so. Then, he had been investigating the movement of the people of Agasher's side by using his secret police. At a particular point of time, he was thinking of arresting them all, and executing them.The chairman of the council possessed a considerable spiritual power as well as scientific knowledge. Inherently he was a person who didn't choose the means in order to actualize his own desire. By riding roughshod over his rivals in such a way, he climbed to the top of the power.He also used magic for his self-actualization. Magic belongs to spiritual power, but it is called "black magic" when it is cooperated with the demonic world. It is a state in which he has had dealings with demons in order to borrow their power. When a person concerned himself with black magic, it meant he sold his spirit to demons.The chairman of the council borrowed the power of demons to obtain the power of the chairman. His mind was already ruled by Lucifer.In the council, a decision was made that "Agasher is a minion of evil who is going to spread the thought of heresy. The people of Atlantis must not believe in him."Agasher and his followers, believe it or not, had become persecuted as the minions of evil.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=2314810471929018&set=gm.2323959587852309【アトランティスの興亡】9.評議会議長当時の評議会は、現在の国会と内閣、さらに裁判所の機能も備えていました。つまり、現在のような三権分立ではなく、すべての権力が評議会に集中していたのです。評議会のトップは議長です。ですから、評議会議長は、アトランティス全土の権力を一手に握っていたことになります。評議会議長は、自らの権力を脅かす存在としてのアガシャー大王を抹殺しようと思っていました。それを合法的に行ったとしても、アガシャー大王支持者たちの、その後の猛烈な反発が予想されます。アガシャー大王の人気は相当なものだったのです。どうにかして、支持者たちも含めてこの世から消してしまいたい。そう思うようになっていました。そこで、自分の配下にある秘密警察組織を駆使して、アガシャー派の国民の動向について、調べさせていました。どこかの時点で、一網打尽に逮捕して、処刑しようと考えていたのです。評議会議長は、科学知識とともに、相当な霊的能力も持っていました。もともと、自らの野望実現のためならば、どんな手段もいとわない人間でした。そのようにして、ライバルたちを次々に蹴落とし、権力の頂点に君臨するようになったのでした。彼は、自己実現のために魔術を使うこともありました。魔術は霊的能力に属しますが、特に魔界の協力を得ているものを黒魔術と呼びます。悪魔と取り引きをして、その力を借りるようになってしまっている状態です。黒魔術に手を出すと、神から保証されている魂の自由意志を、魔界のものに売り渡してしまうことになります。評議会議長も、魔界の力を借りて権力を手にしていたのです。彼の心は、すでにルシファーの支配下にありました。評議会の決議として、「アガシャーは、異端の教えを広めようとする悪魔の手先である。アトランティス国民は彼の言うことを信じてはならない」という決定がなされました。アガシャーと彼を支持する人びとは、こともあろうに、悪魔の手先として迫害されるようになったのです。マイトレーヤー「地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光」より
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3179810452095678&set=gm.2647237472191184【Destiny of Atlantis】8. Great King AgasherAmor was born into royalty with the name of Ammon.In this era of the last age of Atlantis, royalty had completely become symbolic.Ammon acceded to the throne during his twenties. He named himself Agasher at this time. He began to talk to the people of Atlantis in a square near the palace every month. The square was large enough to contain more than 100 thousands people. There Agasher preached about love.He preached, "God is love itself. Every human is a child of God, so express the love of God." The audience was lost in listening to his beautiful talk, being influenced very much. By his noble and virtuous character and splendid talks, he had come to be called the Great King Agasher. Great King Agasher together with his queen had come to gather a tremendous respect from the people of Atlantis.Priests of the council did not think of Agasher well. They felt strong rejection against love as if rashes came out all over their bodies.A movement was invoked in the council to regard him as heretical, a person who speaks of teachings to mislead the people, opposing to the traditional Deism taught by St. Cusanus.At that time, the royalty did not possess any power, and Great King Agasher did not have any desire for the power either. But in spite of that, the priests felt a menace against their power because the king was too popular among the people of Atlantis.Of course, not all the priests have always been against the king. There were ones who understood the superiority of the law explained by Agasher.However, if they showed their appreciation to Agasher, they would have been blamed by the Great Priests. Moreover, he would be in great danger for having claimed to be on the side of the heresy.Many of the priests of that age could read the minds of other people. The priests of Agasher's side had to be very careful for their minds not to be read by others.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=3179810452095678&set=gm.2647237472191184【アトランティスの興亡】8.アガシャー大王アモールはアモンという名前で王家に生まれました。アトランティス後期のこの時代になると、王家は完全に象徴的存在となっていました。アモンは二十代で王位につきました。このとき、彼はアガシャーという名前を名乗るようになりました。アガシャーは月に一度、王宮近くの広場に人びとを集めて説法をするようになりました。その広場は十万人以上収容できるほどの広さがありました。アガシャーはそこで愛について説くのでした。彼は、「神は愛そのものであり、すべての人間は神の子であり、愛を表現しなさい」と説きました。人びとは彼の美しい言葉をうっとりと聞くのでした。アガシャーはその高潔な人柄とともに、説法の内容の素晴らしさで「アガシャー大王」と呼ばれるようになりました。アガシャー大王は、王妃とともに、国民から絶大なる尊敬を集めるようになったのです。評議会の神官たちは、アガシャーのことをよく思っていませんでした。彼らは「愛」という言葉を聞くと、全身にじんましんができるほどの拒絶反応を示すのでした。聖クザーヌスの伝統的な理神論の教えに反し、人びとを惑わす教えを説く者として、アガシャーを異端視する動きが、評議会を中心に起こりました。また、すでに王家には権力もなく、アガシャー大王自身権力に対する欲などなかったにもかかわらず、評議会の神官たちは、アガシャー大王があまりにも人気があったので、自分たちの権力を脅かすものとして、脅威を感じていたのも事実でした。当時の神官たちのすべてが、アガシャー大王を敵視していたわけではありません。アガシャー大王の説く法の素晴らしさがわかる者もいました。しかし、表立ってアガシャーに対する賛辞を贈ったりしたら、評議会の大神官たちの反感を買います。そればかりか、異端に組する者として目をつけられ、我が身に危険が及ぶことにもなります。当時の神官たちは、他人の想念を読む能力を持つ者も数多くいました。アガシャー派の神官たちは、それらの者たちに自分の心を読まれないように、常に注意していたのでした。マイトレーヤー「地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光」より
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8578528508890485&set=gm.3788839668030953&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】7. A Fighting MediumWhen all the Ninth Dimensions are gone from the ground, who would convey the message of heaven? It was a serious problem. Inherently a woman is more appropriate than a man to receive the intention of heaven. That is because a woman possesses the nature of "reception."From the point of view of Yin and Yang, it is reasonable that Yin receives the energy of Yang and transforms it to words. That is the reason why the medium or channeler is often a woman.However, a medium usually resides in sacred place such as a shrine from the ancient times. The work of a medium is to devote oneself to receive the message of heaven in a sacred place where all sides are being spiritually guarded.It is very difficult to sustain such a place in the environment where devils are being rampant over the ground. In that case, we needed a medium who is strong against devils. But most of mediums are not accustomed to face against devils, owing to the nature of their work.Amarie, who had been with Manu in Lemuria, has been proficient in the ability of channeling since she was in Orion. She can receive a message from the spiritual region as well as a message from aliens. That is the ability of her spirit inherently given by God, and by utilizing the ability she took responsibility for the role of contactee with aliens in the age of Lemuria.On the other hand, she herself has been very active as a woman since the era of Orion. After the Lemurian age, she had been training herself of the red ray under Michael's apprenticeship. She had learned how to fight against Lucifer through the actual fighting. She was well experienced in how the evils attack.In the last age of Atlantis, she had become a reliable fighter spirit from the point of view of Michael. A fighting medium was born, possessing two apparently opposite features.The communication between a medium and heaven had not been actually tried on the ground yet while fighting against devils. However, Michael had strong confidence, saying, "She could do this for sure." Michael was thinking that there was no person other than Amarie to whom he could leave the rest of the work.Ninth Dimensions agreed with Michael. After all, Amarie was to be born as the sister of Michael.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8578528508890485&set=gm.3788839668030953&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】7.戦闘系の巫女地上に九次元霊がいなくなったとき、誰に天上界の意思を伝えるか。それは大きな問題です。もともと天上界の意思を受けるのは、男性より女性のほうが適しています。女性性自体に受容するという性質があるのです。陰陽という観点からも、陽からのエネルギーを陰が受け入れ、言葉に変換するという理にかなっているのです。巫女やチャネラーに女性が多いのはそういう理由なのです。ただ、巫女は古来、神殿のような神聖な場所にこもって通信を受けるのが一般的です。周囲を守られた聖域で、全身全霊を込めて天上界からのメッセージを受け入れることに徹するのが巫女の仕事です。地上に魔の勢力が強い状態では、なかなかそのような聖域を維持するのは難しいのです。そんなときは、魔に強い巫女が必要です。しかし、巫女という仕事の性質上、魔と対峙することには慣れていないものです。レムリア時代に、マヌとともに地上に出たアマーリエは、オリオンにいた頃から巫女能力に長けていました。霊界からの通信を受けたり、異星人からの通信を受け取る能力を持っていたのです。それは、もともと彼女の魂が神から授かった能力でした。それを生かして、レムリア時代は異星人とのコンタクティとしての役割を果たしたのでした。一方、アマーリエ自身オリオン時代から、女性としては活発なほうでした。レムリア文明のあと、彼女はミカエルに弟子入りする形で、赤色光線の修行をしていました。その中で、実践を通してルシファーとの戦い方を身につけていました。魔がどのように攻めてくるかということを、体験から熟知していたのです。アトランティス後期のこの頃になると、ミカエルから見ても信頼できる戦闘系の魂となっていました。一見相容れないふたつの性質を兼ね備えた「戦闘系巫女」が誕生したのです。地上において実際に、魔と戦いながら天上界からの通信を受け取るということを試したわけではありませんでした。しかし、ミカエルは「彼女なら絶対できる」という確信がありました。ミカエルは、もしアモールや自分がいなくなった場合、あとを託すのはアマーリエ以外いないと思っていました。九次元霊たちはミカエルの提案に同意しました。結局、アマーリエはミカエルの妹として生まれることになりました。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8573298022746867&set=gm.3788108901437363&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】6. The Plan of Heaven to Strike Backー②A problem arose. Where should Amor be born?Originally he was scheduled to be born in the royalty. However, in order to exert more influence, he might be better to be born in the family of priests.But, the atmosphere of the council had become considerably bad at that time, and it was apparent to him that it would not be accepted when he promoted love there. So, in that case, it would be better for him to be born rather in royalty, and preach about love to the general people.As a queen supporting the king, the spiritual partner of Amor must accompany him. In the current civilization Amor was known as Jesus Christ and his partner was known as Mother Mary, a mother of Jesus, and this time Mother Mary was to be born as his queen. As an existence to support Amor, no other person can be considered, but the spiritual partner of him.We Ninth Dimensions had full confidence in Amor. Also we made a system in place to support him with the power of the whole Ninth Dimensions. But the ground was filled with the atmosphere of rejecting love.We didn't know how beneficial Amor could actually be on the ground. Presuming the various cases, we had to prepare in advance. He had to be surrounded by the ones who were strong against the devils.According to the suggestion of El-Ranty, Michael was to be born as a son of Amor. If Amor succeeded in rebuilding Atlantis, it was to be inherited by him. In the case of failure, we intended to let him escape to the other continent from Atlantis.If Amor were to fail, the ground would have been swept over by devils. As a reaction against that, a large scale of calamity was expected. So, before the disaster happened, the idea was to let Michael survive and play the role of being a bridge to the next civilization."Either in the case of success or failure, he can do something," said El-Ranty. He had strong confidence in Michael."In the case when something happened to Amor and me, it would be trouble if there was no person who could convey the intension of heaven. Many of our fellows should remain in Atlantis. I cannot escape leaving them behind," said Michael. These were words reflecting his personality of fighter lineage.He continued, "Suppose Amor is killed and I have to escape, then the ground will be swept over by the power of Lucifer. Even in those situations, the person who can convey the will of heaven is solely one."MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8573298022746867&set=gm.3788108901437363&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】6.天上界の巻き返し計画ー②アモールがどのような環境に生まれるかということが問題になりました。もともとは王家に生まれる予定でした。より影響力が大きいのは神官の家系に生まれることかもしれません。しかし、当時すでに評議会の雰囲気は相当悪くなっていました。その中で愛を主張しても、受け入れられないことは明らかです。やはり、王家に生まれて、一般の人びとに愛の教えを説くほうがいいということになりました。王を支える王妃としては、やはりアモールの魂のパートナーが出ていかなければなりません。現文明でイエス・キリストの母として出た聖母マリアが、このとき王妃として出ることになりました。アモールを支える存在としては、魂のパートナーである彼女以外はあり得ないでしょう。私たち九次元霊たちは、アモールに全幅の信頼を寄せていました。天上界全体でバックアップする体制もつくりました。しかし、地上には愛を受け付けない空気があふれています。実際アモールが、地上でどこまでできるかわかりません。さまざまな事態が起こることを想定し、前もって対処しなければなりません。魔に強い者で周囲を固める必要があります。エル・ランティの意見で、まずミカエルがアモールの息子として生まれることになりました。アモールがアトランティスの立て直しに成功したら、そのあとを継いでもらおうということです。もし万が一、アモールが失敗に終わるようなことになったら、息子をアトランティス大陸以外の土地に逃れさせようという意図もありました。もしアモールが失敗するとしたら、地上は魔が猛威をふるっている状況でしょう。反作用としての大規模な天変地異が予想されます。天変地異が起こる前に、ミカエルを生き延びさせ、その後の文明への橋渡しをさせようと考えていたのです。「成功しても失敗しても、彼ならなんとかやってくれるだろう」という、エル・ランティのミカエルに対する信頼が表れた人選でした。「もしアモール様や私に万が一のことが起こったとき、そのあと天上界の意志を地上に伝える者がいないと困ります。たくさんの仲間たちが、まだアトランティスに残っているはずです。彼らを残して、私だけ逃げるわけにはいきません」とミカエルが言いました。戦闘系のミカエルらしい発言です。「アモール様が倒され、私が逃げざるを得ないとすれば、それはルシファーの力が完全に地上を席巻しているときでしょう。そのような状況下で、天上界の意志を伝えられる者は一人しかいません」と、ミカエルは続けるのでした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8567776443299025&set=gm.3787358508179069&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】6.天上界の巻き返し計画ー①アトランティス文明前期に私が説いた教えは、愛の部分だけが完全に抜け落ちた形で伝えられていました。地上の人びとの自由意志による選択の結果ではあるのですが、魔界のルシファーの力が働いていたことは間違いありません。知らず知らずのうちに愛から遠ざかる方向に誘導されてしまっていたのです。アトランティス後期になると、「愛」という言葉にアレルギー反応を起こす者さえ出てきました。人びとが、愛を受け付けなくなってしまった結果でした。天上界から地上を見ると、人びとの暗い想念の曇りがアトランティスをおおい始めています。アトランティス文明にたそがれが迫っていることを知らせているかのようです。なんとかこの状況を打破しないと、もう手遅れになってしまうでしょう。今ならまだ間に合うかもしれません。天上界は一縷(いちる)の望みをかけて、計画の練り直しを行いました。もともとアトランティス文明は、最後にアモールが地上に降り、愛で人びとをまとめ上げるという計画でした。しかし、こんな逆風の中を地上に降りることになろうとは、アトランティス文明立ち上げ当初は、九次元霊の誰も予想もしていなかった事態でした。ほんとうに申し訳なく、情けないことですが、「私が説いた理神論がもとで、地上がこんなことになってしまって・・・」と、私が言うと、他の九次元霊たちは、「マイトレーヤーが悪いわけではない。その後の私たちの指導が至らなかったのだ」と口々に言ってくれました。ブッダは「私がもっとしっかりと方向転換させられていたら、こんなことにはならなかったのに」と肩を落としました。なんとなく暗い雰囲気になりそうな中、エル・ランティが「アモールの愛のバイブレーションで、人びとの中に眠っている愛の思いを揺り起してほしい。何よりも、すべての人間が愛そのものである神からつくられた神の子なのだから、アモールのバイブレーションに気づかないはずはない。忘れてしまっているだけなのだ。アモール、なんとか地上の人びとの中に眠る神性を目覚めさせてほしい」と、力強く励ますのでした。アモールは「私自身の全身全霊を込めてやってきます」と、彼らしい柔らかな口調で、力強く答えてくれました。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8567776443299025&set=gm.3787358508179069&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】6. The Plan of Heaven to Strike Backー①The teaching I explained in the early age of Atlantis was transmitted to the later age in a form where love was dropped off completely.Of course, this was the result of the choices made based on the freewill of the people living in the ground. But surely Lucifer had been influencing this matter. People were being induced to the direction far from love unconsciously.When it entered in the last age of Atlantis, there appeared some people who produced an allergic reaction even to the word love. It resulted from the situation where people did not accept love itself anymore.Looking over the ground from heaven, clouds of dark thoughts from the people began to cover the whole Atlantis. It seems to tell us dusk is coming to Atlantis civilization.Unless we break through this situation by any mean, it would become too late. We could still do something at this moment. Heaven initiated a rethinking of their plan, pinning last faint hope on it.In Atlantis civilization, it was originally scheduled for Amor to descend to the ground and bring the people together by love in the end. However, no Ninth Dimensions imagined Amor going down to the ground to such unfavorable conditions in the initial preparation stage of Atlantis civilization.I said, "I feel very sorry and it is my regret, but the Deism I taught caused this situation...." Other Ninth Dimensions covered me saying, "It is not Maitreya's fault. Our following guidance was not enough."Buddha also drooped his shoulders: "If I could have changed the orbit of the civilization more firmly, it would not have gone this way."In the atmosphere of moving to something gloomy, El-Ranty stated vitally, "By the vibration of love of Amor, awaken the will of love sleeping in the human minds. By any mean, every human is a child of God who was created from the God of love itself, so they must become aware of the vibration of Amor. Only they have just forgotten it. Amor, somehow would you awaken the divinity sleeping in the people on the ground?"Amor responded powerfully in very tender tone, "I will do my best."MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8565378153538854&set=gm.3786638718251048&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】5. The Existence of PriestsAfter Toss, the power of the royalty gradually became weak, and came to be a symbolic existence at last. In contrary, those who got the power were priests.It might sound odd to you, but all priests of that age were also scientists. Conversely, the scientists who possessed high spiritual power became the priests.Their scientific researches were directly connected to the development of the spiritual power. Being superior in spiritual power and closer to God, and they were considered to be more excellent. This can be regarded as a kind of a theocracy in the sense that the ones who were close to God governed the kingdom.Scientists at that era didn't move toward materialism like the current civilization. Of course, it had been generally understood that the real entity of the human is a spirit and there is a reincarnation. People possessed a considerably high spiritual power of perception.For them, God was the existence like a source of spiritual power. The most important theme for them was how they could draw the spiritual power from God. The recognition that "God is the energy of love" had already forgotten long ago.The appointment of the priest was done very strictly by using ability tests in the beginning. However, it moved gradually to a hereditary system. Even if one did not have any excellent recognition or spiritual power, one became a priest only by being born to the family of the priest.The priests of that time owned many rights and interests, as well as a political power. To become a member of the council constituted of the priests meant to become part of the top of the ruling classes.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8565378153538854&set=gm.3786638718251048&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】5.神官の存在トス以降、王家の力は次第に弱くなり、象徴的な存在になっていきました。逆に力を持ってきたのは神官でした。現文明の人びとには奇妙に思われるかもしれませんが、当時の神官は、みな科学者でもありました。逆に言うと、科学者で霊的能力の高い者たちが神官となったのです。彼らの科学的研究は、霊的能力開発に直結していたのです。霊的能力に優れているほど神近き者であり、優秀であると思われていました。神近き者が政治を行うという点では、一種の祭政一致だったといえるでしょう。当時の科学者は当然のことですが、現文明のように唯物思想に流れることはありませんでした。もちろん、人間の本来の姿は魂であることや、輪廻転生も一般的に認められていました。当時の人びとは相当高度な霊的認識力を持っていたのです。彼らにとって、神は霊的パワーの源泉のような存在でした。いかに神から霊的パワーを引いてくるかということが重要課題だったのです。すでに、「神は根源的愛のエネルギー」という認識はまったくなくなってしまっていました。神官の登用は、最初は能力試験により厳正に行われていましたが、次第に世襲制となっていきました。認識力や霊的能力が特に優れていなくても、神官の家柄に生まれたというだけで神官となったのです。当時の神官は、権力とともに多くの利権も握っていました。神官たちで構成される評議会メンバーになることが、支配階級のトップになることを意味していました。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8556819971061339&set=gm.3785874964994090&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】4. Middle Age of AtlantisAtlantis civilization can be divided into three terms: early age, middle age, and last age.Kaitron and I were born in the early age. I think it had been successful to some degree in the sense that the direction was being established to develop the science itself.However, people paid too much attention to pursue the development of science, and they tended to forget the teaching of love.The theme of the middle age apparently lied in the modification of the direction. We needed to make the balance between the inherent faith and science again. In order to restore the knowledge and to return to the original track, Ninth Dimensions decided to send Buddha to the ground.He was born to the royal family with the name of Toss.On the ground, he exhibited his talent as the genius of omnipotence, called as "Toss of omniscience and omnipotence."However, he had a tendency to direct toward a course of intelligence. This was the feature which his spirit originally possesses. After all, the result had remained unsatisfactory concerning the recovery of the teaching of love.In contrast to the disappearance of love, science was developed further.Inheriting pyramids from Lemuria and Mu, the utilization of the cosmic energy reached its peak in the civilization of Atlantis.In Atlantis, a further approach was made from the viewpoint of how to amplify the cosmic energy. The character of energy amplification of crystals had also been explored in this age.In the current civilization, a crystal is simply viewed as a mineral irrelevant to science, but it was not so in Atlantis. Other than a crystal, the effects of various jewel stones had been investigated.At that time, those stones were mined as much bigger in size than the present ones. Amplification of power was clarified by cutting them in a specific way. Scientists had been busy to find out how to increase the spiritual power by using crystals.Since Atlantis civilization was presumed as a step for the shift up, there were many people whose spiritual paths were open. And it was the policy of heaven.The vibration of a body was not so coarse as the present body, and it was a little bit subtler.Moreover, by the use of science, they could use a power opposing gravity.It was possible even to fly in the sky, amplifying the spiritual power by wearing a bracelet made with pieces of crystal.An airship with the power of antigravity was also built.The reason why a human could fly in the sky was because, not only the vibration of body was subtle, but also they could utilize this antigravity.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8556819971061339&set=gm.3785874964994090&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】4.アトランティス中期アトランティス文明は、前期、中期、後期の三つに分けられます。カイトロンと私が出たのは前期です。科学的発展の方向づけができたという点で、ある程度成功したと思っています。ただ、どうしても科学的発展を追求するあまり、その後、愛の教えが忘れ去られる傾向が出てきました。中期の課題は、軌道修正にありました。もう一度、本来の信仰と科学の両方のバランスを取る必要があったのです。それまでの知識を整理するとともに、本来の路線に戻すために、九次元からブッダが地上に誕生することになりました。彼はトスという名前で、やはり王家に生まれました。地上では「全知全能のトス」と称されるように、万能の天才としてその能力を発揮しました。ただ、どうしても知的な方向に向かう傾向がありました。これは、彼の魂自体がもともと持っている性向でもありました。結局、愛の教えの復興という面では、不満が残る結果となりました。愛が忘れ去られるのとは対照的に、科学はさらに発展しました。レムリア、ムーから受け継がれているピラミッドを用いての宇宙エネルギーの利用は、アトランティス文明でピークを迎えました。アトランティスでは、宇宙エネルギーをいかに増幅させるかという点から、さらなるアプローチがなされました。水晶の持つエネルギー増幅作用が探究されたのもこの時代でした。現文明では、水晶というと、一見科学とは無関係な鉱物と思われていますが、アトランティスではそうではありませんでした。水晶以外にもさまざまな宝石の効用も研究されました。当時、宝石は現在よりも大きな結晶として採取されていました。宝石をさまざまにカットすることで、そのパワーが増幅されることも明らかになりました。科学者たちは、クリスタルを用いての霊能力増幅方法の探究に一生懸命だったのです。アトランティス文明は、シフトアップへの準備文明と位置づけられていたこともあり、霊道を開いている人がとても多かったことも事実でした。それも天上界の方針だったことは確かです。肉体も現文明の肉体のように粗い波動ではなく、もう少し精妙でした。さらに科学の発展で、重力に対抗するような力を利用することも可能でした。小さなクリスタルを何個かつないだブレスレットを身につけることで霊的パワーが増し、空を飛ぶことさえ可能だったのです。反重力の飛行船などもできるようになりました。人間が空を飛ぶことができたのは、肉体波動が精妙だったこと以外にも、反重力を利用することができたからでした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8551099224966747&set=gm.3785070948407825&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】3. DeismAfter that, I was to go down to the Atlantis continent. Up until then, I myself didn't have so many chances to guide people on the ground. Since I was going to be guiding on the ground after a long absence, I had made a detailed plan in advance.First of all, I must be born in an appropriate position possessing sufficient influence. I decided to use the royal family. Since science was developed to some degree by the work of Kaitron, I planned to point out the importance of faith as well as science.I was born to be a king who taught a law.St. Cusanus was a name of mine in the age of Atlantis.What I taught at that time became known as Deism. I preached, "To pursue both science and heart of love of God is the wish of the Creator. Pursue both of them. Then, you could evolve correctly and grow up without leaning to one side of them."At the time when I came back to heaven, I thought I could guide perfectly as I planned in advance. I must have said exactly, "God is the energy of love itself, and love is most important."At that time, I didn't even give a thought that my teaching would be transmitted to the later generations with this part of love being lost in the following flow of Atlantis civilization.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【Maitreya】Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.He has never been born after that.In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8551099224966747&set=gm.3785070948407825&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】3.理神論その後、私自身がアトランティス大陸に降り立つことになりました。それまで私自身はあまり地上で人びとを指導する機会がありませんでした。久々の地上での指導ということもあり、前もって綿密な計画を立てました。まず、影響力のある立場で生まれなければなりません。やはり、王家に生まれることにしました。カイトロンのおかげで、すでに科学はある程度発達していましたので、科学と並んで信仰の重要性についても、人びとに説くことにしました。私は王であり、法を説く者として生まれたのです。聖クザーヌスという名前で伝えられているのが、アトランティス時代の私です。当時私が説いた教えは、「理神論」と呼ばれるようになりました。「科学と神の愛の心の両方を追求していくことが、本来の創造主のご希望である。両方を追求せよ。そうすれば、どちらにも偏らず、正しく進化し、成長を遂げていくことができる」と、説いたのです。「科学と信仰、両方バランスを取りながら進みなさい」という教えでした。私自身が前もって計画していた通りの指導ができたと、天上界に帰ってきた当初は思っていました。 私は「神は愛のエネルギーそのものであり、愛こそが大切なのだ」ということも、きちんと言ったはずでした。その後のアトランティス文明の流れの中で、この愛の部分だけが欠落して伝えられることになろうとは、当時、思ってもいませんでした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8540765619333441&set=gm.3783527141895539&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】2. Birth of KutfumiThe Atlantis continent has existed for more than 70 thousand years ago. Humans began to live 40 thousand years ago, and most of them lived by hunting and fishing. Atlantis remained primitive compared to the Mu continent.Sixteen thousand years ago, Kaitron was born as Kutfumi. Kutfumi had noticed the transformation of the shapes of plants, which had been considered common by most of the people of that era. He paid attention to the change in terms of germinating, growing of stems and leaves, and blooming of flowers.As the result of Kutfumi's research, it was found that an enormous energy transformation was happening in the transformation of the shapes of plants. He continued the research and succeeded in obtaining the power from the transformation of the life energy of plants.Even if he had been a Ninth Dimension, this research could not have progressed so easily. It took almost 30 years to extract the power from the life energy of plants and transform it to electric power.By the research of Kutfumi, the life style of the people of Atlantis changed drastically. It had changed to a life using electrical products from just hunting and fishing.By the window, many containers with plant bulbs were placed, and germination energy was extracted to provide the electricity of a household. The achievement of Kutfumi was satisfactory to direct the later development of the science of Atlantis.After the Mu continent sank, the people of Mu escaped to Atlantis. The science of Mu was added to Atlantis, and the science of Atlantis had developed to a much higher level.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【Kaitron】Born in England of seventeenth century as Isaac Newton in this civilization, he lived as a physicist, mathematician and astronomer.He was known as one of the greatest scientists in the modern science, discovering the law of gravitation and advocating the mechanics, and leaving the indispensable achievement for the development of modern science.In Atlantis civilization, he did a remarkable work by the name of Kuthumi, and founded the basis of scientific civilization.In the heaven, his role is the ray of silver (science), and he is delegating in the mission of developing science and engineering.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8540765619333441&set=gm.3783527141895539&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】2.クートフーミーの誕生アトランティス大陸は、七万年以上前から存在していました。人間が住むようになったのは四万年前頃からですが、ほとんど狩猟と漁業の生活でした。ムー大陸に比べると、ほとんど未開に近い状態でした。今から一万六千年前のアトランティス大陸に、カイトロンがクートフーミーとして生まれました。クートフーミーは、普通は当たり前と思われている植物の形態変化に着目しました。発芽し、茎が伸び、葉が茂り、花が咲くという変化に注目したのです。クートフーミーが研究した結果、植物の形態変化に巨大なエネルギー変換が行われていることがわかりました。彼はさらに研究を続け、植物の生命エネルギー変換時のパワーを取り出すことに成功したのです。科学担当の九次元霊が地上に肉体を持ったといっても、これらの研究が簡単に進んだわけではありません。彼は、植物の生命エネルギーからパワーを抽出し、電力に変換できるようになるまでに三十年近くの歳月を要したのでした。クートフーミーの研究により、アトランティスの人びとの生活環境は大きく変化しました。狩猟と漁業の生活から、電化製品を使いこなす生活になったのでした。窓辺に植物の球根が入った容器をたくさん並べ、そこから発芽エネルギーを抽出、それで一家の電力をまかなうことができました。クートフーミーの業績は、アトランティスの科学発展への方向づけとしては申し分のないものでした。その後、ムー大陸が沈み、ムーの人びとがアトランティス大陸にも逃れてきました。ピラミッドパワーをはじめとして、ムーの科学者たちの科学技術も加わり、アトランティスの科学レベルはさらに高度な発展を遂げました。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【カイトロン】今回の文明ではアイザック・ニュートンとして17世紀の英国に転生し、物理学者および数学者、天文学者として活躍した。近代科学における最大の科学者の一人として知られ、万有引力や運動の法則などを発見し、近代科学の発展にとって不可欠の業績を残した。アトランティス文明においては、クート・フーミーという名で活躍し、科学文明の基礎をつくった。天上界では、銀色光線(科学)を担当し、科学技術を進展させる役割を担っている。*~*~*~*~*~
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8535239769886026&set=gm.3782738945307692&idorvanity=1633408513574090【アトランティスの興亡】1.シフトアップに向けて私はマイトレーヤーです。この章では、アトランティス文明を振り返ってみたいと思います。アトランティスは現文明の直前の文明であり、現文明との類似点もあり、学ぶべきことが多い文明です。ムーやレムリアほど古い文明ではないということもあり、アトランティスについてはさまざまな伝承が残っているようです。ただ、その中には事実とは異なることも多く、大切なことが見落とされているようにも思います。ここで、アトランティス文明を立ち上げた責任者として、私から皆様にお伝えしたいと思います。宇宙の中で、霊的進化に適したときというのがあります。「水瓶座の時代」がそれに当たります。ムー文明のあと、私たち地球九次元霊は、「次の水瓶座の時代には、地球をシフトアップさせようではないか」ということで一致していました。私たちがいくら頑張って地球を次の段階に上げようと思っても、宇宙に追い風が吹いていないと、なかなか実現は難しいのです。逆に、追い風のときであれば、次の段階に行きやすいということでもあります。次の水瓶座の時代というのは、今の文明でいえば西暦二〇〇〇年を過ぎたあたりから始まります。アトランティス文明を立ち上げるにあたり、次の水瓶座の時代まで、まだ一万年以上ありましたが、「余裕を持って水瓶座の時代を迎えよう」と、私たち九次元霊は考えていました。レムリア文明とムー文明では反省点もありましたが、それなりの成果を挙げることができたと、九次元霊たちは考えていました。ムー文明は、素朴なアニミズムを通して人びとの心に、神に対する信仰心を植えつけることに成功しました。ただ、ムー文明の科学レベルでは、シフトアップしても、進んだ異星人たちの科学技術を受け入れることは困難だったと思います。そこで、科学的進歩を念頭に置いた文明というのがアトランティス文明の課題でした。ですから、「アトランティス文明では、最初から科学と信仰を両輪として進もうではないか」ということも、九次元霊たちの申し合わせで決まりました。それまでの文明はあまり科学を前面に押し出したものはありませんでした。ただ、シフトアップを目標とすると、どうしても科学を発達させる必要がありました。科学は、九次元ではカイトロンが担当しています。それまであまり出る幕がなかったカイトロンでしたが、彼にも仕事をしてもらわなくてはなりません。私はカイトロンに「そろそろ出番だよ」と言いました。「いよいよ私の力を発揮するときですね」と、カイトロンも張り切っていました。私は、オリオンから、九次元になったばかりのマヌやカイトロンを連れて地球にやってきました。マヌはレムリア文明である程度の成果を挙げました。今度はカイトロンの番でした。マイトレーヤー『地球シフトアップ計画 ガイアその愛その光』より*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【マイトレーヤー】かつて、アトランティス文明において、聖クザーヌスとして肉体を持ち、神は理性的なものであるとする「理神論」を説いた方。その後は地上に出ていない。天上界では、光の分光などの役割を担っている。弥勒菩薩のことがマイトレーヤーと称されることがあるが、本書のマイトレーヤーとはまったく別の存在である。*~*~*~*~*~*~
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=965617708938635&set=a.461274999372911Children are entrusted to us - Rejoicing in the growth of the other is a form of love.Now is the time of confusion, when children kill their parents and parents kill their children, ignoring the importance and splendor of such a relationship and letting their hearts be troubled.First of all, we must know the origin. That human beings are eternal souls.That we are reborn in different places to learn to love.And that we don't always see each other, we may not see each other for hundreds or thousands of years.And that the purpose of the family, the community of destiny, is to learn to love deeply by being deeply involved together.We do not learn by hurting each other.It is often said that “children are a gift,” but in reality, children are not a gift, but a “possession.Children are precious beings given to us to live with, learn to love, and grow with each other for 20 or 30 years at the most after birth. When the time comes for them to become adults and leave the nest, we should send them off without holding them back.What about when a baby bird leaves the nest? When the chicks grow up, whether they are swallows or not, the mother will teach them how to fly.When they are ready to fly, they will fly away from the nest without looking back. The mother would not follow and try to hold them back.She will say, “Thank you for being born to our child for a moment now. Thank you for teaching us free love. And then, “Let me help you develop your personality to the best of my ability. But at the end of the day, you are the one who decides your own life.It is a mother's job to nurture the important spirit of independence and let them fly away from the nest.That is a mother's job and a parent's job. Amalie, from “The Venusian Law of Becoming a Spiritual Beauty
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=8535239769886026&set=gm.3782738945307692&idorvanity=1633408513574090【Destiny of Atlantis】1. Towards the Shift UpI am Maitreya.In this chapter, I am going to review Atlantis civilization.Atlantis is the one previous civilization. It possesses an analogy to the current civilization, and there are many things to be learned. Atlantis is not as old as Mu and Lemuria; therefore, various folklores remained.But some of them differ from the facts, and some important matters are missing. As a person who had been in charge of Atlantis, I am going to explain this to you.In the universe, there happens to be a particular time when the spiritual evolution can be done more easily.The Age of Aquarius corresponds to the time.After the Mu, we Ninth Dimensions agreed as "We wish to shift up the Earth in the next Age of Aquarius."Generally, no matter how hard we want to step up, it cannot be actualized so easily, unless a favorable wind is blowing in the universe. Conversely, when it is blowing, we can go to the next step rather easily.For example, in the current civilization, the Age of Aquarius begins from a little bit past the year 2000. When we invoked a civilization in Atlantis, there had been more than 10 thousand years until the next Age of Aquarius. But our Ninth Dimensions were considering, "We would like to face an Age of Aquarius having enough margin."Although we couldn't say there was no problem to be reconsidered in Lemuria and Mu, we certainly had obtained enough results there. Ninth Dimensions thought so at least. In Mu, we succeeded in planting the faith to God in human minds through primitive animism.However, the level of science of Mu at those ages was not high enough to accept the advanced technologies of aliens, even if it were to shift up. So, the target of the next civilization Atlantis was decided to be the civilization based on the development of science. Ninth Dimensions reached an agreement, saying, "In Atlantis civilization, we will develop both science and faith in parallel from the beginning."There had not ever been a civilization in which the science was placed as a primary target. But, if the shift up is made as a target, science needs to be developed by any mean. Kaitron is responsible for science in Ninth Dimension. Up until then, there had not ever been any chance to work for Kaitron, but this time he must be in charge. I told Kaitron, "It's your turn." Kaitron was very excited, "The time has finally come to me."I brought Manu and Kaitron from Orion, who had just become Ninth Dimensions. Manu worked in Lemuria and left a considerable result.So this would be Kaitron's turn.MaitreyaChanneling message by Amarie“Project Eden ~The Origin of Earth~” (Kindle)*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*【Maitreya】Born as Saint Cusanus in Atlantis civilization, he originated Deism which holds that God is in reason.He has never been born after that.In the heaven, his role is to split the light into specific rays of colors.Though there is the one in Buddhism known by the same name, but it is an entirely different existence.*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*Click here for morehttps://x.gd/KKTXm
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=964944145672658&set=a.461274999372911To those on earth in the midst of the imminent natural cataclysm ~Message to those on earth (2)The appearance of the Sisters and the children was to speak to them in front of them with a number of material phenomena.I have never been given the opportunity to express my difficult thoughts, complicated ideas, and such subtle nuances in this way.Today, in this time of imminent natural disasters, I am truly grateful to have been given the chance to speak to the children of God, to the children of God on earth, about my thoughts for such a long time, I would like to give this message to those of you on earth.I always love you.I always want you to be happy.Whenever you feel pain or loneliness, please remember that there is a Mother in heaven who feels your thoughts and weeps with you.And I want you to remember Me, to be embraced by My bosom, to receive My thoughts, to be healed, and to be invigorated.If you have a heart like a little child, I will always speak to you.As I speak to you today, if you remove the shield-like screen from your hearts, I will speak to each and every one of you, not only to this one, but to you as well.I can speak to each one of you, not only to this one, but to you at any time.Therefore, I ask you to release your hearts to us.Then I will be able to guide you at any time.You are not alone.No matter how hard you are suffering, do not despair, but always remember that you are alive in our hearts and in our love, and always do your best with this principle of confidence and hope.I know this is a very long time to talk about this, but I think it is the right time.There are some things I do not want to say any more because I do not want to say too much, but I would like to ask each one of you to make up your mind and, in the present moment, to do your utmost to improve this predicament and situation with the greatest possible spark of life that you can offer. I beg you to do so.I will now leave you for today.Thank you very much.From “The Truth of Fatima” by the Blessed Virgin Mary
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=965617708938635&set=a.461274999372911【 子供は預かりもの ~相手の成長を喜ぶのが愛の姿】(前半)今、そういう縁の大切さ、素晴らしさというものを無視し、心をすさませて、子供が親を殺し、親が子供を殺すという混乱の時代が来ています。まず、原点を知ることです。人間が永遠の魂であるということ。愛を学ぶために、いろいろな場所に生まれ変わっていること。そして、お互いいつでも会えるわけじゃない、何百年、何千年ぶりに会っているかもしれないということ。そして、家族という運命共同体の目的は、ともに深く関わり合うことによって愛を深く学ぶことだということ。傷つけ合うことによって学ぶのではありません。よく「子供は授かりもの」と言われますが、ほんとうは授かりものではなく、「預かりもの」なのです。子供というものは、生まれてから長くても二十年、三十年、ともに暮らし、愛を学び合い、互いに成長するために与えられたありがたい存在だということ。そして子供が一人前になって巣立つときがきたら、けっして引き止めることなく、送り出してあげることです。ひな鳥が巣立つときはどうでしょうか。つばめでもなんでも、ひな鳥が成長したらお母さんが飛び方を教えるでしょう。そして飛べるようになったら、子供は振り返りもせず、一目散に巣から飛び立っていきます。母親はそのあとを追いかけて引き止めようとはしないでしょう。「今いっとき、私たちの子供に生まれてきてくれてありがとう。無償の愛を教えてくれてありがとう」と。そして、「あなたの個性を開花させるために精一杯お手伝いさせてね。でも最後、自分の人生を決めるのはあなた自身ですよ」と。大事な自立心というものはしっかりと育てて、巣から飛び立たせてあげる。それが母親の仕事であり、親の仕事なのです。 アマーリエ 「スピリチュアル美人になるためのヴィーナス(金星)の法」より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=964944145672658&set=a.461274999372911【天変地異の差し迫った中での地上の者たちへ】 ~地上の方がたへのメッセージ②~今までの出現と申しましても、子どもたちやシスターたちの前で、数々の物質的な現象を込めて語りかけることでした。難しいわたくしの思いとか、複雑な理念、そのような微妙なニュアンスまでこのように語る機会というものを与えられたことはございませんでした。今日、このように長時間、わたくしの思いというものを、この天変地異の押し迫ったこの時代の中で、最後に神の子たちに、地上の神の子たちに語るチャンスを与えられましたことを、わたくしの人生における、魂の歴史におけるほんとうの幸せな瞬間であったと心より感謝し、そして、地上の方がたへのメッセージとしたいと思います。わたくしは、いつもあなた方を愛しています。いつもあなた方は幸せになっていただきたい。あなた方の苦しみ、悲しみを思い、わたくしもともに涙を流しているのだと、あなた方はけっして一人ではないのだと、苦しいとき、孤独を感じたとき、どうか天上であなた方の思いを感じ取り、涙を流している母がいるのだということを、いつでもあなた方は思い出していただきたい。そして、わたくしを思い起こし、わたしの胸に抱かれ、わたくしの思いを受け止め癒され、また活力としていただきたいのです。あなた方に幼子のような心があれば、わたしはいつでもあなた方に語りかけましょう。今日このように語りかけているように、あなた方の心に貼られている、そのシールドのようなスクリーンを外してくだされば、わたくしは一人ひとりに、この者だけでなくあなた方にも、いつでも語りかけることができるのです。ですから、あなた方もご自分の心を、どうかわたくしたちに向けて解放していただきたいのです。そうすれば、わたくしはあなた方をいつでも導くことができるのだということ。あなた方は一人ではない。どんなに苦しい時も絶望しないで、わたくしたちの心の中に、そして、愛の中に生きているのだということを、常に自信と希望の原理として頑張っていただきたいと思います。今日はたいへん長時間になりましたけれども、この時期ではということなのです。これ以上、わたくしはあまり言いたくないので申し上げないこともあるのですが、どうか、お一人おひとりの覚悟の中に決められ、今という時の中で、あなた方のできる最大限の人生のきらめきの中で、この苦境を、状況を改善するために、精一杯の努力をしていただきたいと、ただただお願い申し上げます。では今日は、これにて失礼させていただきます。ありがとうございました。聖母マリア『ファティマの真実』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=963572572476482&set=a.461274999372911【金星の法】~あなただけの一輪の花を咲かせなさい①~皆さま方にある生命の神秘というエネルギーは、本来は母体の中から生まれてくるものなのです。そこに働きかけるのは、宇宙の愛のエネルギー、陽のエネルギーであります。いかなる女性だとしても、処女受胎はできません。男性のエネルギーあってこその、子どもの誕生であるということです。それは、宇宙の創造原理においても同じなのです。神はおひとりで宇宙を創造して、ビッグバンが起きているのではないのです。やはり、男性エネルギーがあるのならば、女性エネルギーとともに、その中において、新たな生命を生み出しているということなのです。そして、女性の姿が水という、形をいかようにも変幻自在に変えていく力があるということ。そして、愛により祝福し、生命の存在すべてを浄め、新たな力で甦らせて、そうフェニックスのようにーー、この数日出ているフェニックスのように、大空に飛び立たせていくことができる、新たな時代をつくることができるエネルギーもまた、母性に隠されているということ。そこをあなた方はわきまえなさい。女性がこの時代の中で、果たす役割はとても大きいということです。今までは、虐げられ、隠され、自分自身も迫害され、女性たちは悲しい、苦しみの中で、トラウマを持ってきたかもしれない。でも、そのすべてを浄めてしまうほどに、あなた方本来の強い力があるということ。どうかその力に気づいてほしい。あなた方のエネルギーは尊く、神より祝福され、宇宙創世のときよりつくられた役割であります。どうか皆さま方に、その自覚が芽生えますように。わたくしはいつも、あなた方を愛しております。女性たちだけではなく、男性たちも愛しております。わたくしは、あなた方の母であります。あなた方男性たちは、誰ひとりとしても、母の胎内から出なかった者はおりますまい。すべて母親から生まれているはずであります。わたくしは、あなた方の母です。今この時代を見守らせていただいております。あなた方に勇気と愛を送ります。頑張りなさい。この時代をつくるために、命をかけて頑張りなさい。男性は男性として、陽のエネルギーとして、渾身の力を甦らせて、新たな時代を築くのです。女性には女性の役割があるということです。あなた方が、知と勇気と行動力で、この時代を変えていくのならば、女性たちはその愛の思いにおいて、この時代で多くの傷ついている人たちを――、子どもたちだって、みんな傷ついています、その傷ついている者たちを受け止めてあげてください。主張して突き放すのではなくて、受け止めてあげることです。そして、あなた方の持っている精一杯の愛で、浄めてあげてください。そして、甦らせて、また新たなフェニックスを一羽ずつ、大空に羽ばたかせてあげてください。そのエネルギーが女性たちのエネルギーであるということです。気づかなくては、その力は出ないのです。何事もそうですよ。自覚をしなければ、自分の力には目覚めません。そして、腹をくくらなくては、己自身の力は出てこないのです。その自覚のために、今、法が降ろされているのです。セレニティ(月意識)『ガイアの祈り 光ある愛の星にアセンション』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=963572572476482&set=a.461274999372911The Law of Venus~ Make your own single flower bloom (1)The energy of the mystery of life in all of you is originally born from within the mother's body. It is the love energy of the universe, the yang energy, that works there.No woman can have a virgin conception.The birth of a child is possible only with the presence of male energy.The same is true of the principle of creation of the universe.God did not create the universe by Himself and cause the Big Bang.If there is male energy, it is creating new life within it, together with female energy.And that the female form is water, which has the power to change its shape in any way it wishes. And hidden in motherhood is the energy that can create a new era, that can bless with love, that can purify all life, that can revive it with new power, that can make it take off into the sky like the phoenix, like the phoenix that has been appearing these past few days.You must be aware of this.The role that women play in this era is very significant.Until now, they have been oppressed, hidden, persecuted themselves, and women may have been sad, suffering, and traumatized.But the fact is that you have an inherently strong power that purifies all of that.Please be aware of that power.Your energy is precious, blessed by God, and your role has been created since the creation of the universe.I hope that you will grow in awareness of this.I always love you.I love not only the women, but also the men.I am your mother.None of you men have ever left your mother's womb.All of you must be born of your mothers.I am your mother.I am watching over these times.I send you courage and love.Keep up the good work.Work hard with your lives to create this era.Men, as men, revive your full strength as yang energy and build a new era.It means that women have a role to play.If you are going to change this era with your knowledge, courage, and power of action, women, in your love for the people who are hurting in this era--even the children, who are all hurting, please accept those who are hurting and help them. Please accept those who are hurting.Please accept those who are hurting, not shun them with insistence, but accept them.And purify them with the love you have to the best of your ability.Then, revive them and let them flap their wings again, one by one, a new phoenix into the sky.That energy is the energy of the women.If you are not aware of it, you will not have that power.It is the same with everything.If you don't become aware, you will not awaken to your power.And if you are not hungry, your own power will not emerge.For that awareness, the Dharma is being brought down now.Serenity (Moon Consciousness)From “Gaia's Prayer: Ascension to the Star of Light and Love
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=962103852623354&set=a.461274999372911【天変地異の差し迫った中での地上の者たちへ】 ~地上の方がたへのメッセージ①~このようにつらいことを申し上げるのは、わたくしはほんと、胸がはり裂けそうなのです。でも、わたくしはそのような役割を神より与えられておりますので、わたくしは、我が使命を果たすために、今日このようなことを申し上げるために参りました。天変地異というのは徐々に加速され、今多くの方がたがあちこちで犠牲になっておられますが、これは加速度がついてくるのです。もう支えきれなくなってきているということ。そして、人びとの業想念がこのようにぶつかり続ける限り、そのうちに最終戦争というのが起きてくるでしょう。人びとの心を分かち合いの中で、愛の循環という通路の中に流すようにしていかなくては、このまま互いが互いの戦闘性と、力と力のせめぎ合いの中で、張り合い続けるのであるのなら、いつかはそのようなことが起きてしまうのです。そして、それはけっして遠い未来ではないということ。そのような自然災害、戦争というもの、そして、宗教的な価値観の数々の制度が崩壊し、ひとつの新しい価値観の中に投げ込まれていく時代が、そのような文化的な意味においても、信仰形態においても、新たな局面が次々と連鎖反応的に起きてくる時代がもうすぐ先にきているのです。今このように平和に、このように神の言葉を平静に聴きながら編集できるような、このような時が永遠に続くわけではないということ。それを今回の地震とか台風とかの状態を見ながら、なにやら地球が普通ではないようだ、以前とは違うということは、多くの人びとが、もう気づき始めているということなのです。でも、その現実というものは、あなた方が考えるような予想をはるかに超えた事態というのが起きてくるということ。その時、どのぐらいの方がたが生き残れるか、わたくしはわかりません。でも、なるべくそのような方がたが少しでも多くなるために、そして、その次の天変地異が起きて、いろいろなことが起きていったあとに、新たな社会の、この地上の建て直しをしていくためにも、精神的なルネッサンス革命的な、そのような神の子の本来に生まれ変わっていくような魂の復活というもの。神の子の神性の復活というもの。それをかけて、次の時代の足跡を、道しるべを残すことをもって、次の世代の方がたはその地獄絵図のような時代の中から、地球の未来を愛の星へと導いていかれることでしょう。どうか、そちらにもっていけるように、最悪のことがなるべく最小限度のことで済むように、わたくしはただただ、祈るしかない自分を無力だと思っております。でも、このような機会を神より与えられ、再度、地上の方がたに対してこのようなわたくしの思いを語る機会を与えられましたことを、心より神に感謝申し上げ、また地上のあなた方に感謝申し上げます。聖母マリア『ファティマの真実』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=962103852623354&set=a.461274999372911To those on earth in the midst of impending natural disasters ~Message to those on earth (1)It is truly heartbreaking for me to say this, but God has given me such a role to fulfill.However, I have been given such a role by God, and I have come here today to say this in order to fulfill my mission.Natural disasters are gradually accelerating, and many people are now being killed here and there, and this will accelerate.We can no longer support them.And as long as people's karmic thoughts continue to collide in this way, the final war will occur sooner or later.If we don't let people's hearts flow into the pathway of the cycle of love in the midst of sharing, and if we continue to compete with each other in our combativeness, and in the struggle for power and strength, then one day such a thing will happen.And that it is never in the distant future.The era in which such natural disasters, wars, and numerous religious value systems will collapse and be thrown into one new value system, and the era in which new phases will occur one after another in a chain reaction, both in such a cultural sense and in the form of faith, is almost ahead of us.That such a time as this, which we can edit now with such peace and such calm listening to God's word, will not last forever.Many people have already begun to realize that the earth is not normal, that it is not the same as before, as they watch the recent earthquakes and typhoons.But the reality is that things are going to happen far beyond what you might expect.I do not know how many of you will be able to survive.But in order for as many of you as possible to survive, and in order to rebuild society and this earth after the next natural cataclysm and various other things happen, we must have a spiritual renaissance revolution, a rebirth of the souls of God's children. The resurrection of the soul. The resurrection of the divinity of the Son of God. By leaving a trail and a signpost for the next generation, they will lead the future of the earth from the hellish times to the planet of love.I can only pray that the worst will be minimized as much as possible so that we can move in that direction, and I consider myself helpless.But I thank God from the bottom of my heart, and I thank you on earth, for giving me this opportunity to speak my thoughts to you once again.From “The Truth of Fatima” by the Blessed Virgin Mary
https://gkinui.hatenablog.jp/entry/2024/02/13/123000Message from Hoa (the One and Only Root God) 54Hoa 23 Dimensions Our True Nature The Beginning of LifeGintik.Can you hear my voice?I am Hoa.(Ginchiku: Good morning, Hoa-sama.)I will now unveil the revelationYou may write.(Yes, sir.)I am Hoa.I give my voice to those who read this.Now the earth is in its last daysYou peopleYou think that the day of the earth's destruction will never come.But the evil that mankind is doingThe earth itself is being destroyed to an unthinkable degreeto an unthinkable degree.The evil deeds that cause itAll of them are caused by human beingsYou should be aware of this.You have existed for hundreds of millions of yearsin that body that has existed for hundreds of millions of years.You are not the bodyYou are a part of the light that shines to move that bodyYou are a part of my light that shines to move that body.You are lostconfusedYou are anxiousWrapped up in impatienceYour heart is shakenYou forget to keep your peace and are exhaustedWe are swept away by lifeI forget to keep my mind in orderto the point that we may lose our hearts at any momentDancing with material thingsConsuming timeAnd wasting the golden opportunities of lifeI am the source of your lightI am the source of your lightThe only lifeYou are in meAnd you are with me.The forces of the universe work to move youYou are the unseen blessingYou are built on a series of miraclesupon which your life is built.O youThis light I have shared with youShine forthLet go of the things that trouble your heartJust be the heavenly light that is youThat is youNo need to hate yourselfJust be youBe the light that you areLive in flow with other lightsTalking to each otherAnd live hand in handIt is a gentle connectionYou are such a lightI have given birth to.You, my dearEmbrace yourselfStop blamingLet go with a smileNo need to cling to the bodyYou areAs long as I wish for you, my belovedYou are a drop of loveYou are a drop of loveFeel me, my love.Feel meI amThe only life in the worldThat contains the life that is youThe world in which you live is all an illusionis an illusion inside of me.When I lost the willWhen I lose the will to sustain this worldAll the universe will disappearAnd you, my being, return to my light.And there will be only me.I alone.You are here now because you wish me to remainI'm here now because you want me to stay.Do you blame yourself?Just beAs the life of light given to youLet your life shine with purity of heartYou are meThe light that bears the name of loveThe only inheritor of the flow of the One SourceA drop of loveI am youBe the lightLet the fountain of love that moistens its heart spring forthWhile living as a human beingBut be aware that your heart is heavenlySimply rejoice with unrestrained joyReceiving only as it isDo not lose yourself in the flowAccept everything and stillBe in the smileThere is one who looks at your existence every dayEvery day of your existenceIt is II am the hoaYou are the sparkling life that swims within meWhat is there to nod your headRemember the splendor that is lightYou are, in the first place, a manifestation of meYou are my manifestationYou are with my willWhat's wrong with that?It is you.Open your eyes.The world will look roughBut in your heartAlways hold on to the heavensIf that is your daily lifeThe world will changeO youMy precious piece of lightLive with meStop hating each otherStop blaming othersLet it flowAnd you aloneWill always be a part of meCommit yourself to be loveThat is the way to unite youIs the way to connect you to me.To be in loveIs to have it in your heartThe heart is the way to connect with MeThe heart is the only conduit to heavenYou live as a human beingAnd learn how to handle that heartIt is your responsibilityIt's your duty as an earthling.Are you trying to destroy this planet?The earth is a manifestation of me.And in it dwells my divided light.And you human beings have chosen to harm that light.And you humans choose to live your lives in favor of your own greed and pleasure?I remind you.Connect to the depths of your heartI am the light of all soulsEvery soul isIs just a drop of lifeA drop of life from meI am you.SmileAnd be at ease.You are alwaysYou are my lightYou are in meAnd with meAs long as I have youAs long as I am with youI will always take care of your lifeAs if I were watching over you.I am with youLet go of your anxietyAnd take joy in your handFor that is what I feelYour joyIs my joy.Your happiness isOn this earthAnd mineIs where I should have wanted to be.My dear oneConnect your heart to the heavensJust be me, without thoughtBe the loveBe the lightAnd be joyAnd happinessThat is my wish
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=592156703163219&set=a.204590215253205Try to live out your life to the fullest.Well, each individual had his or her own role to play.I believed in them. I believed in it, but I'm not a religious person. I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm not a religious person... I'm a reformer, a politician, a reformer, a change... how do you call it, in this age, this kind of thing, like us.I'm still not sure if I have the right words, so please help me out.When we do these things, there are those who don't believe in religion, saying that it's too spicy. But, they are all doing what they are doing at the behest of God and Buddha. The Meiji Restoration was like that. Everyone came out because they had a role to play.So, there are people whose names have survived, like me, Ryoma, Saigou-san, or anyone else, but there are also many great people who have not survived who came out together with the plan. And, even though we can all laugh about it now, at that time, we thought each other were enemies and that we had to kill each other.However, there were many people who came out together with great ideals, with a passionate desire to change the world and Japan, as in the Meiji Restoration of that time, and failed.So, when you think about it, there may be a difference between those who are called religious people like you and us. But I am well aware that I am a member of a plan that believes in God and Buddha.But I don't think there are many people who say, “I don't like it. The reason is that people who cut and burn are putting their lives on the line somewhere, and even though they may not be able to see it, many of them are relying on the power of kami and buddhism to bolster their courage. However, we do not say this on the surface.As Fukuzawa Yukichi mentioned earlier, he is not a religious person, so he doesn't say it on the surface. In our time, it was generally accepted that a religious person was a monk, so people thought that since it was a monk's word, it was enough to leave religion, Shintoism, and Buddhism to the priests.In a sense, however, the roles of the priests were divided to color an era, such as Mr. Fukuzawa as an educator, or those with a sword, such as us, as reformers of a society, or, to put it another way, as the head of politics or government officials. That may be a part of it.(From “Ryoma Barker” by Kaishu Katsu)
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=591474709898085&set=a.204590215253205(11) - Live your life as if you were sparing a moment of your life on earth.The depth of his determination. To live in a place like this, in a position like this, in this time period, is truly a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and you are gathered here now.I would like you to consider that you cannot be born in a place like this, even if you had planned to be born in such a place.But it means that you are sitting here now in the depth of your achievements, the excellence of your mindset, and the virtue of your lives that you have worked so hard to achieve since your past.But if you are able to sit here, if you are able to hear our words again like this, I hope that you will never waste this life.This will never happen again. The next time it happens, it will be because the earth has gone bad, or the earth has shifted up.It is a great privilege to be sitting here in Lemuria, in Japan, at such a great turning point, at such a great turning point of the earth. To be able to listen to our message in this way. These times will disappear again in a while.I ask you to cherish this time now, and in this time, instead of relying on others, I ask each of you to ask and ask in your hearts what you can do, what you can live through in this time, using your individuality, what you can live through like the Ryoma and the others, always I hope that you will always keep in mind what you can do to survive and live out your lives like Ryoma and his friends.I ask you to live as if you are sparing only a moment of your life on this earth. You are talking about how many more decades you have left to live, but from the perspective of the length of time we have been back in this world, a few decades on earth is just a blink of an eye. They will pass in the blink of an eye.With this in mind, I ask that you cherish every moment and devote your lives to the work of compiling the Law, which only you can do at this time.When I look at those who were expelled last time, I feel that they were naive enough to think that they would not be able to do this, even though I was watching them. However, they could not compile the law.I would like to say to you who are sitting here now that I will remain here. If you have become lost in your hearts and are no longer willing to put your lives on the line single-mindedly for the sake of God's plan, you may not be able to sit in this seat next time.Look at those who have left before. They have become accustomed to listening to spiritual testimonies, and before they know it, taking them for granted, they have lost the desperation of the present moment to learn from them, and are using them only as tools for self-realization and self-justification, I believe that this is a very wrong way of thinking.We are not sending a message to such people.In order to save the earth, to save all mankind, to make this earth a planet of love in the universe, we gave up our lives with a longing to make this earth a planet of love in the universe, and now you are doing it and trying to materialize the dream that we entrusted to the future.I ask you to put your lives on the line with the knowledge that you are now at the keystone of this moment.If you are lost, if you are unsure, if you are like Ryoma, how can you live through this one life? I would like you to ask yourself that question.Shoin-san was in his late twenties, and all of you died when you were in your thirties or thereabouts. In light of this, you have already lived this life.You have already lived this life, a life that you have abandoned once, a life that has already ended. If it is the same length as theirs, why don't you try to live it again as a life that has already ended, as a life that has been given to you, and live it for a moment from now on with the feeling that you have received it again?If you do so, you will be able to mark the time from now on in deep gratitude, knowing that you have been reincarnated once again, and that you have been given two reincarnations.Those of the Meiji Restoration were cut down at that stage and that was the end. They ended by dying. They were finished when they committed suicide.Instead, we will be able to live on with that knowledge. Why don't you live your life for a time in the future with joy and gratitude that you are able to use it in God's greatest plan?If you make such a decision, then there will be a vast amount of wonderful spiritual words, divine truth, knowledge of divine truth, and the Law descending upon you. There would be no need to go mad with it.(From “The Heavenly Scriptures” by Kido Takayoshi, “The Heavenly Scriptures”)The following is a translation of a letter written by Kido Takayoshi (1833-1833) to the President of the Imperial Household, Kido Takayoshi, from “The Heavenly Gospel.Kido Takayoshi (1833-1877)A former politician of the Meiji Restoration, Kido Takayoshi was a leading figure in the Emperor's Exclusionist faction known as Katsura Kogoro at the end of the Edo period. Along with Saigo Takamori and Okubo Toshimichi of Satsuma, he was one of the three outstanding figures of the Meiji Restoration.He was also known as “Kogoro the Runaway. He was also a disciple of Yoshida Shoin, a Choshu clan samurai who was a driving force behind the Meiji Restoration. While promoting civilization and enlightenment, he worked to dismantle feudalistic institutions such as the feudal domain system and abolished the feudal domain system, and preached the need for a constitution and a nation with three separate branches of government.In his past life, he was born as Maggalis in Israel around 200 B.C., but the details are unknown. Later, in 538, he was born as Tiantai Chih-hsi in China. He was one of the founders of the Tendai sect, whose greatest scripture is the Lotus Sutra.
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=590840449961511&set=a.204590215253205Love and Divine Principle of the Universe (6) - The days when I am praised as an omniscient and omnipotent God are over.The days of the past are over.The time when I was praised as the Almighty God, as Allah, Jehovah, and Yahweh is over.In your ignorance and ignorance, I am not only to be praised as the God of the heavenly realms, but also to understand your daily joys, sorrows, and sufferings, and how you can grow, understand, and develop your hearts as children of God, and how you can pave the way as children of God in the cosmic age of abundant love. I would like to stand beside you as such a presence, not only giving guidance from the heavenly realms, but also entering into you and giving guidance directly to you.This time, I wanted to play such a role, and in order to acquire the individuality of Shinji Takahashi, I went before El Cantarrer as a dewdrop.Through the personality of Nobuji Takahashi, I would like to be able to be the kind of companion, the kind of guiding spirit, that I have wanted to be for a long time, to be by your side, to be able to understand your breath, to understand your worries, your suffering, and your joy, and to truly guide you from the inside out, as the kind of companion that I will be when the next I would like to guide you in such a manner as the cosmic age, as the earth age begins.The recognition of being such a spirit person in the heavenly realms, in the form of an eternal God-like, blood-breathing, breathing person, would not have been in the Middle East among you.He was only feared, only a God of judgment, only to be feared, only to lead with a figure that everyone would bow down to, and only in such a role.But that was the image he chose for himself in that era, and that was the guiding principle he chose for himself.But once that was over, I had long wished to come down to you and speak about the true meaning of God's love and the Law, while understanding your problems and suffering.This is the individuality of Shinji Takahashi who has come to Japan this time.With that, when you have achieved this Earth Restoration, when I appear on the next page of the new Earth, I would like to lead the Earth as a guiding spirit who can understand you more.I have been called the god of judgment, the god of wrath, the god of envy, and many other things, but as the god of the desert, I have led you, the earth, and civilization for a long time, but in the next cosmic age, in the new civilization, I would like to lead you as El Ranti in another form, taking on my own name. I am a leader of a new civilization.I love the human beings, the children of God who are trying their best to live in their third dimension, on the earth and on the other planets where various children of God live.I sincerely hope to help you and guide you in this new period of progress and development, always being involved and being the God of evolution.From “The Last Hurdle of Ascension” by El Ranti[El Ranti/Shinji TakahashiKnown as the God of Jehovah and the God of Allah.He had a physical body in modern Japan as Shinji Takahashi and preached the positive law and theology.He is one of the ten Supreme Leading Spirits, nine dimensional spirits of the highest level of the earth spirit heavenly realm.Role: He is in charge of personnel affairs and is the supreme leader of the Third Plan.Reincarnation, etc.: Invited from the planet Beelda in the Magellanic Cloud, El Ranti → Shinji Takahashi.Recommended book: “Origin of the Mind” Sanpo Shuppan
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=590175240028032&set=a.204590215253205The door to the heavenly realms has been opened.This kind of work is still related to the battlefield. What is the most important thing to keep in mind when doing the work of a miko, accepting only the words of the heavenly realms, and fighting on the battlefield? Many people who give spiritual talks also go crazy quickly, even if they start out well.In order to receive a spiritual message, it is necessary to have such a stoic pipe to accept the word of God in pure, pure vibrations. It may be difficult for a person to have this kind of ability even if he or she has honed his or her psychic ability in several lifetimes.There are those who have such abilities from the very beginning. They are strong against demons and accept pipes from the heavenly realms. And even in the battlefield known as the Asura Realm, we can show people what the battle of divine truth is all about.In this sense, we must have strong durability against demons, strong power not to be deceived by demons, and such things in order to carry out a mission like mine and Amalie-sama's.I have seen other people who were easily defeated by people of that caliber. Even those who have worked hard together are easily caught by those of that caliber, and their personalities change. If such a phenomenon is the result of possession, then even those like us who have received spiritual teachings and have an open spiritual path must have a strong resistance to demons to be able to fulfill this kind of mission.In a sense, what you are doing now is the same as the final battle of God from the viewpoint of my time. In a sense, what you are doing now is the same, in a sense, the final battle of God from the point of view of my time. To be called out for such a thing is very pure, just like us.For those of us who feel as if we were children, taking up the spiritual word and becoming the standard-bearers of the movement of the Divine Principle to fight for it are, in a sense, a great blessing to be given such a mission, but it is also a very hard thing to do. But it is also a very hard thing to do.Without the pure and pure feelings of a child, it would not be possible to give such a highly pure spiritual speech.The more childlike and pure of heart I become, the harder it is for me to go to such an unholy place of warfare. But you have to balance both. People like myself and Amalie-sama always go on our missions with the contradictory suffering that comes with such a situation.If not, then, like the other heroes, we must do our best only to reform the structure of society in the spirit and philosophy of the priestesses. If they were able to do only structural reform of society in their spiritual words and principles, then they might not have to suffer as we do.We must always remember that the presence of God, the guidance of the heavenly realms, is working on earth, that God has never abandoned His children, that He is always loving, guiding, and leading them, while at the same time, we must carry the Word of God to earth, saving people and providing leadership to pull people into a new spirit and civilization. We have a role to play as those who provide leadership to pull people into civilization.Jeanne d'Arc, from “The Female Spirit of Opinion Leader
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=589475446764678&set=a.204590215253205【精一杯、命がけで生き抜いてみろ】②~大きな価値観の転換を~あんたたちがやることは、この経済がっていうんじゃなくて、これから先の地球の存続に関わってくることを、あんたたちはやろうとしてるわけだよ。あのとき、日本が開国しなかったら、世界の属国になって、後進諸国の仲間入りになっちゃったかもしれない。だけど、日本列島がつぶれるとか、世界の人たちがいなくなっちゃうようなことはなかったわけだ。でも、あんたたちがやろうとしてることの次第では、地球自体の文明がどうなるかっていう、そこまで肩の荷を背負ってるということ。その位置づけの中で、大きな価値観の転換というところにきてる。そういうことをあんたたちがやろうとしてるっていうことを、やっぱり時代認識として、あんたたちは深く理解しなければいけないと思う。経済がどうだこうだっていうことはあの時代にもあるし、今だって経済だってどうのこうのっていうのはわかるけれど、そういうこと以上に、大きな精神的な意味の価値観の転換というものがね、これから求められてるというか、そこをしなければ次の世界に向かっての人類の歴史がなくなっちまうっていう、そこのところがあるということ。そこにおいてはね、あんたたちのやろうとしてることのほうが、俺たちよりもよっぽどスケールが大きいかもしれない。前回出た松陰先生のときに、確か、これからの大きな価値観を転換する、精神的な種をまくっていうことを言ってたけれどもーー。あんたたちがやろうとしてることは種も種、種じゃなくて新たな時代に向けての根本的な価値観の転換、そういうことをやらなきゃいけないっていうこと。そのことがある意味で、神仏っていうものの価値観というのが、俺たちの時代には単に神仏っていうものが、神様ーー。アマーリエ: ちょっと待って。ちょっと竜馬ちゃん、出て。だめだめ。いっしょに言われるとわからない。いらしてるんですよ、脇で茶々入れるもんだから、わけわかんなくなって。坂本竜馬: おーい、姐さん、俺もしゃべらせろ。勝だけじゃなくていい。こんな辛気臭い話することねえよ。そんな話しなくていいよ。今日はこれーー。おい、竜馬だ。 竜馬だ。 聞いてるか?また来たぞ。みんな連れて来たぞ。みんな連れて来たから、あんたら、頑張れよ。アマーリエ: 出なさい。出て。勝さん、ごめんなさいね。勝海舟: どうも竜馬、ああいう奴だから、それで嫌われるんだよね。かわいいとこあるんだけど人がまじめに話そうとしてる時は邪魔しちゃだめだよねえ、ほんとに。俺も、この人の通信状態を使うのにちょっと慣れてなくて、竜馬のほうが慣れてるんだよね。しょっちゅう、しょっちゅう、この人のことを「姐さん、姐さん」って言っちゃあ、自宅に押しかけて、いつもしゃべってるでしょう。だからこの人の通信機を使うことに慣れてる。私もこの方も今日ちゃんとコンタクトするのは初めてなので、様子見い見い話してるんでね。そのうち慣れるから、お聞き苦しいかもしれないけどーー。ちょっと問答形式にしてくれるとうれしいな。勝海舟『竜馬吼える』より
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=589475446764678&set=a.204590215253205Survive as best you can, risking your lives.What you are going to do is not just about this economy, but about the future survival of the earth.If Japan had not opened its borders at that time, it would have become a vassal state of the world and joined the ranks of the underdeveloped nations. However, the Japanese archipelago would not have been crushed or the people of the world would not have disappeared.However, depending on what you are going to do, you may have to bear the burden of what will happen to the civilization of the earth itself.In this context, we are at the point of a major shift in values. You must understand that this is what you are trying to do, and you must be deeply aware of the times.I understand that the economy was a major issue in those days, and I understand that the economy is still a major issue today, but more than that, a major spiritual shift in values is required from now on. If we don't do that, human history will be lost in the next world.In that sense, what you are trying to do may be much larger in scale than what we are doing. I remember when Shoin-sensei spoke last time, he was talking about sowing the spiritual seeds that will transform our sense of values in the future.What you are trying to do is not a seed, but a fundamental shift in values toward a new era.In a sense, that is what we are trying to do. In our time, the values of God and Buddha are simply the same as those of God.Amalie: Wait a minute.Ryoma-chan, come out. No, no, no. I don't understand if you say it together. I'm irritated because you keep interrupting me on the side, so I don't understand.SAKAMOTO Ryoma: Hey, Miss, let me talk too.It doesn't have to be just Masaru. I don't have to talk about such a painful subject. You don't have to talk about that. I'm going to talk about this today.Hey, it's Ryoma. It's Ryoma. Are you listening?I'm here again. I brought everyone. I brought everyone, so you guys hang in there.Amalie: Answer it. Answer.I'm sorry, Katsu.KATSU Kaishu: You know, Ryoma, he's like that, that's why people don't like him. He has a cute side.You shouldn't interrupt people when they are trying to talk seriously, really.I'm not used to using this person's communication status, and Ryoma is more used to it. If you call him “Miss, Miss, Miss” often, often, he will come over to your house and talk to you all the time. So I am used to using this person's communication device. This is the first time for me and this person to make proper contact today, so we're just watching each other and talking.I'm sure you'll get used to it, so I hope you don't mind me asking.I'd appreciate it if you could use a question-and-answer format.From “Ryoma Bark” by Kaishu Katsu
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=588783133500576&set=a.204590215253205The door to the heavenly realms has been opened to us in the present time.I have been watching this Amalie-sama for a long time. I have been watching her for a long time, and since she was struggling alone at the K-kai and at “○○○○ no O”, I have been sending her inspiration as a guardian spirit.Therefore, I was painfully aware of the fact that this person had had enough of this kind of movement and was fed up with it when she finally reached Lemuria.However, I always told him that I hoped he would understand the true meaning of this last battle and work hard together with us.Now that she has finally lifted her heavy back, I can understand her feelings very well.As you wrote on your homepage yesterday, including your lovely young children, you really want to live a happy life as a woman with your children in a small but ordinary happiness, and this feeling is the same for me.Who would have wanted to go to war and become a leader of soldiers when I had no social experience, much less knowledge of how to fight a war?What I wanted most of all was to be with my mother, father, and brothers in that rural area of France, knitting wool with my mother, baking bread with her, tending sheep, and so on.However, through a revelation from God, I too, as well as this person, hear voices from the heavenly realm calling out to me one after another, no matter how hard I try to cover my ears. No matter how much I deny it or not, the calls continue.While longing for a modest, ordinary happiness, we stand up in the midst of the instinctive call of our own souls to accept God's invitation. In such a situation, we men think that we are better than others, that our work is more worthwhile than others, and so on, but we women, even if we are in a position like you mentioned earlier as “combat-oriented,” we are not called to be good at what we do, It is not a favorable invitation.However, there are very few people like me and Amalie-sama who can hear the voice of the gods and who have naturally learned how to fight, since we have already overcome several battles in the past. Therefore, in the sense of being able to hear the voice of God, we are called to such a place where we are invited by the gods to be of service to them.Therefore, I understand this most of all. If I were to be born again and ask myself if I would like to lead the life of Jeanne d'Arc again, I don't think I would want such a life.However, as I have always been told, each of us is a phenomenon, and when we were created by the Gods, by the God of the Universe, we were each created with a role, a mission, or rather, a power.In that sense, I am the same as Amalie-sama. I believe that from the very beginning, she has possessed the role of a female spirit who, while possessing the ability of speaking in the spirit, is also capable of leading and guiding people in the swell of the times.And since there are not many such female spirits in the heavenly realm, we may be called upon to play a special role.Jeanne d'Arc, “Opinion Leader Female Spirits” (in Japanese)
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=963444262497988&set=a.468494701992949ぼくもビンカも生まれた惑星の出身ではなかった、というこのアミの重大発言のあと、ぼくたちのおどろきがいったんおさまると、アミはふたたび説明をはじめた。 「近い将来、きみたちの惑星には、いくつものたいへんなことが起こりはじめるよ……」 「たいへんなことって、どんなこと?」 「地質や気象・生物界の大きな変化、そして大異変や疫病、さらに数百万のひとたちが感染して苦しむ新しい病気が生まれる。あるていどの内的純潔さをたもっていればだいじょうぶだけれど……」 「いったいなにが原因で起こるの?」 と日を大きく見開いたビンカ。 「ふたつの要因があるんだ。 まず第一は科学が自然破壊をひき起こす方向に使われていて、それがとても大きな不均衡を生み出していることなんだ。 さらには人々の発するマイナスの脳波。これがきみたちの周囲を取りまく心理的エネルギー層にとても危険な状態で蓄積され、地球やキアの住民たちに深刻な影響をあたえている。 第二の要因は、直接人々には関係していないことで、きみたちの惑星の自然な進化・発展によるものだ」 ビンカはこのテーマにはほとんど興味がないようだった。 「で、アミ、わたしはどこの文明世界からきたの?」 「少しずついこう。まずビンカ、きみのさいしょの質間だけどね、いいかい。 本来、自然に進んでいくべき惑星の変化の過程というものが、人々のいだく邪悪な行為や感情・思想が原因となって、とてもせわしなく、はやめられているんだよ。人々が宇宙の調和に根ざした生き方をはじめないかぎり、ゆっくりと自然に進むべきこの変化は、ひじょうに暴力的に、破壊的になっていくよ。それでもまだまだ、たくさんのことができるよ。人命がうしなわれるのを最小限にくいとめ、全滅をさけるためにね……」 「それは世界のおわり……ということ?」 「あるいははじまりかもしれない。それはきみたちしだいだよ。このさいごの試練を乗り越えられなければ、このまま変わらなければ、それは終末を意味してくる。自滅ということだ。でも、すべて神の望むように生きるようになれば、それはほんとうの天国のはじまりになるよ」 「あなたがたの力をもってすれば、キアや地球を自滅させないことくらい、なんでもないことでしょうに」 ビンカは、アミをやや非難するような口調で言った。 アミはいつものように陽気に答えた。 「前にも言ったように、未開の文明に集団で公に干渉することは宇宙の法で禁止されている。それは絶対守らなければならない。たとえば、きみたちの学校の上級生が、もしきみたちのかわりに試験を受けてくれるとしたらどう思う?」 「うわぁ! そうしたら、なにも勉強しなくともよい点数がもらえて……」 そりゃあすごいとおもったので、大喜びで言った。 「そんなのインチキよ」 とビンカはぼくをとがめるように言った。 アミはつづけた。 「もし上の学年に進級できたとしても、きみたちは授業の内容を全く理解できないだろう。そうしたら同級生だけではなく、学校全体のじゃま者になるだろう。……そして同時に、正々堂々と自分じしんの努力で勝ち得たんだというプライドもまったく感じられないだろう……」 「そのとおりだ、アミ」 とぼくは、少し反省しながら言った。「もどってきたアミ小さな宇宙人」、エンリケ・バリオス、徳間書店第6章 ペドゥリートとビンカの使命
https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=963444262497988&set=a.468494701992949Once our amazement had subsided after Ami's serious statement that neither Binka nor I were from the planet of our birth, she began to explain again: “In the near future, a number of serious things are going to start happening on your planet. In the near future, a number of serious things will begin to happen on your planet. ...... What kind of upheavals? Major changes in the geological, meteorological, and biological worlds, as well as cataclysmic events, plagues, and new diseases that will infect and afflict millions of people. All of this is fine as long as we maintain a certain degree of internal purity. ...... What in the world could cause this? Binka's eyes widened. There are two factors. First of all, science is being used to cause the destruction of nature, which is creating a huge imbalance. And then there are the negative brain waves that people are emitting. This is accumulating dangerously in the psychological energy layer that surrounds you, and is having a serious impact on the Earth and the inhabitants of Kia. The second factor is not directly related to people, but to the natural evolution and development of your planet. Binka seemed to have little interest in the subject. So, Ami, what civilized world do I come from? I'll take you step by step. First of all, Binka, let me tell you about your first question. The process of planetary change, which should be proceeding naturally, has been slowed down by the evil deeds, feelings, and thoughts of people. Unless people begin to live in harmony with the universe, this change, which should be slow and natural, will become very violent and destructive. And yet, much can still be done. We can still do a lot to minimize the loss of life and prevent total destruction. ...... Does that mean the end of the world ......? Or the beginning. It is up to you. If you don't get through this final ordeal, if you don't change, it will mean the end. It means self-destruction. But if you live your life the way God wants you to live it, that will be the beginning of the true heaven. With all your power, it would be nothing to keep Kia and the earth from destroying itself. Binka said in a somewhat reproachful tone to Ami. Ami replied cheerfully as usual. As I told you before, the laws of the universe forbid us to publicly interfere with an uncivilized civilization as a group. It must be absolutely obeyed. For example, how would you feel if the upperclassmen at your school were to take the test for you?” Wow! “Wow! Then you would get a good score without having to study for anything. ...... I thought that was great, so I said with delight, “That's bogus. That's a fake,” Binka chided me. Binka said, chiding me. Ami continued. Even if you were to move up to the next grade, you wouldn't be able to understand any of the content,” Ami continued. If you do, you will not only be a nuisance to your classmates, but to the school as a whole. And at the same time, you won't have any sense of pride in your own hard work. ...... You're right, Amy. I said, feeling a little sorry for myself.Ami, the little alien who came back”, Enrique Barrios, Tokuma ShotenChapter 6: Pedulito and Binca's Mission
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1153002526191618&set=a.254390699386143【その時来た船に乗る】齋藤孝氏の心に響く言葉より…帝国ホテルの総料理長から料理顧問までつとめた料理人の村上信夫さんは著書『帝国ホテル厨房物語』(日経ビジネス人文庫)で幸運のとらえ方についてふれています。戦場で負傷し、病院に運ばれた時、負傷した同僚は「こんな怪我をして自分は不幸だ」と嘆いていました。しかし村上さんはむしろ自分は運がいいと思い、軍医に次のように話しています。「自分は幸運でありました。少し弾がずれれば死んでいたかもしれません。でも、生きている。運がいいと思います」と言ったら、「おまえ、いいこと言うなあ」とほめられた。この人は、自分の運命をひじょうに素直に受け入れています。「転身のきっかけは、いつも人の縁だった」と言っていて、「ここがいいぞ」と人から勧められると素直に従います。帝国ホテルの厨房で働くようになったのも、ひょうたんから駒のように人から勧められたのがきっかけでした。村上さんのように、素直に人の縁で動いていく人がいます。あまり深く考えないで流れにまかすのですが、下手に自分で泳ごうとしないほうが溺れないですむのかもしれません。昔は結婚もみな「縁」で決まりました。「縁」だということで動いていても、それなりにチャンスがつかめます。必ずしも自分の考えや意志で動くのではなく、人と人との縁や偶然でつながりながら経験知を高めていくやり方もあると思います。結婚も同じです。自分を好きだと言ってくれる人がいれば、それはひとつの機会です。この人と結婚してうまくいくのかとか、親はどんな人たちなんだろうなど、いろいろ深く考えてしまうと二の足を踏んでしまい、婚期を逸してしまうこともあります。あまり深く考えずに、機会としてとらえていく身軽さがあると、いいのではないでしょうか。要するに、深く考えすぎて結局行動しないよりは、来た船に乗ってしまうほうがいいのです。受験生が第一志望の大学に行きたいと思っていたのに、第二志望の大学に来てしまったとします。その時感じる挫折やコンプレックスなどいろいろあることでしょう。でも入学した大学という船に乗ったのですから、その場所で活躍しようと思えばいいわけです。何事にも「その時来た船」があります。「好き」という感情から出発しないで、 結婚相手を年収や学歴、身長、健康状態などさまざまな条件をあてはめて選ぶのであれば、かえって選択ができにくくなってしまいます。そうではなくて、もっとトータルに「縁」というものをきっかけにして気軽にとらえて いくのが、「運」がいい人になるコツなのではないでしょうか。『運の教科書』筑摩書房https://amzn.to/4fknhHg小林正観さんは「日々の暮らしを楽にする/Gakken」の中で、こんなことを言っている。「宇宙の仕組みは、どうも裏返し構造、二重構造になっているみたいだということがわかってきました。何か意気込んでやろうとしている人ほど、どうも宇宙が味方しないようです。反対に、執着がない人ほど、宇宙が味方をしたくなるようなのです」縁を大事にして生きていく生き方と同じだ。頼まれた仕事やボランティア、役職などを文句を言わずにニッコリと引き受ける。すると次から次へと色々な「頼まれごと」がやってくる。自分の事情や、好み、夢などを言わず、ただひたすら淡々と引き受ける。執着せず、深く考えず、その時の流れに乗る。これは、自分が凡人だと自覚している人ほど、必要な生き方だ。自分に能力や才能があり、自分の力で世の中をバリバリと切り開いていくタイプだと思うなら必要ないだろう。ただひたすら「頼まれごと」をニコニコしながら引き受けていると、自分が思ってもみない、とんでもないところに行けることがある。それが、「その時来た船に乗る」ということ。
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1153002526191618&set=a.254390699386143Boarding the ship whose time has come...From the inspiring words of Mr. Takashi Saito...Chef Nobuo Murakami, who worked at the Imperial Hotel from executive chef to culinary advisor, wrote in his book “Imperial Hotel Kitchen Story” (Nikkei Business Jinko) about how to grasp good fortune.When he was wounded in battle and rushed to the hospital, his injured colleague lamented, “I am so unlucky to be injured like this.However, Mr. Murakami thought he was rather lucky and told the military doctor, “I was lucky.I was lucky. If the bullet had missed me a little, I might have died. But I am alive. I think I am lucky.” When he said this, he was complimented, ”You say nice things.This person accepts his destiny quite honestly.He says, “It was always a chance encounter with someone that led me to change my career,” and when someone recommends a good place to work, he obeys.It was also through the recommendation of others that he came to work in the kitchen of the Imperial Hotel, like a piece from a gourd.Like Mr. Murakami, there are people who honestly move with the connections of others.They don't think too much and let the current carry them along, but they may not drown if they don't try to swim by themselves.In the past, marriages were all decided by “fate.Even if you are moving based on “fate,” you will still have a good chance to get married.I believe that there is a way to increase one's experiential knowledge by connecting with other people through fate and chance, rather than necessarily acting on one's own thoughts and will.Marriage is the same way.If someone says he or she likes you, that is one opportunity.If you think too much about whether it will work out with this person or what kind of people your parents are like, you may end up stepping back and missing your chance to get married.It would be good if you can be lighthearted and take it as an opportunity, without thinking too deeply about it.In short, it is better to take the ship that comes along than to think too deeply and not take action after all.Suppose a student wants to go to the university of his or her first choice, but comes to the university of his or her second choice.At that time, there will be a lot of frustration and complexes.However, since you are now on board the ship that is the university you entered, you should try to make your best effort there.There is a “ship that came at the right time” for everything.If you choose a marriage partner based on various conditions such as income, education, height, and health without starting from the feeling of “I love you,” you will find it difficult to make a choice.Instead, the key to becoming a “lucky” person is to take a more total view of “karma” as a starting point.Textbook of Luck” Chikuma Shobohttps://amzn.to/4fknhHgIn “Making Daily Life Easier/Gakken,” Shokan Kobayashi says the following.I have come to understand that the structure of the universe seems to have a double structure, a reverse structure.It seems that the more enthusiastic a person is about doing something, the less the universe is on his or her side.On the contrary, it seems that the less attached a person is to something, the more the universe wants to be on his or her side.It is the same with a way of life that values relationships.He accepts jobs, volunteer work, and positions without complaint.Then, one after another, various “requests” will come in.They do not tell you about their own circumstances, preferences, or dreams, but simply accept them without hesitation.I do not obsess, I do not think too deeply, I just go with the flow of the moment.This is a way of life that is more necessary for those who are aware that they are ordinary people.If you think you are capable and talented, and you are the type of person who will make a big impact in the world on your own, then you do not need this.If you simply accept “requests” with a smile on your face, you may find yourself in unexpected and extraordinary places.That is what it means to “take the ship that comes along.
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8446329005478531&set=a.153067208138127いったいあなたとは何なのでしょう。ご存知ですか。自分だと思っておられるのは、その身体を通して表現されている一面だけです。それは奥に控えるより大きな自分に比べればピンの先ほどのものでしかありません。 ですから、どれが自分でどれが自分でないかを知りたければ、まずその総体としての自分を発見することから始めなくてはなりません。これまであなたはその身体に包まれた“小さな自分"以上のものを少しでも発見された経験がおありですか。今あなたが意識しておられるその自我意識が本来のあなた全体の意識であると思われますか。お分かりにならないでしょう。 となると、どれが普段の自分自身の考えであり自分自身の想像の産物なのか、そしてどれがそのような大きな自分つまり高次元の世界からの霊感であり導きなのか、どうやって判断すればよいのでしょう。 そのためには正しい物の観方を身につけなくてはなりません。つまりあなた方は本来が霊的存在であり、それが肉体という器官を通して自己を表現しているのだということです。霊的部分が本来のあなたなのです。霊が上であり身体は下です。霊が主人であり身体は召使いなのです。霊が王様であり身体はその従僕なのです。霊はあなた全体の中の神性 を帯びた部分を言うのです。 それはこの全大宇宙を創造し計画し運用してきた大いなる霊と本質的には全く同じ霊なのです。つまりあなたの奥にはいわゆる"神"の属性である莫大なエネルギーの全てを未熟な形、あるいはミニチュアの形、つまり小宇宙の形で秘めているのです。その秘められた神性を開発しそれを生活の原動力とすれば、心配も不安も悩みも立ちどころに消えてしまいます。なぜなら、この世に自分の力で克服できないものは何一つ起きないことを悟るからです。その悟りを得ることこそあなた方の勤めなのです。それは容易なことではありません。 身体はあなたが住む家であると考えればよろしい。家であってあなた自身ではないということです。家である以上は住み心地よくしなければなりません。手入れが要るわけです。しかし、あくまで住居であり住人ではないことを忘れてはなりません。 この宇宙をこしらえた力が生命活動を司っているのです。生命は物質ではありません。霊なのです。そして霊は即ち生命なのです。生命のあるところには必ず霊があり、霊のあるところには必ず生命があります。「シルバーバーチの霊訓(1)」、アン・ドゥーリー編、近藤千雄訳、潮文社一章 あなたとは何か
https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=8446329005478531&set=a.153067208138127What exactly is “you”? Do you know? What you think you are is only one aspect of yourself expressed through your body. It is only the tip of a pin compared to the greater self that lies behind it. Therefore, if you want to know which is you and which is not, you must begin by discovering yourself as a whole. Have you ever discovered anything more than the “little self” that you are wrapped in your body? Do you believe that the ego-consciousness you are aware of now is the true consciousness of your whole self? I don't think so. Then, how can you determine which are the thoughts and imaginings of your ordinary self and which are the inspirations and guidance from your greater self, the higher dimension? To do this, you must learn to see things in the right way. The spiritual part of you is your true nature, and it is expressing itself through the physical organ. The spiritual part is the true you. The spirit is above and the body is below. The spirit is the master and the body is the servant. The spirit is the king and the body is its servant. The spirit is the part of your whole being that is imbued with divinity. It is essentially the same spirit as the Great Spirit that created, planned, and operated the entire universe. In other words, deep within you is all of the enormous energy that is the attribute of the so-called “God” in its immature or miniature form, or microcosmic form. If you develop this hidden divinity and make it the driving force of your life, all your worries, anxieties, and troubles will disappear. Because you will realize that there is nothing in this world that you cannot overcome by your own power. It is your task to attain that enlightenment. It is not an easy task. Think of the body as the house you live in. It is a house, not yourself. As a house, it must be comfortable to live in. It needs to be cared for. But you must remember that it is a dwelling, not an inhabitant. The force that created the universe controls life. Life is not matter. It is spirit. And spirit is life. Where there is life, there is always spirit, and where there is spirit, there is always life.Silver Birch's Spiritual Lesson (1), edited by Ann Dooley, translated by Chio Kondo, published by Ushibunsha.Chapter 1 What is You?
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