グリーンヒルズ緑山フットサルパーク 8:00~10:00とはいえ炎天下で暑かった。 そんな中でも、参加者はタフで力強くプレーしていて驚いた。 ガチで長くプレーしているような人ばかりでレベルが高かった。 ついていくのが大変だった。 ここでもう少し自由にプレーできるところまで上達したいものだ。 ----- I participated in the Individual Futsal O30 at Green Hills Midoriyama Futsal Park. There were about 30 participants. Even though the game was from 8:00 to 10:00, it was hot under the blazing sun. I was surprised at how tough and powerful the participants were, even in those conditions. Everyone seemed to have been playing seriously for a long time, and the level of play was high. It was hard to keep up. I would like to improve to the point where I can play more freely here.