★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

★”” 魔法使いのブログ ””★

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Nov 11, 2024
カテゴリ: 子供
魔法使いの家​ ​075-681-5227​ ​​

​​ ロータス in Kyoto​​​ 今出川あたり 作曲 演奏 綾小路ひみこ - YouTube
​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき ロータス in Kyoto 烏丸あたり - YouTube ​​
魔法使いのつぶや - YouTube  ​メロデイ―のみ​
​​​​​ ​​ 魔法使いのつぶやき 1 - YouTube
魔法使いのひとりごと。 - YouTube

​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂 - YouTube​
​​​​ 魔法使い in Kyoto. 三年坂2 -
​  YouTube​
​魔法使い in Kyoto 2年坂 - YouTube
魔法使い in Kyoto 1年坂 - YouTube​

Voice -  - ​​  YouTube 今あなたは、どこにいるのだろう  ​​ ​​
Melody YouTube 

"​​Where are you now ? "

open, sign, lights, relationship
My main stock with the market
with result.

​T​ he main stock price doesn't seem to be stable yet...​
It seems like no moving up strongly and a lot of fluctuation to low stage.
I can smell it but I can't see it... Will the December Christmas present be a surprise box?
日経平均​​​​​ ​​​ ​​ :2024.11.11
​​ ​​​ ¥39533.32 +\32.95 +0.08% Pm 3:30​

About work for 3-year-olds
We started Shichida-style Worksheet A when my child turned 3 years old.
Fortunately, my child enjoyed the worksheets and said "I want to do Shichida-ku" every day, and worked through three sheets a day.
After about two months, my child started to have problems.
Maybe my teaching method is bad, but he couldn't do it, and I was tired from work, so I got annoyed inside and decided that this wasn't good and took a break.
Every day my child says "I want to do Shichida-ku," but I tell him,
"It's getting a little difficult, so let's do it when he's a little older."
But I'm starting to wonder if this is really a good thing.
Should parents stop what their children want to do at their own discretion?
But even if I did, he wouldn't be able to do it...
I tried giving him Shimajiro worksheets, but he doesn't seem to like other worksheets...

歌を使う: アルファベットや数字、色、形などを覚えるための歌を一緒に歌うことができます。例えば、「ABCの歌」や「数字の歌」などがあります。リズムに乗って歌うことで、自然と覚えやすくなります。
リズム遊び: 手拍子や楽器を使ってリズム遊びをしながら学ぶことができます。例えば、数字を数えるときに手拍子を合わせたり、簡単な楽器を使ってリズムに乗せて学習内容を覚えたりすることができます。
ダンスを取り入れる: 音楽に合わせてダンスをすることで、体を動かしながら楽しく学ぶことができます。例えば、アルファベットや数字を歌いながらダンスをすることで、体を使って覚えることができます。
音楽を背景に流す: 学習の背景に静かな音楽を流すことで、リラックスしながら集中力を高めることができます。特にクラシック音楽や自然の音などが効果的です。
自分で歌を作る: 学習内容に合わせてオリジナルの歌を作ることも楽しい方法です。お子さんと一緒に歌詞を考えたり、メロディを作ったりすることで、より深く学習内容を理解することができます。
アルファベットダンス: アルファベットの歌を流しながら、各文字に合わせた動きを考えてみましょう。例えば、「A」のときには腕を上げて「A」の形を作る、「B」のときには体を曲げて「B」の形を作るなど。
数字ダンス: 数字の歌を流しながら、数字に合わせたステップを踏んでみましょう。例えば、「1」のときには片足でジャンプ、「2」のときには両足でジャンプなど。
色ダンス: 色をテーマにした歌を流しながら、色に合わせた動きを考えてみましょう。例えば、「赤」のときには手を振る、「青」のときには足を踏み鳴らすなど。
動物ダンス: 動物の歌を流しながら、動物の動きを真似してみましょう。例えば、「ライオン」のときには吠える動きをする、「ウサギ」のときには跳ねる動きをするなど。
フリースタイルダンス: お子さんが自由に動けるように、好きな音楽を流してフリースタイルで踊る時間を作ってみましょう。お子さんが自分の好きな動きを見つけることができます。
■There are many ways to learn using music! Music is a great tool to make learning fun and easy to remember. Try these methods:
Use songs: You can sing songs together to help your child remember the alphabet, numbers, colors, shapes, etc. For example, there is the "ABC song" or the "number song." Singing to the rhythm will naturally help them remember.
Rhythm play: You can learn while playing rhythmic games using handclaps and instruments. For example, you can clap your hands when counting numbers, or use a simple instrument to memorize the learning content by putting it to the rhythm.
Incorporate dance: By dancing to music, you can learn while moving your body in a fun way. For example, by singing the alphabet and numbers while dancing, you can memorize them using your body.
Play music in the background: Playing quiet music in the background while you study can help you relax and improve your concentration. Classical music and sounds of nature are particularly effective.
Make your own songs: It is also a fun way to create original songs to match the learning content. Thinking up lyrics and creating melodies with your child can help them understand the learning content more deeply.
We hope that learning with music will make your child enjoy learning. Try different methods based on your child's interests and preferences.
■By incorporating dance, you can have fun while learning. Try the following methods:
Alphabet dance: While playing an alphabet song, think of movements that match each letter. For example, for "A", raise your arms to make the shape of "A", and for "B", bend your body to make the shape of "B".
Number dance: While playing a number song, try taking steps that match the numbers. For example, jump on one foot for "1", jump on both feet for "2", etc.
Color dance: While playing a color-themed song, think of movements that match the color. For example, wave your hands for "red" and stomp your feet for "blue".
Animal dance: While playing an animal song, try imitating the animal's movements. For example, roar for "lion" and jump for "rabbit".
Freestyle dance: To allow your child to move freely, play your child's favorite music and set aside time for freestyle dancing. Your child will be able to find their favorite movements.
We hope you and your child have a fun time learning through dance.


Last updated  Nov 11, 2024 09:47:10 PM
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