Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays
電脳用心【シリーズ10-line】台湾・タロコの橋の欄干 TrabajoOficioMisionY ...【シリーズ10-line】:赤青カスタネット 東日本大震災によせて【シリーズ10-line】:ピンクのろうそく

Yesterday was 6,500th day of this weblog , so I confess today that I've never used Twitter in my life .
If I use current microblog's name " X ", today's weblog looks confusing, so I'm using the old word Twitter intentionally.
I was content enough just reading official Twitters of my favorite musicians' and space exploration mission.
From the very beginning, I had a feeling that I would have no advantage to dabble in Twitter,
Because back then, I felt that there would be no advantage of me other than following my favorite musicians -or more like; I cannot hit it off with Twitter.
Sentences we can post is so short that there is a risk of pouncing on each other's words, the battle of our nation's favorite.
 Lamentably, this prediction turned out not to be entirely wrong.
  Especially, since the ruler and name of this Microblog changed, it looks absolutely nothing has gone right.

 I became unable to browse my favorite musician's Microblog.
  A few months later, it became possible to browse, but his postings are shown in completely random order, and I still cannot read his latest posting,
Since then, I delated his Microblog from bookmark.
Fortunately, he has an open account of Facebook, and that's enough for me.
I don't have an account of Facebook either, though.
In addition, I heard news how the Businessman currently ruling this Microblog treats his employees like slaves .
Since then, as the one who plan to start a new working life as a labor expert, I decided that I must not use such service all the more.

In the first place, I've always wondered whether it's appropriate to appreciate social media as information source.
Since New Year's earthquake disaster, bunch have soar who post fake information on Twitter in order to increase access numbers and make money.
Such problems existed for a long time, but the New Year's earthquake disaster made an opportunity to make this problem draw attention.
It never meets cost performance compared to the risk of getting filed as criminal behavior, does it?
I've read that we cannot control criminals' mentality, but we can control places where crimes can take place .

  Fortunately, since I don't use Twitter from the beginning, there is no risk to become one of such bunch.
Instead, I cannot contribute in creating viral topics, though.
At the same time, I'm also the one who has risk to believe in online fake news and mention and spread on this weblog.
Although I understand enough that I have to be cautious about online information ,
Since this Microblog company promotes fake information diffusion, it's necessary to investigate this Microblog company's responsibility.
-Which I'm not the right one to say at this late date.

:Ready to place summery if asked

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