Serene state of mind

Serene state of mind

カテゴリ: 10-line essays

This "friend" was one of old acquaintances of mine I hadn't heard from for a while.
I wondered why this friend did such a roundabout while not everybody is interested in social networking service -it's disagreeable.
If there is an important message and this friend knows my e-mail address, this friend should e-mail me directly.
What did I do with it? I'll leave it to your imagination.
Later, I searched about this suspicious social networking service to find out this was a kind of dating service website and my intuition about danger was right.
Now today's main story:

As well as worldwide microblog service, I've never dabbled in world's largest social networking service neither while the number of users has increased rapidly.
Simply because:
(at least back then) , but less than half years later, I realized I was in a notch below addiction, so I stopped; I need to avoid the same error.
And I haven't found any more advantages other than following my favorite musicians.
However... I have no regret about NOT leaping at it in haste, either.
On the contrary, I feel I lucked out again by missing the trend.
The list of the reasons could be endless... but in short:
Who needs more stress and threat? It's nothing new to say that.
There already seem to be some companies that associate the number of friends on this social networking service and applicants' ability in grad hiring, but have they thought about this aspect of this social networking service?
Besides, personally, I just CANNOT start, because harassment surrounding social network service is rampant around me -which is called social-harassment .
Fortunately, the ringleader hasn't said anything after I declared I don't use this social networking service.
Although there is a possibility this social networking service is used to collect tendency of personal tastes and personal information,

Even so...on the second thought:
There might be cases I have to resign myself to use it -just like when I started up this weblog and a social networking service popular among music people .
For example, lines of communication in local community.
In that case, the purpose for the use of this social networking service would be clear and certain, then how about setting rules of NO unintended use
-Please just think of them as a part of ideas how to get along well with this social networking service:
1. NOT to connect with unrelated people
2. NOT to place diaries, except for the intended use such as notification
3. NOT to expect appreciation
4. NOT to link other weblogs
Needless to say about:
5. Be careful about the diaries to place, especially photos
6. Fix the time to access and watch the page
7. Avoid connecting with unknown people
8. Be careful about other people's privacy ; no matter how you are careful in placeing your diaries, what if your online friends place diaries and photos that can threat your security?
...Anything else?
-Am I being too harsh on digitals? Sorry.
But we cannot be too careful in using any kind of online service, can we?
And we MUST NOT be used by social networking services while we use social networking services .
The conclusion ended up in a cliche.

:Ready to place summery if asked


最終更新日  2013.06.21 17:59:33
[10-line essays] カテゴリの最新記事

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