全10件 (10件中 1-10件目)
First, I need to say this, "I shouldn't write blog now! I know!!!!"well, that's all.let's forget about that!! loltoday, I went to shopping w/ my mom and brother.she always say," where will you go wearing that clothes? just prep school?"and then, all the thing I can say is....." YES!! so what? I want this!!" lolnow, shopping is the only fun for me.on weekly days, I go to school and prep school.no time to have fun!!I want to have fun! coz I'm 17! is my age is important!? lolanyways, I bought some clothes.and after that, I visited my grandmother.she is very fun! always makes me laugh :)I bet my mom will be like her......and might be I will....!!just time will tell.let me change the subject.this is about the thing which I wanted to write last time....... okay, I'm ready.now, I'm crush on a man who is older than me.if he was just 2 or 3 years older, I wouldn't care.however, hi is much older.....I heard that he had a gf on the Valentain's Day!!I was soooooooo shocked, and I'd decided to give him up.coz you know, I didn't want him to break up with her as far as he liked her.but... tow days after, we talked on the messenger.I really enjoyed talking w/ him.and I thought and worried that I couldn't give up.....so I stopped sending email.he'd not start emailing from him.so I thought if I didn't do that, may be I will be forget.and after a month, I had school trip.there, some of my friends who had known my feeling asked me about it.........I thought I could have got over it.but actually, I didn't.I was almost cring when I noticed my feeling.....then I told almost every thing about me and him just to my best friends.they helped me and adviced me a lot.and then, I decided to do my best.and..... it's not sure, but I and my friends think.....he already broke up with his gf.coz if didn't, it's so ..... so strange.... that he saied such things. I don't know.by my mistaken, I bet he knew I like him.awww..............I don't know what I should do.he is so nice and kind, so I doesn't say it's bothering him.....am I bother him.....???????
久々の更新ッ!一応メールとかのチェックとかは毎日してるんだけど、ブログを書く時間はない・・・(´;ω;`)今週も忙しい!自由選択の講習も始まったから、8時間授業とかも有るし、塾もあるからね・・・・。これが受験生・・・・?今日は久々にミスコーの授業があった♪W大のAO対策講座に出たから。てか、まぢ難しい。そりゃそうだよね。ぅん、なんか私以外は帰国子女っぽいんだけど。ありえないって。みんな出来すぎ。久々に英文見て固まりましたよ私(´・ω・`)そのあと、みすこーにTOEFLの相談して、PBTの対策本貸してもらうことにしたd(・ω・*)ぁれ、買うと高いんだよね。5000円位するし。しかもPBT1回しか受けらんないのに。G.W.は英語漬けです。G.WのGはEnGlishのGです。ヮラ準1とTOEFL PBT550とiBT80目指します。取れるかとても心配です。(´・ω・`)on the PBT, there are no Speaking section.that is one reason of why I dicided to take it.however, there are GRAMMR section!!as you know, my grammar is terrible!although Mr.M said that I would get good core on the test without any prepare, I don't think so n I'll study hard!coz I've been studying English only recently.actually, not ONLY but Mostly, you know.what is not I wanted to write about.but I don kno how can I say.....maybe I'll write about it next time!!
昨日も塾、今日も塾、明日ももしかしたら塾~・・・・(*´艸`*)なんかね、もー変になってきてる!塾ある日は、総じて帰宅11時過ぎ!!ふつーに補導される時間だよね。されたことないけど。今日とか、11時過ぎにおまわりさんの前通ったケドふつーにシカトだったし。私服で化粧してると高校生には見えないらしい。(´・ω・`)老け顔ということか、大人びているということか・・・・どっちでしょう?てか!!昨日は11時ぴったりに帰宅して、TOEFLのPBT申し込もうとしたら、なぜかインターネットに繋がらず、1時間かけて直したっ!!!ふつーはめんどくさくなって放置するけど、TOEFLかかってるから。頑張りましたよ(*`・ω・)ゞそのかいあって申し込めた★でも今更住所が合ってたか心配になって来たよ・・・・(´・ω・`)2週間前までに通知が来なかったら間違ってたってことだから、メールしなきゃならないらしい・・・ぁー・・・ゃだな。ってか住所間違えるってどんだけ・・・ヮラそして今日は11時半帰宅ー。疲れたッ!!そんでネットしてたら、昨日は一杯だったiBTも予約できるようになってた!!だから予約したー(*´∀`*)ノ がんばって勉強しなきゃ!!ぁ!!あと英検も申し込まなきゃー・・・G.WはEnGlish Weekになるねっ!
最近忙しぃ・・・。塾始まったしねー(´・ω・`)月曜は初塾で、推薦のための講座。ハイレベルは本当は2年目からじゃなきゃいけないんだけど、なんか、間に合わないって言ったら、「じゃ、ハイレベルで頑張ってみようか!」って・・・・。ぃゃ、日本語苦手なのに論文のクラスハイレベル無理あるでしょ。まぁ、結局そこに入ったんだけどd(・ω・*)そんで、学校終わって、その授業が7時30分~だから友達とスタバへ♪ご飯食べたら自習室行く予定だったけど、まぁ、普通にムリだよね。話すこと多すぎて(*´∀`*)そんな感じで月曜は終わって、火曜日も塾。しかも、放課後の自由選択今日から始まったし。運悪く苦手な先生のクラスになったし・・・・。成績順でそのクラスなら諦めつくけど、ランダムに分けたとかショックだし。そんで、終わってから友達とまた塾。帰ってきたら11時半。補導されんぢゃん、この時間。眠くて何もする気になれないけど、漢文の予習して、そっこー寝た。(´・ω・`)そんで今日。寝不足なのにコンタクト入れて行ったら、目が充血しすぎて、みんなに心配された。別に痛くなかったんだけど、赤さがハンパなかったー。心配かけてごめんね。そして、なぜ最近の英語はテストばっかり・・・?今日のWritingのテスト失敗したょ。Entrance Testは成績に入らないからィィけど。そんで、HRで今年のTOEFL対策クラスが水曜日だって知って・・・。普通に学校の講習とかぶってるょ・・・???やめようよ、そーゆの。現代文とTOEFLどっち受けたいか?って言ったら、もちろんTOEFLだけど、塾で現代文取ってないから、学校でも取らないのはマズイぢゃん。。。だから友達とMr.あんだーぅっどのところに相談に行って、一応教材だけ貰って、自分でやって、見てもらうことにした。そこで久々にみすこーに会った(*´艸`*)やっぱりカッコィィー!!そんで今年のW大国教対策の担当はやっぱりみすこーに決まったって♪しかもそれは木曜日!!!!塾入れなくてホント良かったー。3年の英語の授業の担当ネィティヴ講師はみーんな女の先生で、ィィ先生なんだけど、みすこーが良かったー!!って思ってたから嬉しぃヽ(o・ω・o)ノてかー、宿題しなきゃ!!!!
yesterday, I went to my prep school.there, I supposed to make my class timetable.however, I couldn't!! coz I have 7classes at school almost everyday!so I can't take the class which starts from 4:30 or around.then, I realized that I can't take high level modern Japanese class and Japanese history class!!If I tried to take all of the class, I need to go to Yokohama or Hachioji!! it's TOOOOOOOOOOOO far to go!!so I need to go there again.and decide which classes are really important and need to take.I think I'll need to go there everyday after school!!but.... I'm not sure that I can manage it.you know, I need to do my homework at school AND do ones at prep school.hmm.... Is that so called 受験生????my god!! I really feel terrible!
I did it!!!!!I passed the test!!it was the test whether I have enough English skills to take the class at a prep school.My high school teacher recommended the class to me.so I really wanted to take, but I'd failed it for 3 times!!therefore, I kind of gave up trying to pass the test....and I didn't study hard for that.it's also because I had kind of a pride that I got good scores of English on other tests. so I really couldn't believe that I'd not be able to pass it.I know there are tons of people who are much more good at English to me. but also there are lots of people who are not good at English.that's why I didn't studyed and I didn't want to study.anyway, I passed it finally!!I'm sooooooooooo happy about it.the class teacher is a good person! He is funny and good at teaching.I took the pre class this spring holiday, and then I met him.I can't wanit to take the first class!!this afternoon, I'll go to the prep school with my friend.I know she's taken the same test, but I don't know she's passed it or not.I hope she did!!!!and I'd like to take the class with her =)well,the next stage is to pass pre1!!!!I can't think any other things!well, no, I think lots of trifling things like how to make "him" like me.... or some thing like that!! lol
sooooooooooooo boring!!!!!I've been seeing "FRIENDS" for about 3 hours.nothing else!well, actually I've been also checking my friends blogs.oh, just now, my mom called me.this morning, she went to her work by taxi.coz her bike was broken down.any my brother didn't let her use his.he is mean! don't you think so?? anyway,she said she's coming back.then she was worring about money.coz she just had 216yen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!that's toooooooooooooooo little! hahaand more funny, when she said," hey the dinner.........."HUNG UP!!!!!!!!!!!anyways, maybe she'll back soon =)
こんなに天気イイのに出かける予定なし・・・。昨日は辛うじて勉強したけど、殆どFRIENDS見たり漫画読んだりする合間にちょっと・・・。意味ないー(´;ω;`)来週から研修だからそこで頑張る(`・ω・´)パソコン使えないし、ゲームもないから。テレビ見て、友達と話して、爆睡しそうだけど。そこは頑張る。d(●ゝω・´●)てか事前にルームメイトに話しておいて、協力要請!!だから今日はこれからHarry Potter見ようかな?久しぶりに見たいんだけど。てかね、私には2点の呪いがかかってるみたいよ????英検、塾の選抜、ともに2点足りなくて落ちたんだけど・・・(´;ω;`)あと2点分の努力が足りないんだ。。。。ハリーポッター見てる場合じゃないかも(゚ロ゚屮)屮
全10件 (10件中 1-10件目)