全435件 (435件中 1-50件目)
久しぶり!レギュラーじゃ載せないが、たまには載せるね。宜しく。知らないことばが出ました「分からん」と思う貴方どうする?知らない英語のことばが出たら、いろいろ出来る1)何もしない2)言った人を殺す3)もう一度言ってもらって、ことばの発音を覚えて、頭に入れる4)もう一度言ってもらって、言った人と確認すること5)もう一度言ってもらって、その場で辞書を引くまあ、はっきり言って1番2番はメリットない3番のメリット?その単語が分からなくても会話が理解出来るなら、あと辞書で探したほうが勉強になる。なぜなら、その単語の音をずっと家に帰るまで頭の中に入っているから。家にやっと着いたら、もう頭の中に100回位言っているから忘れにくいはず!4番のメリットは貴方が意味を考えて、確認するからその場で勉強になる。でも、会話の邪魔にならないように気をつけて。あと、メモってね!忘れやすいけ。5番は1番2番ちょっとマシ 3番4番出来ない場合5番を許しましょう 出来るだけ辞書を避ければ、会話が進むからのォ。一撃!英語力でKO勝ち!押忍!
問題! 創作料理英語でどう説明すればいいのかい?コメントでどうぞ、チャレンジして下さい。
Roger Federer is the greatest tennis player now.Nike is the greatest tennis shoe.I wear Nike.And, Roger has NEVER beaten me...EVER!See ya!
My friends are having a big party in Kokura's Konyamachi tonight. Place: Black Pearl (ex-Flower) it is in the 3rd Floor of the building across the street from Azabu Building. Free party. No ticket. Starts at 10:00. UK & NY DJs.
Yui Asaka's real name is Aki Kawasaki.
She's so cute.
Great real estate agency!
ちょっと、いや、かなり長いけど...下記のジョークを読んで下さい.Three friends named Tom, Bob, and Ron went on a cruise together. When they were sleeping the ship hit an iceberg. Everyone died...Except for these three friends. They drifted to a deserted island. They were stranded on the island for about a year, when Rob, out of boredom, was digging in the sand. He discovered an old lantern. When he rubbed it, a genie appeared.He called his two friends over, and the genie spoke. "I will grant each of you one wish." Tom wished he were back in New York with his girlfriend having a party. WHOOSH! He was gone! The genie sent him back to New York. Then, Bob made his wish. He wished he were back in Canada with his hockey team having a party. WHOOSH! He was gone. That left only Ron. The genie asked Ron "So, Ron what is your wish?". Ron replied, "Is anything OK?!?!" To which the genie kindly answered, "Anything." Ron continued to think, and think, and think...Finally after six months, the genie grew tired of waiting and told Ron to hurry up. Ron said, "OK. You know, I feel lonely here alone without Tom and Bob. Six months has been a long time. I miss my friends. My wish? I wish Bob and Tom were back here!". WHOOSH!
単語パワー欲しいか?Me too!どうしたらいいんだろう?伸ばせば...例:Fish = 魚はい、はい、はいどーもそれから?"Y"をつけてFISHY = 怪しい (マット先生みたいな人のこと)There is something FISHY about that guy! あいつはなんか怪しい!辞書を引いて、自分の知っている単語を探せ!そして、伸ばす...FISH→FISHING→FISHERY→FISHLIKE→FISHLESS→LIKE A FISH OUT OF WATER→FISH TO FRY→NEITHER FISH NOR FOWL貴方の先生にも聞いて、Are there any expressions or slang that use "fish"?嫌らしい意味もあるけ、ここでSee you!します。
今日のことを言って、英語習おう 闘魂英会話・英語門 代表 マット先生 黒帯3段挨拶+最近の情報尋ね・オールインワン!What’s new? Not much.What’s new? Nothing much.伸ばした返事を言え!What’s new? Not much, but I have bad news. I made a bad trade. The news said during Golden Week the dollar will go down and the Yen will go up.私たちの家具が届いたOur furniture got delivered.良のプレゼントやっと届いたRyo’s present finally got delivered.問題!: 日本語に役して!I heard Mayor Ito got killed. 油値上がりすると聞いたI hear the cost of oil is going up.I hear the cost of oil is going to go up.I heard we’re going to watch a movie tomorrow.Where’d you hear that?Shinbara.
TOPIC: 聞いたことを伝えよう(続き)・会話の流れAさん: Did you hear about Shiro?Bさん: No. / Hear what? / Shiro? No…Aさん: He woke up in prison this morning.Bさん: Again!?FX初心者: So, I hear the Swiss Franc is going to get really strong.最強トレーダー: Who told you that?FX初心者: I read it on FX Sagishi Dot Com.最強トレーダー: Oh, that page. Don’t believe them. They’re always wrong.Police Officer: We received a report that you were peeping.Masashi T.: Where did you hear that?Police Officer: Your neighbors complained you were videotaping them.Masashi T: Which neighbor!?Police Officer: Come with me to the squad car.
TOPIC: 聞いたことを伝えよう・うわさ・ニュースTelling what you heard・Rumors・NewsStep 1: Show it is secondhand information例: I heard… (…を聞きました。)Step 2: Change the tense back one例: 現在形→過去形 There are worms. → There were worms.現在進行形→過去進行形 You are getting married. → You were getting married.PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせよう Aさん: Guess what! There are worms in Mos Burger’s hamburgers!Bさん: Really!? Yuck!その後に、Bさんは噂を広げるBさん: Hey everybody. You won’t believe this! I heard there were worms in Mos Burger’s hamburgers.皆さん: Gross!PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせよう (続き) Aさん: Remember Guns’N’Roses? I heard Axl Rose got really fat!Bさん: Yep. He’s a real porker now.PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせよう (最後) Aさん: I heard you were getting married. Congratulations!Bさん: Thanks. You’re invited to the wedding.Aさん: I also heard you’re having the wedding at St. Paul’s.Bさん: Yeah, the Queen chose St. Paul’s Cathedral.おめでとう!こと get + pregnant, engaged, married, re-married, graduatedありゃりゃ!こと get + separated, divorced例: I heard you graduated. Congratulations!例: I heard you got divorced. I’m sorry.
映画などの「感動」を英語で伝えよう泣いた場合:The movie made me cry.I cried when ET was about to die.The scene where Rocky calls "Adrian" made me cry.続けて、感動した場合:なんか知らないけど、日本で英語を習っている人は"MOVED"を使いすぎ!まあ、NOVAのせいにしょう。新聞・雑誌などは映画を紹介する時のことば:Rocky Balboa (ロッキー・ザ・ファイナル) is a heart-warming film.ET is a touching movie about...M:I-3 is an exciting, yet moving film starring Tom Cruise.自分が感動したのを言いたいなら:映画自体は凄いけど泣いたりしなかったし、心に感じてない場合:M:I-2 really impressed me. I mean, the action scenese in Mission Impossible 2 were so cool. John Woo is the man!That movie Paycheck really made me think. 泣いて、自分の家族のこと考えてしまっての感動:Armageddon really hit me in the heart. The way Bruce Willis sacrificed himself for his daughter's happiness and to save the world...Wow...または、上記のセンテンスを言って、"hit me right here"を言いながら、鉄拳で心を3回位叩いて。このジェスチャしながら話すのはいいんだよ!I couldn't helped being moved when I saw Ghost."moved"を使うなら; Ghost moved me.を言わないでくれ! ほかの人は大丈夫かもしれないが、僕は「お前、もっと言えないか!?」考えてしまう。難しいことをシンプル過ぎる言い方で話すと変な気がします。
TOPIC: 買い物アドバイス(受け方、あげ方)Getting & Giving Shopping AdviceStep 1: Explain your situation例: a) I want to buy a new game system. b) I want to buy furniture. c) I want to buy slippers.Step 2: Ask for advice例: a) What’s a good game system? b) Where should I buy it? c) Where should I buy them?PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせようAさん: I want to buy a game system. What’s good?Bさん: My kids like Wii.Aさん: Where should I buy it?Bさん: You should go to Kojima.Aさん: Is it cheap?Bさん: Cheap and they give good service.Aさん: OK. Thanks!Bさん: No problem.PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせよう (続き) Aさん: I want to get furniture, but it’s very expensive.Bさん: You should buy damaged furniture, or go to a second hand store.Aさん: How do you say “second hand store” in Japanese?Bさん: 「中古屋さん」 or 「リサイクルショップ」.Aさん: Cool. Thanks.Bさん: Do you want to go to a second hand store now? I’ll take you to Seikatsu Souko if you do..Aさん: Sure. Can I bring my girlfriend?Bさん: Absolutely.NOTE: ロッキーはよく「Absolutely」を言う。「是非」&「もちろん」&「絶対に」の意味です。辞書では「完全に」PUT IT TOGETHER・合わせよう (最後)Aさん: I have to buy tickets to the Madonna concert, but it’s sold out. Any ideas?Bさん: You should try a scalper at the arena.Cさん: eBay is safer. Do you have the Internet?Aさん: Yeah, I use eBay already. Thanks guys. I’ll try eBay first. If I can’t get tickets on eBay, I’ll get them from a scalper. NOTE: SCALPER=ダフ屋
闘魂英会話・英語門今日は歓送迎。でも、英語でPARTY言ったら僕はよう働く人に見えんくなる。PARTYのかわりに何が言えるでしょう?だってさー、I HAVE A COMPANY PARTY TONIGHT を言ったらワイワイ楽しい飲み会に行くみたいじゃん。確かにそうですけど!けど!これ! FUNCTION!例: マット先生、今日レッスン出来る?SORRY! I HAVE A COMPANY FUNCTION TONIGHT.FUNCTIONのイメージはそんなに楽しくないからいいんだ!皆、どんなFUNCTIONが好きですか?あれか? 10 BOYS & 10 GIRLSのFUNCTION!?合コンし過ぎないように!じゃあの! Need real estate?
おかげさまで、2万アクセス!さて、感謝のメッセージ in スラング:Thanks a bunch. (米)Thanks heaps. (NZ)Ta. (OZ)20004 2007-04-19 11:41:58 122.1.*.* 20003 2007-04-19 11:40:51 *.xbs.co.jp 20002 2007-04-19 11:40:27 *.ucom.ne.jp 20001 2007-04-19 11:40:15 203.141.*.* 20000 2007-04-19 11:39:24 *.ucom.ne.jp 19999 2007-04-19 11:39:21 202.131.*.* 19998 2007-04-19 11:38:06 *.ucom.ne.jp また学び&遊びにおいで!
TOPIC: Talking about music ミュージックを話そう人・バンド LOOKS・見た目 & サウンド・SOUNDHe looks like his father but he isn’t as tall.Chemistry sounds like Toshinobu Kubota, but (they’re) not as good.They play folk music.Kazumasa Oda plays soft rock and pop music.MUSIC TALKWho sings (-------)?Who sings Volare? The Gypsy Kings (do).今ラジオで終わった曲Who sang that song? Stevie Wonder (did).Who sings Tokyo Love Story’s theme song?Kazumasa Oda.What do (複数形) sing? What does (単数形)sing?What do The Gypsy Kings sing?They sing Volare. またはVolareだけ。What does Aerosmith sing?They sing “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”.What songs do The Beach Boys sing?They sing Surfin’ USA, Good Vibrations, and Get Around.What did Aerosmith sing in the movie Armageddon? They sang “I Don’t Want to Miss a Thing”.Need real estate?
MAYを使って注文・PizzaPizza注文 (注意:日本語の発音でピザ言うな!こら!)Step 1. May I have a pizza, please?Step 2 サイズ May I have a large pizza, please?Step 3 トッピング May I have a large pepperoni pizza, please? May I have a large pizza with pepperoni, please? May I please have a large pizza with sausage, green pepper, and onions?Step 4 ハーフ May I have a large pizza, please…Half with green peppers and onions, and the (other) half with black olives, mushroom, and anchovies.(続き) MAYを使って注文・Submarine Sandwich=SUB 基本・BASICMay I have a 12 inch sub ham sub on wheat bread, please?よくばりMay I have a 12 inch ham sub on wheat bread, with extra ham, please?ダイエットMay I have a 6 inch ham sub on wheat bread with light mayonnaise, please?なんでも好きMay I have a 6 inch turkey and ham sub on rye bread with everything, please?オリーブ嫌いけどレタス・トマト・オニオンが好きMay I have a 12 inch ham sub with no olives and with lettuce, tomatoes, and onions, please?全部好き、でもピクルスだけは大嫌いMay I have a 12 roast beef sub with everything except pickles, please?
子供英語 汚いことば でも、可愛い チビ英語 赤ちゃん 英会話 闘魂英会話・英語門 マット先生うんこ poopooしっこ peepeeちんちん weeweeしり hineyうんこ doodooうんこ cacaおっぱい boobiesどうだ!? ハリウッド映画で聞く汚いことばより可愛いでしょう。今日貴方の英語の先生に言ってみい。でも、"May I touch your boobies?"は禁止バイ!変な風に使わないでくれ!それは俺限定やけ。じゃあの
英語で日本のこと紹介できますか? Can you? 実は出来る! 結構簡単な英語でできますよ。 下記の例を読んで練習して下さい。下敷(したじき) (英語に無いことば!!!)It’s a small thin sheet. You use it when you write. (書くときに使う) It has different designs. It is shaped like this. (ジェスチャしながら言う…こういう形だよ)Junior High School students use it.It’s made of plastic. / It’s plastic.ヤマンバ (日本におったバカ女)They are girls.They have very heavy make-up. / They wear really heavy-make up. / They are heavily made up.They have white and blue in their hair.Their hair is wild. / They have wild hair.Their skin is dark brown. / They have dark brown skin.お守り (an amulet, a good-luck charm)They are sold at temples or shrines. (受身形)You can buy these at shrines or temples. (Shrine=神社 Temple=寺)It’s small and its good luck. You can buy special ones for driving, taking tests, health…just about anything.的屋 (注意: 辞書で引くと意味違いことばが出る)These are at festivals. They are shops. (standsでもいい) They sell Takoyaki, fried noodles, and toys.まとめて言うと: These are stands at festivals that sell things like takoyaki, fried noodles, and toys.麻雀 (マージャン・Mah Jongg)This is a four player game. You play it indoors. It is a kind of gambling. Four people sit at a table and try to make a high paying hand. It uses tiles and dice.運動会 (School Sports Festival)This is in junior high school. It is a day when the students play a lot of different sporting events and games. For example, one team throws white balls into a basket and the other team throws red balls into a basket. The team with the most balls in the basket wins.鯉幟 (こいのぼり・Carp Flags)They swim in the sky. These are colorful flags that families fly on May 5th, which is Children’s Day in Japan. They are printed and shaped to look like carp.問題!これらは何の説明だ?1. You use this when you want to put on your shoes easily.2. This is a kind of soda that still comes in a glass bottle with a ball instead of a bottle cap.3. These are traditional Japanese wooden shoes.4. This fried noodle dish originated in Kokura, Japan.
普段は、日本の学校にも、英会話スクールにも、疑問は最後に教える。なんでだろー?でも、この記事は学校&スクールの文句言うつもりなかった。皆に簡単な質問の言い方を教えたいのだ。The man is fat.男性はデブだ。プラスたった一つのことばで上記のセンテンスは疑問になる。"huh?"そう!「huh?」最後に付けると疑問The man is fat, huh?カナダ人がよく使う技は?えーと..."eh?"例: Good movie, eh?まあ、これで何でも質問は作れるのですがちゃんとした質問の作り方も覚えて頂戴ね。では、See you!-Sopping Wet Mattでした(土砂降りにやられた)
Hello! 楽天で結構いい翻訳ソフトと電気辞書ありました!毎度! There are some good electric dictionaries and translation software in Rakuten.
本日の英会話チャレンジ by 闘魂英会話・英語門 マット先生英語で書かれた質問の内容をネットで調べて、英語で返事を書き込んで下さい1) Who is older, Mickey Mouse or Batman?2) What is the third smallest country in the world?3) Who really discovered America? (Hint: It wasn't Christopher Columbus)4) How many calories are there in a Burger King WHOPPER?5) Who sang the #1 song Surf City?出来ましたでしょうか?コメントで返事を書いてみてくださいね。Don't be shy!
ことわざ? A proverb?Maybe just a popular saying...THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN MEN AND BOYS IS THE PRICE OF THEIR TOYS.わかりましたか?男の子供と男の大人の違いは? おもちゃの値段さ。つまり、男の子供は「大人」にならない。大きくなっても「おもちゃ」が大好き。子供の時のファミコンは30万ゴルフクラブに...Boys are always boys. Instead of radio control cars, they buy Porsches.
友達の職場除いてみた。大変急がしそう!It was crazy over there! People running around here and there. But, there was no organization. メチャクチャやった。皆は自分が何をしているのは知らなかったみたい。英語で言うと、このIDIOMだ!She was running around like a chicken with its head cut off.鶏を殺したことないと思いますので説明させて頂きます。鶏の首を切ると頭が落ちる。頭の無い鶏体を放すと、あの頭の無いチキンは走るよ!すごい!でも、頭が無いから走り方はメチャクチャ。恐ろしい。だから、忙しくて何をやっているのが分らない状況は: run around like a chicken with its head cut offと言うんだよ。
Hello! マットです。 お久しぶり。 Long time no see.今日は:闘魂英会話なのにPASSIVE VOICE受動態 英語ニュース理解するには受動態I checked some did some global economic research over the weekend.やっぱ、ニュースを英語読みたいなら、PASSIVE VOICEの理解が必要!普通: Thomas Jefferson Davis Jr. killed Floyd Boyd Merrilloyd.PASSIVE: Floyd Boyd Merrillyod was killed.または: Floyd Boyd Merrillyod was killed by Thomas Jefferson Davis Jr.誰が殺人のはわからないなら、PASSIVE VOICE!自分は責任とりたくない時・・・PASSIVE VOICE!例: The Xerox machine was broken. は I broke the Xerox machine よりいいでしょう!なー、「俺コピー機壊したばい!」言ったらボーナスが無いかも!ハイ!経済ニュースの見出し:外為: The carry trade has made a strong comeback. (PASSIVE!)油: New that Iran would release 15 British soldiers detained was received with ease by crude oil markets.
僕のファイナンシャルアドバイザーは面白い人。頭はいい。でも、面白い。彼が教えたくれたのはビッグマックインデックス。そう。マクドナルド(関西ではマクド・福岡ではマック)名物The Big Mac(ビッグマック)の値段を比べるインデックス。この記事はFX好き上級者向けですが、下記の赤い文字を頑張って読めば、意味は大体わかると思います。頑張って読んでね。The Big Mac index is an informal way of measuring whether one currency is at the theoretically correct exchange rate with another currency. The measure assumes that the theory of purchasing power parity (PPP) holds.The central idea tenet of PPP is that the exchange rates between two currencies should naturally adjust so that the cost of a sample basket of goods should cost the same in one currency. In the Big Mac index, the "basket" in question is considered to be a single Big Mac as sold by the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain. The Big Mac was chosen because it is available to a common specification in many countries around the world, with local McDonald's franchisees having significant responsibility for negotiating input prices. For these reasons, the index allows for meaningful comparison between many countries' currencies.The Big Mac PPP exchange rate between two countries is obtained by dividing the cost of a Big Mac in one country (in its currency) by the cost of a Big Mac in another country (in its currency). This value is then compared with the actual exchange rate; if it is lower, then the first currency is under-valued (according to PPP theory) compared with the second, and conversely, if it is higher, then the first currency is over-valued.For example, suppose a Big Mac costs $2.00 in the United Kingdom and $2.50 in the United States; thus, the PPP rate is 2.00/2.50 = 0.8. If, in fact, the dollar buys £0.55, then the pound is over-valued with the respect to the dollar.The Big Mac index was introduced by The Economist newspaper in September 1986 and has been published by that paper more or less annually since then. The index also gave rise to the word Burgernomics.In January 2004, The Economist introduced a sister Tall Latte index. The idea is the same, except that the Big Mac is replaced by a cup of Starbucks coffee, acknowledging the global spread of that chain in recent years. In a similar vein, in 1997, the newspaper drew up a "Coca-Cola map" that showed a strong positive correlation between the amount of Coke consumed per capita in a country and that country's wealth.The burger methodology has limitations in its estimates of the PPP. For example, local taxes, rates, levels of competition, and import duties for burgers may not be representative of the country's economy as a whole. Nevertheless, the Big Mac index has become widely cited by economists.勉強になった?勉強になったら、今度僕チンにBIG MACをおごって下さい。では、失礼します!See you!
毎度! Do you like pizza? ピザ好きか? I LOVE PIZZA!アメリカの大学生は必ず周二回食べているよ。間違えなく!さて、英語でピザの注文を練習しょう。ピザだけじゃなく、レストランとかで使えそうなことばだよ。よっしゃ!May Iからスタートしょう。May Iの後に動詞入れると→動詞してもいいですか?May I smoke? → 吸ってもいいですか?ハイ!次!May I have a large pizza, please. → Lサイズピザ下さい。(please使うと丁寧)ハイ!次はトッピング!May I have a large pizza with onions, mushrooms, extra cheese, and sausage, please? → 玉ねぎ、マッシュルーム、チーズ大盛り、ソーセージのLサイズピザ下さい。 (数えられるものに"s"つけてね、数えられないものは"s"無し.) "WITH"の後に付けて貰いたいトッピング言えばいいんだよ。(上記の注文をチェック!)例: May I have a salad with Thousand Island Dressing, please?じゃーーーーー、苦手なトッピングあったらどうするん?僕のよくある問題。日本のミックスピザは好きだけど、僕はマッシュルームを見たくないときもある。抜き!これ! → May I have a large mix pizza with no mushrooms, please?そう! "with"のあとに"no"付けると、「抜き」.That was easy! 英語は思ったより簡単やろう。お願い!この記事は勉強になったら、下記のピザを100枚位買って下さいよ!頼む!Please!
英語で長いセンテンス言い切らない貴方へ! 実は... 出来ますよ! 闘魂英会話・英語門 マット先生がOK牧場から説明させて頂きますHello! Let's go!簡単な短いセンテンスから行こう:(What did you do yesterday?・昨日何したの?)って聞かれたら:I went to Jusco. ジャスコ行った.はい、後一歩進みましょう!I went to Jusco with my girlfriend. 彼女とヨッシャ!もう一丁!I went to Jusco with my girlfriend to buy a birthday present. 誕生日プレゼントを買うために誰の誕生日プレゼントも教えなくちゃ!I went to Jusco with my girlfriend to buy a birthday present for her mother. 彼女のお母さんに
プロレス、野球、K-1、総合格闘技...全部大好きで観戦するなら、このことばは役に立つでしょう...Kick his ass! 矢つけて! みたいな 行け! みたいな意味C'mon! (Come onの略) イントネーション変われば意味も変わる たとえば:レフェリー間違ったら...怒った声で言ってたとえば:応援しているシームのバッターはSayonara Home Runのチャンスがあるなら...モチベーショナルな声で言って観戦楽しんでね!
こんな方にオススメ! 学習メニュー! ここがポイント! 電話で英語をよく話す 電話特有の表現を知りたい電話での会話に慣れてい ないので実践練習したい 取次ぎ編不在編約束編トラブル編など計85トピックス ネイティブ教師担当電話レッスンは月~金曜日 20:30~23:15(1レッスン30 分の自由予約制) 通話料は無料、振替もOK英語の電話応対初・中級ダブルコース 商品番号 LE004 価格 37,800円 (税込) 送料込 商品(電話応対英会話レッスン)・テキスト1冊・CD1枚・テレフォンレッスン30分×20回(初級10回+中級10回)
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Do you know EQ?Emotional Intelligence, also called EI and often measured as an Emotional Intelligence Quotient or EQ, describes an ability, capacity, or skill to perceive, assess, and manage the emotions of one's self, of others, and of groups.わかりましたか?簡単で言うとエモーションのIQみたいなもんですね。Have a great weekend everybody!
最短でビジネス英語の基礎や必要最低限な言い回しをしっかり身に付けることができるビジネス英会話教材です。ビジネスで頻出する英会話を208パターンに集約!九九のように覚えるシンプルな学習法は好評で、今まで約4万人がbe208で学習して効果を上げています。日向先生の分かりやすい講義や解説などたっぷり12時間をDVDに収録!必ず習得するよう「Memory Builder」という暗記ソフトも一体になりました。講義を見て聞いて、チェックできるDVDパッケージです。これを覚えてしまえば英会話の基本ができあがるのでビジネスに限らず日常会話も楽に話せるようになります。 be208は慶應義塾大学で過去10年間「即戦力としてのビジネス英語」を教えてきた日向清人先生の経験を凝縮して開発されました。ビジネス英語に必要最低限の言い回しを、6つのテーマに絞り、実際に使うものだけを208の表現パターンに集約。日向先生の講義を受けながら学習することができます。・講義映像とテキストで学習できる。 ・パターン(言い回し)で覚えられる。・実際につかえる英語を学習できる。・自分に必要なコンテンツから学習できる。・最短でビジネス英語の基礎を身に付けられる。 講義内容は丸暗記すれば即実践できる208のパターンを収録。 208パターンの英語の講義が12時間分収録されている!講義を何度も繰り返し見ながら覚えられるDVDです...詳しいことはこちら:
Hello! Today is someone very special's birthday. HAPPY BIRTHDAY!...ということで...I want to everyone to listen to these two great birthday songs.BIRTHDAY by The Beatles (It's on their White Album CD)andHAPPY BIRTHDAY by Stevie Wonder (It's on his Hotter Than July CD)この曲、二つともだよ、は凄いんよ!These are BOTH really great songs!買いなさい!楽しんで聴きなさい!勉強しなさい!そして、大切の人の誕生日にかけなさい!Buy them! Enjoy listening to them! Study them! And, play them at someone special's birthday!
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